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Sassy Social media How to Gain Monthly Viewers on Pinterest

“More eyes on your content means more traffic to the places you want to have seen whether it is your blog, your You Tube channel, your podcast, and so much more.”


By Sarah Ankney

While Pinterest is a form of social

media, it is also a search engine. As a search engine monthly views are more important that followers. Monthly views tell you how many people have gotten eyes on your content and that is what you want. More eyes on your content means more traffic to the places you want to have seen whether it is your blog, your You Tube channel, your podcast, and so much more. There are ways have them visit your Pinterest to increase your monthly viewers so your pins can go viral and you can have more traffic to all your other platforms.

Pinterest is content driven. That means that you need to have content that is relevant to your audience. This content such as your blog needs to appeal to your ICA (Ideal Client Avatar). Your ICA is searching for information that you can provide them. Write content that your ICA will search for. Consistency is key for this platform just like other social media platforms. Write or create content on a consistent basis that you can share to Pinterest.

Not only is Pinterest content driven but it is a visual platform so the photos you share must be appealing to your audience. It would be useful to use the same photos from where you are driving traffic to. This is where you should have photos that are pinnable from your website and other platforms from which you are driving traffic. The main focus is your blog though. Make sure to enable rich pins so that the Pinterest “P” is shown, and it can be pinned directly from your site. You can find out more about rich pins and how to enable them here: https://help.pinterest.com/en/ business/article/rich-pins. Create more than one pin per post you are sharing. Please remember this is for all platforms. Create 2-4 pins per post. This means you are less likely to spam and see what types of pins to promote. Any pins that are doing well are great to promote to get even more eyes on your content. That is the goal after all. Don’t forget you can use these pins which will be “rich pins” to promote. Your promotion budget on Pinterest can be big or small. Not sure what templates or designs to use for Pinterest? Check out Canva and use their templates to create your pins until you are comfortable creating your own.

Remember to brand your posts and pick pictures that would attract your ICA. This is key as well to get more views on your page is to use SEO or search engine optimization. Keywords need to be in your description as well as hashtags. This is what people are searching for. You can find more of the keywords for the topic of your content by entering your search term. At the top you will see colored bubbles with other terms your ICA is searching for. Don’t forget to make sure your profile and board descriptions are optimized. This also helps your information to be found on Google.

Here are some other aspects to keep in mind:

While you often don’t think of it, people are searching for things in the advance especially for holidays. This is when you need to create pins in advance so you can get eyes on your content increasing your monthly views. Create them 45 days in advance for any of the holidays. The 80/20 rule applies to Pinterest as well. You need 80% your business information and topics but also need 20% personal information so not only can the audience get to know you, but you can attract more people to your profile and

information. Great examples of personal boards are recipes, adult drinks, crafts, and so much more. The possibilities are endless with Pinterest. You can also create video pins. People love watching videos and this platform is no different when it comes to videos. You can upload videos, make video pins, and pin You Tube videos. Don’t forget to promote those video pins that are doing well.

Join Tailwind to increase your monthly views. It is scheduler so you can schedule pins and repins in advance. Trust me this is less work that trying to manually pin all day long. However, you should manually pin a few pins several days a week so that you can increase monthly viewers as well as let Pinterest know that you are not a bot. Tailwind also has tribes that you can join. In these tribes you can post your content to get more eyes on your content. Don’t forget to share other people’s content.

Also make sure you to get more eyes on your post by joining groups that have promo threads you can post your pins in. This will give you more followers as well as monthly viewers. This is a way to promote your Pinterest to people who use Pinterest.

Make sure your profile and boards are up to date. Your profile is what people look at and if it is out of date then you won’t be attracting your ICA. This is the same with pins that you have pinned that no longer fit your ICA. Sometimes you change directions in your business and your profile and pins need to address this as well.

Your profile and board covers should be branded. Create board covers so that your brand will be shown when your boards are brought up. This is also another spot where consistency is key. Create a design you love that fits in with your branding. It makes your profile look more professional and organized. Pinterest is a powerful tool for your marketing and to drive traffic to all your platforms. These tips are useful to drive traffic to your Pinterest profile as well as your website. You can increase your monthly viewers with these tips if you are consistently doing them. Keep pinning on Pinterest. Sarah Ankney of Sassy Pinterest is a Pinterest Account Manager. She wants to empower your business with a bit of magic to help you get visible. Sassy Pinterest creates graphics and descriptions as well as manages your Pinterest account so that you can do all the things you need to do and drive traffic to your business. If you need assistance in your business to get traffic to all your sites, please contact Sarah Ankney to add another powerful marketing tool.

“Pinterest is a powerful tool for your marketing and to drive traffic to all your platforms.”

