3 minute read
Stop Wasting Time on LinkedIn
By Nate Peo
Probably by now, everybody has told you
that you need to get on LinkedIn. The experts have spoken and they’re telling you that to be successful, you need to be networking and you need to be active on the social media platform if you’re going to grow your business. But you’ve been on LinkedIn and none of your customers or clients are posting. So, instead of posting, you end up scrolling through the feeds a few times a week, maybe liking an interesting article, but not doing anything - You have to stop wasting time on LinkedIn!
Hold on for a second, I don’t mean what you think I mean – I don’t mean get off LinkedIn and don’t even bother. What you need to do instead is get active, post engaging content, start liking some people’s posts, send some connection requests, make a few comments on their posts, and start commenting on their comments.
Why do you ask?
None of my customers were on LinkedIn - Now my clients are on LinkedIn.
First, it’s a blue ocean. This is a chance to grab some prime networking real estate.
None of your clients are on there? Good!
Now you can start getting seen, getting known, and build a base before they have a chance to do it. None of your customers are on there? That’s where you’re wrong. Most people have a LinkedIn account and if they have a LinkedIn account, they’re doing just what you’re doing - they’re logging on and lurking and scrolling through the feed.
The difference between you and them is they’re not liking, commenting, and not posting; so it just looks like they’re invisible, but they’re there and they’re watching.
How do I know? Because I’ve been told many times in person, by people that have never liked my posts, never commented on my posts and never post themselves that they see my posts every day and they like what I’m doing.
We can conclude that the chances are, your customers are doing this same thing. Now, if they’re on there looking, that means you can get your profile in front of them and you better be posting some valuable content.
Let’s define ‘Valuable content.’ Valuable content isn’t ‘Hey, look at my business and how awesome it is and how much it’s gonna change your life!’ No, not at all... Value on LinkedIn is solving problems. The problems you want to be solved or you want to solve are not ‘How can you as a person can become my customer’ no, they have other problems. Those other problems are where you provide the value.
You answer the questions and provide information that they find useful. To be clear, it’s not ‘Hey
look at this shiny object,’ instead, it’s ‘Hey let me explain to you about this shiny object, what it does, why it’s beneficial to you.’ You could also provide insight into who you are as a company and the heart and soul behind what you do.
The goal is to post valuable content daily. When you start posting valuable content daily, you’re going to start getting in front of potential customers and grabbing valuable digital real estate. This will also help more people discover you and your business, which will in turn give you more opportunities and create more inbound leads.
In conclusion, if you’re on LinkedIn scrolling aimlessly not participating in the conversation, you’re wasting your time. Meanwhile, there’s a good chance your competition will seize this opportunity, sneak in, and they’re the ones that are going to land grab. Please, I’m begging you, do yourself a favor and get out there. Be bold because as we all know, Fortune favors the bold.
Not sure where to get started? Check out my 5 Things You Can Do Now to Start Standing Out on LinkedIn guide on my website www.natepeo.com.