Success Champion Magazine - May 2021

Page 26

Success Champions people and personally, doing some of my geeky activities has been effective in attracting new clients and instilling trust. But how?

Brain Drippings

Geeking out and sharing your love for your favorite hobby can bring a lot of positive benefits. Creating additional connections with an audience, lending some authenticity, and adding some dimension to your online presence, and of course showing your passion and happiness can be very inspiring and contagious. Lastly, you can bring a measure of authority and credibility from your hobby and the perceived virtues that are connected to it. Yeah, I am sure you might be shaking your head, so lets dig deeper.

Geeking out!! (For fun & profit) by Donald R Dodson

“In today’s world of social media, audience building and the importance of know, like, and trust, “geeking out” can be both liberating and a great attractor. “



irstly, what do we mean by “Geeking out”? Does this mean obsessing over comic books, sci-fi or dressing in funny costumes? Maybe? But it can also mean being really into almost any hobby or diversion, you could be into stamp collecting, video games, rock climbing, or honestly even being a super fan of a sports team. It really comes down to something that you are really passionate about and publicly so. So why should we geek out on our favorite thang and publicly, to boot? I mean surely the “hobby” of the business coach who loves Renaissance Faires, or the Rock-Climbing accountant have little bearing or benefit on business. Right? In today’s world of social media, audience building and the importance of know, like, and trust, “geeking out” can be both liberating and a great attractor. People gravitate towards interesting

Connection Connection is probably one of the easiest to understand in terms of benefits through our hobby or the thing we’re geeking out on. We connect to similar audiences. We connect to folks who like what we like. So, if somebody expresses a desire in doing marathons or collecting stamps and they find people in their audience who do the same thing, well that creates a deeper more profound connection with that segment of their audience. It’s kind of like when you’re in a bar and you start talking to somebody and you find out they like the same sports team or the same band. You develop an instantly better connection with that person, and geeking out about the things you love is no different.

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