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the spiritual journey of

The Spiritual Journey of Entrepreneurship

“Ultimately the journey is about becoming who you always were.”


By Laura DiFranco

If you’re a business owner, you’re on a

spiritual growth journey. How do I know? Because there’s nothing like running your own business to give you the opportunity to face just about every possible struggle, obstacle, stress, resistance, or serious problem there is.

And with big-ass problems come bigass opportunities, as long as your badass entrepreneurial self is awake enough to practice the ninja-level of mindset mastery it takes to actually learn something, rather than stress the fuck out and run in the other direction.

“Hey Laura, I need an article about spiritual growth for the magazine.” I read that Facebook message and thought, oh man, I’m finally rubbing off on him. He’s gone full woo now.

“Fantastic,” I replied. “You mean that whole idea that having a business is basically one big spiritual journey?” “Perfect,” he said.

Thing is, when I went to go find a definition of spiritual growth for you all, you know what happened? The number one Google spot said “There really is no definition of spiritual growth.” And the number two post was very religious, way more than I was comfortable with. And listen, my Italian grandmother made me drive her to mass every week. I’m no stranger to religion. Come to think of it, that’s probably the reason I’m “spiritual.” That, and my step-father always reminding us we’d go to Hell if we didn’t go to church.

Listen, the main reason I love spiritual growth is because it stems from one very important and basic idea that there is no right or wrong; that God and The Universe is love, and there are a lot of ways to be, express, and live with and in love. All very worthy, by the way. And no way is the “right” way. “Would you rather be right, or would you rather be happy?” Dr. Phil Phil, dude, my man, I’ll take happy. Spiritual growth is a forward movement toward having faith in a bigger energy than you, and trusting it to drive your bus.

Spiritual growth is achieved by creating and expanding a practice of mindfulness, and mastering the mindset that goes along with that practice. It’s then shaping a discipline of thoughts, beliefs, and actions that are in service to your deepest desires for your life and the people you love.

How do you guys like that definition? Feel free to ping me if you’d like to moderate a Clubhouse room together on this one. “I’m really more spiritual than religious,” I said in a recent virtual coffee with a networking friend. “I think you’re going to make people feel uncomfortable if you expect them to talk religion to make a perfect introduction for you.” Do you guys wanna know something? I was nervous about having that conversation! Because while being on a spiritual growth journey I’ve realized not everyone is as open-minded about the topic as I am, kinda like Grandma, and my stepdad. I’m always worried I’ll say the wrong thing, or offend. But you know what happens if you’re afraid to talk about the important things? Nothing. No growth. No evolution. No new opening of doors or possibilities.

So, something else you’re going to have to grow on this journey of spiritual growth is balls. And for all my lady friends, just know I’m thinking of that Betty White quote about balls right now. If you haven’t seen this, you really should go right now and look it up. Seriously just type “Betty White balls” into Google. I’m groaning about all of you who have no idea who Betty White is right now. You missed a good era. One without cell phones or social media. Oh the rebels we could be back then. Betty was (and still is) a rebel. The reason you have to grow a pair is because this spiritual growth adventure is actually for warriors. People might like to knock us spiritual types as being woo woo, or fluffy, or whatever, but in reality we’ve been through the fire. We’ve been to the dark side. We’ve seen the dark night of our soul and tangoed with it. And we not just survived it, mind you, we survived and are thriving, because we made awareness a priority throughout the battle. Because we knew, from the beginning, that vulnerability is strength. And we weren’t afraid to practice that. We got good at feeling, the hard way. And that gave us ninja-level awareness skills. With awareness we get a choice. Awareness creates the opportunity for any moment of life or business to be one of growth, healing, or evolution. Got awareness? Great, now it’s time to be a ninja. Spiritual growth requires massive, daily, unrelenting amounts of awareness, with a little chocolate sauce on top. It also requires a community of people who talk that talk, walk that walk, and will help you when you forget who you are. Kind of like these Success Champions! Ultimately the journey is about becoming who you always were. It’s about peeling the layers and wounds back, one by one, and discovering the biggest, juiciest, happiest, sexiest version of yourself, and then sharing that full-on bodacious badassery with the people around you. And fuck ‘em if they don’t like it (you). Seriously, the further you are along the path, the more you realize you’re not here for everyone. You’re here for the ones that love you just the way you are. The moment you realize you can’t

“So, something else you’re going to have to grow on this journey of spiritual growth is balls.”

“People might like to knock us spiritual types as being woo woo, or fluffy, or whatever, but in reality we’ve been through the fire. “

take anything personally, and you begin to do you, whatever that means, while remaining open, aware, and ready to learn, you will have your golden ticket.

Be a badass. Clear your mind of the bullshit. Stay grounded and in your body. That’s where the language of your spirit and intuition expresses itself to you. Learn the messages. Follow the breadcrumbs. Get back on course when you get knocked off. Find people who’ll play in that sandbox with you. You’ll never regret diving deep, becoming the most outstanding and successful version of yourself, and then changing the world with that magic.

Laura Di Franco, MPT won’t let you settle for a mediocre life. Your health, wealth and happiness is one Brave Healing book, poem, workshop, strategy session or moment away. With almost three decades of expertise in holistic physical therapy, six published books and a third-degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do, Laura’s energy and method are contagious and unlike anything you’ve experienced. Check out her newest book, Brave Healing, a Guide for Your Journey, her podcast, her badass programs and free Facebook group for healers. http://YourHighVibeBiz.com or www.BraveHealer.com


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