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2,000 Days in Prison Changed My Life

“I was able to harness powerful mental strategies that gave me complete control over my mental and emotional state.”

By Sean Crane


Before I was arrested I lacked discipline, focus, and self-control. And because of this, I wasn’t able to achieve the success I dreamt of. Being locked in that box taught me so much about life - and myself for that matter. I was forced to adapt and utilize my mind like never before!

It was either live in misery and feel like a victim of my circumstances; or develop a way to persevere despite my surroundings. I was able to harness powerful mental strategies that gave me complete control over my mental and emotional state.

Despite my negative conditions I was able to form a renewed perspective that allowed me to remain positive and optimistic every day. This helped me to control my emotions rather than be controlled by them. I didn’t spend my days dwelling on the past and growing depressed; nor was I wasting my time worrying about the future and consumed by anxiety or fear. I was able to block out all distractions and take massive action!

Yes! I took massive action in my cell for 5 ½ years and emerged with college degrees, experience working with other inmates, public speaking skills and an entire new perspective on life. While I was incarcerated, I was able to focus on the results I wanted despite the chaos all around me.

And most importantly, I was able to embody the right mentality and energy I needed to become successful even when success was nowhere to be seen.

Prison was a classroom and I learned how to master myself in that setting. Those same principles and strategies are now helping me to find success as an entrepreneur and family man. I have three children, two that are in diapers and I run a coaching business that helps men all across the world.

Without my experience in prison, I would be struggling to balance my busy lifestyle.

And even more importantly, I would lack the joy and gratitude that so many of us lose to stress. I guarantee these mindset strategies will help you to experience a more fulfilling life if you apply them.

I will be sharing my “secrets’ at the Badass Business Summit in September. More importantly I will help you recognize areas of your life that you can apply these strategies immediately.

After my presentation I am confident you will be able to elevate your performance in your personal and professional life, enhance focus and discipline, increase your energy & mental bandwidth and create alignment to your best self despite the challenges you face every day.

At 23, Sean Crane was sentenced to 7 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. With nothing positive to show for his life up to that point and a massive challenge ahead he had a decision to make.

Would he give up and let the rest of his life pass him by like the first 23 did or could he face his fears, fight through the pain and pursue the life he always wanted..

From a small cement box Sean was able to take control of his life.

He completely transformed his mentality, his routines, and the results he got in his life.

“ In that cell I started to create the life of my dreams that I am able to live today.”

Sean Michael Crane is a life coach with an incredible story of perseverance and determination. He has used his hardships and life experience to reach others and inspire them to conquer their fears and pursue the life they have always dreamed of living just as he has.

“ If I did this from a prison cell, I promise you can take control of your life too! You deserve it and you are far more capable than you realize” !

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