4 minute read

Action Strategy is for Badasses Who Change the World

“If you’re like me, you’re already an action taker. It was the kind of action I was taking that was a problem.”

Action is the difference between success and failure. The only real question is how much action are you willing to take and how far are you willing to go to win in this game of life and business?


It’s not action, it’s how much action. You already know you can’t get anywhere without action. But have you created an action strategy for yourself that helps you build momentum and actually enjoy results?

There were many years I had no strategy but action. Guess what? That worked. Because…ACTION! I didn’t wait for the courage, the confidence or the motivation to take action. I just took action without those feelings. And low and behold…I actually came away with more motivation, courage and confidence as a result. And that made me want to take more action.

But what I’d like to suggest is a more strategic way of throwing your spaghetti at the wall and hoping some of the noodles will stick. An action strategy ensures a couple ofings: consistent seed planting, and an eventual bountiful harvest.

Too bad we can’t just plant the super-sticky spaghetti seeds, right? Well, you sort of can. You can ensure results if you’re consistent with your action. Consistency is the key. Mindset is the sustainable fuel behind that. And probably some sleep. Yeah, you need that too.

If you’re like me you’re already an action taker. It was the kind of action I was taking that was a problem. When I figured out the strategy of consistent, aligned action I took my action taking game to a whole other level and things began to get super interesting. I made connections. I was invited to speak. I received podcast interview requests. I was commissioned to write a poem for a business owner.

It was like the floodgate opened. But I had always taken action. So why the floodgate now?

My theory is that when I aligned my gifts and passion with the right amount of action instead of doing all the things I learned I was supposed to do, the Universe opened up this magical portal and I started getting more opportunities that felt perfectly aligned with where I was and what I wanted to do.

And if they resulted in a dead-end, or not as perfect as I’d hoped they would always help me feel more clear on the next step to take. It didn’t matter if the action resulted in a mistake, a failure, a re-direct or whatever… because those all became stepping stones, on which I’d learn something new.

Complete five to ten actions a day that align with the biggest vision of where you want to be. This means that you’re living your dream now.

That’s a simple action strategy that most people can get behind. Problem is when you tell people this magic secret, they may get excited for a bit, but then they fizzle out.

Why? It’s hard.

It’s hard to stay consistent. It’s hard to be motivated when you feel like crap, you’re working hard, nobody is supporting you like you thought they would, or you just rather sit on the couch in your fuzzy pants and drink your Mojito.

And here’s where the warriors are separated from the others. Here’s where the people who succeed actually make something happen. They take action, get their ass out of the house, make the call, set up the lunch, and actually show up to the meeting, whether they feel like it or not.

The warriors are clear about their big, fat mission. They know what actions they need to take. And they

don’t miss a day. They reach out, make new connections, and follow up, every single day, no matter if the voice in their head tries to keep them paralyzed with fear, doubt, worry or uncertainty.

It’s action that will help you feel the courage, motivation and confidence you’re looking for. You must find a way to take those actions without feeling that way at first. Get over that hump and the momentum you’ll feel as a result will change everything.

Laura Di Franco, MPT won’t let you settle for a mediocre life. Your health, wealth and happiness is one Brave Healing book, poem, workshop, strategy session or moment away. With almost three decades of expertise in holistic physical therapy, six published books and a third-degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do, Laura’s energy and method are contagious and unlike anything you’ve experienced. Check out her newest book, Brave Healing, a Guide for Your Journey, her podcast, her badass programs and free Facebook group for healers. http://YourHighVibeBiz.com or www. BraveHealer.com

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