Student Trustee Information Pack
Student Trustee Information Pack 2016 1
Student Trustee Information Pack
What will I get out of it? Essentially the most important part is that you will get to be a part of a respected and successful organisation, making a difference to students at BU. In terms of more specific skills that will add to your experience you will:
The 2015/16 Welcome Crew.
- Gain valuable experience in governing a multimillion pound charity in a rapidly changing environment. - Have the opportunity to learn how people and organisations really work. - Be involved in influencing and implementing positive change. - Be part of a positive and enjoyable organisation. - Learn new skills that you can take into any graduate career.
The Opportunity The Students’ Union at Bournemouth University (SUBU) registered as a charity in 2011. As a result SUBU has a Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees consists of: - Two elected students drawn from the SUBU Executive Committee. One of these will be a Full-Time Officer and one PartTime Officer. Volunteering at a local youth centre with SUBU Volunteering.
elected) student trustees. We are now looking for some new Student Trustees to replace our current ones, who will be finishing their BU student journey at the end of this academic year. This is where you come in.
How will the trustee be selected? The Appointments Committee will review all of the valid applications submitted on time and will shortlist candidates to attend an interview on Monday 23rd or Tuesday 24th May. After all the short listed candidates have been interviewed, the Appointments Committee will make their recommendations to the Exec Committee who shall then make the final decision on appointments . The Appointments Committee will then notify all candidates of the outcome. Please note: Due to charity commission guidelines at least 50% of the Trustee Board must be unpaid beneficiaries. As a consequence, only up to two student trustees who are currently employed (or likely employed during the term of office) by SUBU may be considered for this role.
- Four external trustees, selected for their personal qualities and experience that will complement and add value to SUBU. - One SUBU staff member elected from the staff. - Up to six selected (i.e. not 2
Student Trustee Information Pack
A bit about subu...
Nerve Magazine, showcasing the best of student media and giving a voice to anyone who wants to have a go.
SUBU is here to represent the views of all BU students and make sure that their time at BU is the best it can possibly be. From running over 100 clubs and societies, to giving you the chance to edit your own magazine, to taking on the challenge of a life time with Rag, everything we offer is designed to maximise your student journey at BU in terms of employability, skills, and just pure fun! We also run a free, confidential advice service in the form of SUBU Advice for when you need help. SUBU is very proud of the positive and trusting culture that it has and strongly believes that the way we do things is as important as what we do.
About the role The Student Trustees will all be current students of BU and will have to be for the duration of their role.
One World Day, celebrating the cultural diversity at BU.
Student Trustees will join SUBU through a process of application, interview and selection. Once selected, the successful students will be fully trained in all aspects of the role. The ongoing commitment will mean attending around 4 Trustee Board meetings throughout the year. Each meeting will last 3-4 hours and will require some reading and preparation. As a Trustee you will be involved in the ‘ big issues’ affecting the future direction of SUBU, but not the day to day operational management.
Some of the things you will be involved in are: - Ensuring that the SUBU vision, values and objectives are appropriate. - Approving the organisation strategy for the future. - Approving systems for financial management that ensure that SUBU complies with the requirements of the Charities Act. - Ensuring that the long term financial stability of SUBU is secure. - Ensuring that resources have been appropriately allocated to staff. - Receiving and considering responses to regular feedback from student consultation. - Review the work of the SUBU Executive and act upon recommendations that arise from the Student Representative system - Ensuring that Trustees stay within charity law, and taking action in the unlikely event that they don’t. - Ensuring that all recommended policy meets the objectives of SUBU as in line with its strategy and financial capabilities. Some of these may sound a little daunting at first, but you will be given full training and will be guided through any difficult issues as they arise. We want to make sure it is a positive experience for you.
Student Trustee Information Pack
a little about you
What to do now
The position will be selected, not elected. Selection will be by an application and then interview where we will be looking to find out what you feel you can bring to SUBU.
Please fill in the application form on the website at:
We will be looking for things like: - Understanding and sharin our current values, vision, and objectives. - Being open minded and comfortable in considering new ideas and considering change. Student Reps Training. Student Reps are the voice for all academic student matters.
- Like working with people and as part of a team. - Can demonstrate an ability to make good and fair judgments. - Will be a student at BU for the duration of the term of office – two years. studenttrustee2016-17 Deadline: 12pm on Thursday 19th May 2016. If you would like any more information, please contact: Chloe Schendel-Wilson SUBU President and Chair of the Trustee Board 01202 965773 Emma Bonell PA to Alan James, General Manager 01202 965767
- Have a desire to make a difference. - Is going to be to a registered student in 2016/17.
Meyrick Park Conservation project runs every Wednesday afternoon with SUBU Volunteering.
SUBU also has a desire and a responsibility to get a broad cross section of backgrounds and interests on the Board of Trustees. As such we particularly welcome applications from students who identify with under-represented elements of our membership.