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Cost of Campus
58 out of 404 free text comments (14%)


“Lowerpricesatstudentunionshop. Whyshoptherewhenthere’ssomething cheaperfiveminutesaway?”
A number of students made reference to higher financial costs they experience on campus when asked what BU and SUBU could do to support them. Many students commented that higher prices of food and drinks were a major factor which limited attendance on campus. A number of students also requested more free incentives for students who came onto campus, such as hot drinks and breakfast.
“Lowerpricesforfood/drinkoncampusora potentialbuspassforthosewhoneed/havea bursary.”
“Lowerprices” “Offerfreefood”
“Organisefreebreakfasttoencourage studentstocomeinthemorning”
43 out of 404 free text comments (11%)

“SUBUwouldhavetotakeinitiativeto lowertheUnibusfareforBUstudents”
A number of students stated they felt transportation was a barrier to attending campus. The majority of these students stated that the cost of transport was a major barrier in particular. Some of these students requested the university offer subsidised or free public transport.
“Makeabetterpriceagreementwith buscompanies.Andamoreregular busservicewiththeU3.”
“Sortoutparkingforstudentsthatlive over10milesaway.Ihavetodriveover anhourtogettounialreadyandthe park15minsawayatLansdowne.There’s oftennoparkingaroundsoIhaveto parkfurtheranditmakesattendance impossiblesometimesasI’mdriving aroundlookingforparking.”

Over 40% of students stated they would like to be contacted regarding attendance concerns via their student email. This was considerably higher than the next three highest preferences (personal email, Brightspace notification and text message) which were all chosen by less than 20% of students.

A number of Talbot based Student Services are planning to move to a new hub in Poole House from the 2023/24 academic year.
The project is aiming to enhance students’ campus experience by offering them a single point of entry to Student Services (except SportBU and Lettings BU which will remain in their current locations).

The services moving will include AskBU, Financial Support, Immigration, Additional Learning Support, Achieve and Accommodation. Careers and employability support will also be delivered from that location instead of the current careers centre by the Library.
The aim of Theme 3 was to ask students how this move would impact them and what they would expect from the new Student Services hub.
How easy or difficult do you currently find it to access the following Student Services?
More students said it was easy to access each of BU’s Student Services than said it was difficult.
A majority of students said AskBU was easy to access.

A majority of students said they have not used Disability and Additional Learning Support, Financial Support and Immigration and Visas. Just under half of students have not used Achieve@BU.

of surveyed students of first year students found AskBU difficult to access of students over 30 of surveyed students of international students of international students of surveyed students of final year students found Careers and Employability difficult to access of Lansdowne students found Accommodation Bookings and Enquiries difficult to access of international students of surveyed students of first year students found Achieve@BU difficult to access

How do you expect the move to impact your experience and access to Student Services?

My experience and access will significantly improve
My experience and access will somewhat improve
There will be no change to my experience or access

My experience and access will be negatively affected
A majority of students said that the move of BU’s Student Services would at least somewhat improve their experience and access.
In contrast, 3% said it would affect them negatively.
What additional support would you like to access in the new hub? (Rank your top 3).
A majority of students requested that Placement Support be provided in the new Student Services hub.

The second and third most requested additional support services for the hub were Clubs and Societies and Campus Sports and Fitness
What look and feel do you prefer for the new hub? (Some examples follow but we encourage your creative ideas).

A formal and well-lit reception/ registration area and staff in formal office clothing

A more relaxed entry, muted lighting and staff in smart casual clothing
The majority of students said they would prefer the new Student Services hub to have a more relaxed and casual look and feel rather than formal.

What service/ area name would you be looking for if you are seeking support?

298 students responded to this question.
Below are some examples of names some students would be looking for when seeking support!
“Ask BU”