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Getting Your Book Done: 3 Excuse Busters

“You have the time you make for the things that matter to you.”

By Laura Di Franco


Your words change the world when you’re brave enough to share them. Your book won’t just change the world, it’ll build your business, and position you as a badass authority in your field.

You know this. And you still haven’t written it. It actually inspires you to think about what your signature, business-building book might be, and the excuses fly into yourbrain and paralyze you. “Maybe next year,” you keep saying. “I have too much on my plate right now.”

What I know for sure about that book you haven’t written yet is that someone’s waiting to hear your message and story in exactly the way only you can share it. It’s not about you anymore. Your fear of not-good-enough is boring, along with all the lame-ass excuses you’re using to justify not doing it. What if your procrastination and excuses were preventing someone from learning something that could change (or even save) their life?

It’s time to do this.

It’s time to get your book done. And those excuses aren’t going to fly here.

The number one excuse I hear when I ask my business colleagues, “Have you written your book yet?” is, “I don’t have the time right now.” So, tell me, how many hours have you spent on Instagram or Facebook for puppy-pic type of gazing? How many hours of Netflix have you watched this past year? TV? TikTok? If your answer was even just three hours a week, guess what? You can get your book done, and you could probably finish it in three to six months.

Do some math and inspire your own ass. Type for 15 minutes straight. Just pick a story you want to tell and type. Now look at your word count. Multiply that times four and you have how many words, approximately, you can write in an hour. Now, if you want a 100-page book (around 15,000 words), or a 200-page book (around 30,000 words), do some more math. How many hours will it take? Now go get your calendar out and protect the time. I know some writers who go away and do it all at once. I like the idea of a book-writing vaca.

You have the time you make for the things that matter to you.

Here are three ways you can get your book done with ease. Excuses begone!

1. Remember, your book doesn’t have to be an encyclopedia.

Sometimes we think about that first, signature book and have an idea about how long it needs to be, or the tons of content we want to share. What if you broke that down into parts, and instead of one big book, you wrote the first, shorter book in a series? Now that’s a business mindset and your series could build, one book upon the next, to help you create your empire.

It takes 100 pages to have enough room to put writing on the spine of a book. Easy peasy. Get it done!

2. You don’t actually have to type it all.

You’ve heard of voice recognition software, right? What if you “write” your book by recording it. Then one of those cool tech programs can spit that out into words that you can send to your editor. Boom, book done. Or you could do a combination of typing and recording.

3. You don’t have to write it at all.

Ever heard of ghostwriters? An investment in a great ghostwriter could mean you end up the author of a bestseller that is building your business, all without having to lift a finger to the keyboard. Great ghostwriters are not cheap, but they’re worth it.

One last thing to make the writing easier: Having an awesome outline will make your book writing a breeze. Once you have a structure in place and all you have to do is follow that list of scenes, stories, and tools you want to share, you’ll be happy and excited to sit down for each of those writing sessions and get it done.

Bottom line?

This is easier than you think. Hook up with a great coach, come up with the idea that turns you on, structure your outline, and then schedule your writing time. You got this! The first time a fan sends a note that says, “Dude, this changed everything for me!” send me an email and let me know. Best. Feeling. Ever.

Laura Di Franco is CEO of Brave Healer Productions where they publish world-changing wellness books. With thirty-years of practice in holistic physical therapy, a thirddegree black belt, and 20 books and counting, she offers powerful expertise and energy that’ll help you leave a legacy with your brave words. BraveHealer.com

“Having an awesome outline will make your book writing a breeze. Once you have a structure in place and all you have to do is follow that list of scenes, stories, and tools you want to share, “

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