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Your Voice, Your Brand

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Your Voice. Your Brand. The Badassery of Sharing Brave Words

By Laura Di Franco


“What do you want them to feel becomes a mini-mission statement for all your content.”

Everything you do is branding you. I wish

I knew that in the beginning. I would have paid more attention and been pickier about everything I created.

you stand for that are the most impactful and effective. These kinds of powerful, well-written stories you use in your posts, blogs, books, and sales pages, move people into action. And that’s the goal, to help them feel something strong enough that they can’t resist making the next move. “I want you to submit an article called 10 Reasons Everyone Should Write to Mind Body Green this week.” “Um, okay.” I’m used to following orders when it comes to my psychic business coach. This day was no different, except I was full of not-good-enough thoughts. They won’t accept this. Why would they want this article from little old me? “Martha, I got this,” I said out loud to myself. “We’re about to have a viral blog in a big magazine. We got this!” When that self-sabotaging BS shows up in my head to ruin the day, I pull out my ninja moves on it and have a conversation with But now I know. And when you know better, the voice. I’ve learned that my purpose-driven you do better. I’m doing much better nowadays. fears can be a compass. So “not-good-enough” Especially with my written content; but really all becomes code for, “Girl, you better jump on this of my content. It’s because I know every juicy right now and don’t look back.” I became a ninjamorsel I produce and share is representing me level action taker on my fear. (yeah, all of it) that I’m I did write and submit inspired to be my badass that blog. I received self. And you should too! But that took finding myself first. It took “It’s the personal, raw, real, authentic, badass stories that more email newsletter sign-ups afterward than at any other time of some brave healing. help your clients love you and my career up until that Got good content? Got what you stand for that are the point. My email list moved from 100s to good content that helps most impactful and effective.” 1000s, and I realized I people not only know better think twice about and love who you are many of the things I but helps them recognize was creating. I started to you among the sea of competitors? Got content ask myself questions like: that makes them feel something? I want to talk about your brave words, especially the stories you use to build your know, love, and trust. It’s the personal, raw, real, authentic, badass stories that help your clients love you and what • • • • Who do you want to be? What do you stand for? What do you want to be known for? How do you want people to talk about you?

And my all-time favorite and best question for all your content from now until you die:

• What do you want them to feel?

Yes, I love that Maya Angelou quote, but I’m going to take some credit for discovering on my own that through brave, connected, authentic words and stories, and the feelings you’re conjuring up when you create them, you gift others with the same feelings. So, you better know two things: how you want them to feel and how you feel when you create. What do you want them to feel becomes a minimission statement for all your content. I know you want them to click and buy. But they don’t click and buy unless you’ve tapped into a feeling they have, a feeling that moves them toward you and your world. They need to have thoughts like, wow,

I need to get to know her! Or, OMG, I think she’s the answer! Or, this is exactly what I need! And those thoughts must be accompanied by strong feelings. When you help people feel some kinda way, you’re branding yourself as the person who makes people feel that way. I don’t know about you, but I pick feelings I want to feel, like excited, hopeful, inspired, turned-on, energized, intelligent, confident, and brave. I want to feel those things, and I know my peeps want to feel those things. I get that we could be talking about pain and those kinds of feelings right now too. But that’s not what I want to be known for. I understand FOMO and the emotions of pain point marketing. Still, when I decided to build Brave Healer Productions on a foundation of good vibes, I decided to create content that helps my clients realize their deepest desires and create their big, juicy vision with energy that feels good. I chose to trail-blaze content that helps people feel excited and inspired. My biggest tip for creating the content that brands you is to check in with how you feel when you create and remember your goal before you produce. Here’s my checklist when I sit down to write:

• Figure out how you want them to feel.

• Conjure up the feeling in yourself first.

“When you help people feel some kinda way, you’re branding yourself as the person who makes people feel that way.”

• Write and speak your stories from that authentic, emotional place.

Your voice. Your brand. Who do you want to be today? Laura Di Franco, MPT won’t let you settle for a mediocre life. Your health, wealth and happiness is one Brave Healing book, poem, workshop, strategy session or moment away. With almost three decades of expertise in holistic physical therapy, six published books and a third-degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do, Laura’s energy and method are contagious and unlike anything you’ve experienced. Check out her newest book, Brave Healing, a Guide for Your Journey, her podcast, her badass programs and free Facebook group for healers. http://YourHighVibeBiz.com or www.BraveHealer.com



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