3 minute read

Choosing Action

Because the truth of the matter is whether you like where you are right now, you did in fact choose it.

Let me say this first so it can sink in as we proceed. If you are thinking, moving, doing...you are already taking action! The issue for so many of us is that we have signed over to Autopilot or often move through life in our metaphorical comfy pants free of labels and attached strings. We have made our bed in the comfort zone and burned the boats on the wrong damn side of our passion!


Now, don’t start beating yourself up, that’s not what this is about. This is a moment of clarity proceeding action or its 10 minutes of your time.

You choose.

Because the truth of the matter is whether you like where you are right now, you did, in fact, choose it. This is where we want to muddy the waters and look for all the reasons we haven’t or can’t take action right now, but it is all bullshit!

If you have the ability to choose right now, there is no reason you can’t choose action, so let’s discuss why you don’t.

Complete the following sentence: I am not taking action the way I know I should to achieve ___________ because of ____________________ _____________.

The first blank is what you want, the second blank is what you are committed to. I know: it fucking stings, doesn’t it? Take a deep breath. We all do it to some extent.

Choice is a tricky thing. Action extinguishes the tricks. Choice allows mistakes but action reveals them. Choice reveals possibilities, action eliminates them.

The problem is most of you get so scared the first time we fail that we decide to focus on the choice. To think. To worry. To examine. To... well whatever it is that you allow yourself to do instead of taking a deep breath and just doing the damn thing! This is why I teach The Phoenix Factor Method of Action to my clients. Ignite, Burn, Rise and Soar. Once we accept the cycle of the phoenix, we can move and create massive action because we now know there is always an upside, a rise from the ashes.If you rolled your eyes, keep filling in the blanks until you can’t ignore it anymore. And if you felt that little singe of truth in the corner of your brain, I am telling you to redefine the plan and then burn the fucking boats.

Stay focused on your desired outcome and take action daily. No, it won’t be perfect. Yes, it may cost you time and money. But sitting on the corner of complacency and confusion will cost you everything!

So as a former professional fixer and expert bullshitter, I want to introduce you to a few burning facts.

1. You’re scared. I get it. But walk yourself through the entire scenario you have begun in your mind to the very end result, good or bad, and realize you will be OK.

2. Action is a verb. It means movement not thinking. Stop thinking, start doing.

3. Redefine your actionable steps so that they inspire you. And if you’re not inspired then that’s probably the real reason you’re not taking action.

4. Failure is a momentary life lesson, not a life sentence. Let that shit go and keep moving.

5. When you are allowing that little voice to hold you back from taking action, take a moment to create awareness around the fact that the voice comes from who you WERE, not who you ARE and it’s damn sure not who you want to be!

Stinking thinking prevents action. Burn through the bullshit excuses and stories. Take action. Fail forward. And take smarter actions towards your ultimate desired outcome.

Brandy Hollaway is known as the Firestarter Mindset Coach, and she has risen from the ashes many times in life and business. After surviving traumatic events in childhood and throughout her adult life, she discovered her true calling to help others burn through limiting beliefs. Brandy’s expertise is within mindset coaching, personal branding, marketing and networking. She has made it her mission to to help solopreneurs and sales professionals create an inferno of success in their brand, their business and their network.

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