A Review Of Donnie Boivin’s

sitting back and waiting, we can do our part to amplify the effect by asking Endless Stream of for referrals. Many of us are uncomfortable Referrals: 10 Ways To Bring asking for referrals because we don’t want to come off as salesy or In Referrals Daily desperate for business. But the fact of the matter is that we’ll get a lot more referrals By Michelle Thompson if we ask our clients if they know anyone who can

Tbenefit from our products or services. It’s good to he easiest way to get business is through be reminded that we can actively ask for referrals referrals. After all, people generally do without being pushy because some of our ideal business with people they know and clients will likely remain out of reach unless we trust. The thing is, getting high-quality pursue them.

referrals isn’t as easy as it may sound. It

““Endless isn’t always a comfortable process, and it’s a challenge for most of us. As you can surmise from the title, Boivin has outlined ten proven ways to boost the quantity and

Stream of quality of referrals, and one of the things that he Referrals” is filled with Well, there is a reason why you’re not getting the referrals you think you should be getting, and Success Champions talks about is how we should be asking the right questions so we can get the right golden nuggets founder Donnie “We’ve all heard about how word of referrals. Boivin of information, with Boivin Boivin talks about it straightaway at the start of “Endless mouth marketing is one of the best ways to attract new customers and gives an excellent example of how we can get very weaving in his own Stream of Referrals: 10 Ways To Bring In Referrals Daily” – drive more sales to our businesses, but instead of sitting back and specific, and guide people through who we need to experiences to You’re just not asking waiting, we can do our part to amplify be introduced show us how he implements for them. You can’t wait for good things to happen to you. You the effect by asking for referrals.” to. “When you sit across from somebody, and each of the have to go out there and make them happen. you’re having a referral conversation never go methods he “Endless Stream of Referrals” reminds us that we generic with whom you’re looking for,” Boivin uses. “ tend to make the mistake of passively waiting for referrals instead of actively asking for them. We’ve explains in the first chapter of the book. “You want to say things like, ‘I’m looking for a get all heard about how word of mouth marketing is shit done (female badass the one that walks into one of the best ways to attract new customers and the room and everybody gets her attention, not drive more sales to our businesses, but instead of because of how she looks but how she carries herself. Her presence is felt in the room before

she gets there. She’s an action taking badass that runs her own company. She used to run or has found success in the past in some executive capacity before she got tired of making money for everyone else and not living her dreams. She’s looking for ways to blow it up and increase revenue and scale her business. She’s got a circle of influence, she’s a badass that attracts other badasses. She’s driven as Hell and is changing the world with her actions.’”

Aside from walking us through each step of the process to get the referrals we’re looking for, Boivin also shared a system that can help your referral partner walk away with a list of their ideal clients. That way, both sides are happy with the quality of referrals that they are getting. There’s just so much to unpack here. Don’t know where to look for the ideal referral? “Endless Stream of Referrals” will give you an idea of where you should focus your efforts. Personally, I love the part where Boivin talked about his experience of asking for a referral after getting a “no” because it’s a rather unorthodox way to do it. Here’s an excerpt from the book:

“I had a massive deal I thought we were going to partner with the prospect on. Everything seemed like they were going to say yes. We spent a ton of energy and time working out the details. When they told me they weren’t going to move forward, I must admit, I was shocked to the bones, and they could tell. I had no poker face at all, which makes me human. Imagine being human on a sales call, you should try it. I think it took me 30 seconds or longer to grab my wits and words. What I did next was completely reactionary. I said, ‘Thanks for telling me. I have to say I am a little shocked. I thought we were going to partner up. I’m glad we got closure on this. I respect the Hell out of you for saying no right now and not drawing it out. Now that we know we’re not a good fit, who is a similar business that we should be talking to?’

He looked right back at me damn near dumbfounded. I mean, his jaw actually opened up a little bit. He looked at me and he goes, ‘You’re hired.’ I said, ‘What does that mean?’ He replied, ‘No, we’re starting your program.’ I said, ‘What the hell? What changed?’ He goes, ‘I want my sales team doing what you just did. I want my sales team to have the balls to ask that type of question after I told you we weren’t moving forward. And they don’t have that right now.’” It’s an interesting way to ask for a referral, isn’t it? Of course, Boivin did note that the success rate isn’t that high, but it doesn’t hurt to try. What do you have to lose if that person already turned down your proposal?

“Endless Stream of Referrals” is filled with golden nuggets of information, with Boivin weaving in his own experiences to show us how he implements each of the methods he uses. There’s even a section on the importance of tracking down the number of referrals you’re giving out and bringing in. And the reason why we have to do this is simple – it helps us see what’s working and what’s not. “It’s good to be reminded that we can actively ask for referrals without being pushy because some of our ideal clients will likely remain out of reach unless we pursue them.”

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