3 minute read

Take Daily Action On Social Media


Social Media, in general, is a long-term investment in your business, especially when using it organically. Success and sales do not happen overnight when you are using social media overnight. Success and sales require daily actions and consistency. This is not a one and done task that will gain you followers and sales. It is something that builds awareness, followers, and eventually sales over time.


When I first started using social media in a business, I thought if I post when I have a sale they will come. Boy was the laugh on me. It doesn’t work that way. It takes daily and consistent action. The actions are not just posting but I will get to that in a few moments. Posting irregularly doesn’t work for several reasons: dang algorithms, showing up as an expert, and your audience wants to get to know you. You often don’t buy something seeing a commercial a few times. It takes time to build in the expertise and trust factor when something is new. That is the same thing for social media.

Social media algorithms are a bitch. They decide whether you are being seen or not. Guess what - your post isn’t going to remain in the feed for very long. In order to get the most out of your actions, you take steps daily on social media in order to be seen. The more you take steps to interreact the more you will move your business forward in the direction you wish to go. Post daily at least 1 time so that you can get seen and heard effectively.

Posting daily doesn’t always have to be about business. It can be about you, your hobbies, things that you find funny, things that inspire you, things that you support, or asking engagement questions. My top tip always includes an action step for them to do. It can be read, buy, answer, or do something so that you are interacting with your audience in a meaningful way. These daily actions help you to show up as the expert that you are. It has taken 3 years and lots of fine-tuning in my business, to get where I am today. I started learning social media 3 years ago and along with a degree, I now know it well. But it still takes time learning as it changes frequently. Just like all marketing campaigns, they are designed for the long haul not just for immediate results, but they all start with action.

Another action step you can take on social media is to interact with your audience as well as those who are in your niche. This can be done in several ways, but it takes interaction again daily and consistently on your part to build your following and audience. It is also one of those things that happens, when you interact, and they interact. Your audience wants to be seen and heard, just like you do.

Here are some action steps you can take daily on social media:

• Post

• Interact

• Connect

• Create conversations

• Show your expertise

• Most importantly be you and who you are meant to be

As you know as an entrepreneur, it requires consistency in order to be successful. Success doesn’t happen overnight for most and it takes hard work and often changing course when things aren’t working. The same is true for social media. People notice it even when you don’t realize they do. I get messages from people who have never said a word on one of my posts. Lurkers are there and eventually others will follow. Take a moment and think hard about the last time you lurked. You appreciated the hard work, action and consistency that those who you have watched have put in even if you did not realize that was what was going on. Social media is a longterm investment all about action and consistency.

Sarah Ankney of Sassy Pinterest is a Pinterest Account Manager. She wants to empower your business with a bit of magic to help you get visible. Sassy Pinterest creates graphics and descriptions as well as manages your Pinterest account so that you can do all the things you need to do and drive traffic to your business. If you need assistance in your business to get traffic to all your sites, please contact Sarah Ankney to add another powerful marketing tool. linktr.ee/sassyempower

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