By Shari Medini
he kids are in bed, you sit down on the couch, and you are surrounded by piles of toys.You are too tired to do anything about it, but you can’t fully relax because you feel a little guilty for not cleaning up.
You sit down at your desk, ready to work, but
However, this is simply not true. Getting or-
you keep getting distracted by stray notes left
ganized has been shown to lead to a sense of
on your desk. Your computer desktop isn’t
control and calm. And we can be much more
any better, and you can’t find the files that you
productivity and clear-headed when the envi-
need when you need them.
ronment around us is more organized.
You are on a tight schedule, but you can’t ever
Organize Your Things
seem to get anywhere on time. You feel like
It can be very difficult to keep your home or-
you should be better at this.You wonder how
ganized if you simply have too much stuff scat-
other people manage to get places on time.
tered about. Decluttering and sorting through things initially will help you keep up with day
In each of those situations you are not being
to day organization. If there are things that you
as efficient or as relaxed as you could be. Dis-
don’t want to get rid of, you can simply put
organization goes hand-in-hand with stress,
them away in storage for now.Try to really limit
Topic: Master of Bonsai presents and designs a tree
but often we do not see how closely these
how much you keep in your living space, and
two things are related. If we are used to liv-
you will start to see the positive effects quickly.
Location: Home Run Inn, Darien IL
ing in a world of clutter and disorganization,
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6 seasons
we think that we have adapted to it. We think
If you pack away the special cookware and
that we function just fine in the midst of it all,
servingware, you will have more room to
and we think that it would take more time
store the kitchen items that you use daily.
and effort to get organized than to function
You can free up counter space and easily
in disarray.
put things out of sight if your cabinets are
suburban family |
March/April 2020