4 minute read

Blogs are Still a Thing; Here’s Why

“Yes, blogging is still a thing. And you can build your network, business, and income with it.”

By Laura Di Franco


I’ve been blogging to build my business since 2008. In that amount of time I’ve trained with the world’s best bloggers, learned the tricks, mastered the tips, and watched many bloggers (myself included) make healthy extra income from their words.

Why are blogs still a thing? Because there are seven billion people in the world, each consuming content in different ways, and many preferring to read, learn, and be entertained by badass words on a page.

And if you’re a writer with a goal to do big-ass things like land a book deal, be quoted by major corporations, and be considered an authority in your field, blogging will help you.

Yes, blogging is still a thing. And you can build your network, business, and income with it. Remember though, the income may not come directly from the writing. In most instances, it’s your call to action after some valuable content, that does it.

Badassery you might experience from consistent blogging includes:

Landing an article on a bigger platform

Landing a book deal from a publisher

Helping to build others’ businesses Building your email list

Showing off and sharing your expertise

Provide valuable content that educates and entertains; and that people then share

Landing a quote from a bigger blog

Making extra income from your writing

Making extra income from your call to action

Building your social platforms

I could actually make this list longer. There are some real benefits to blogging. Notice the word I used in the heading above, however. Consistency is the key. So is using your authentic voice to build your “know, love, and trust” with your audience.

One of the biggest ways to benefit from blogging is to land a guest blog spot on a bigger platform. These platforms are always looking for amazing content from experts who can help add value for their audiences. And when you position yourself in that world with a reputation as an expert and a good writer, you’ll land more gigs. You may even wake up to hundreds more on your email list as a result. Wouldn’t that be cool?

If you’re excited by the idea of all this but not excited by the work a consistent blog seems to require, I’ve included some pointers here for you.

Tips for blogging like a badass:

Consistency is more important than frequency. Pick a day, and blog on that day every week. Your audience will get used to that and want to read your next thing. But, out of sight, out of mind, just like your email newsletter, you must be consistent.

Write like you talk, not like a robot. Make your blogs well-written, conversational nuggets of awesomeness. Share your authentic voice and have fun with the writing. If you are hating it, guess what? That energy comes through.

Pitch bigger blogging platforms regularly and don’t be discouraged by rejections at first. You will get a win sooner or later. It’s about knowing how to pitch, and pitching on a regular basis.

Now that you wrote it, you better share it, or else your worst nightmare will come true; your mom will be your only reader. Sharing regularly is key to building your audience.

If you leave without a “call to action” you’re shooting yourself in the foot. If they loved it, they will want something to do at the end. Please give them something awesome to click on.

It’s not about you, it’s about them. Teach your audience valuable information. Make them laugh. Inspire them. If the blog is all about you, they won’t make it to the end. Make sure you’re focusing on the takeaway for your reader; and doing that with every blog.

Okay, listen, there’s more, but Donnie only lets us have 750 words for these articles and I don’t want to piss him off. So, I’m going to close up here by telling you that it’s time to get over your fear of not-good-enough with your writing and get some brave words out into the world. Hire someone to read and edit for you. Read up on good copywriting. Practice. This gets more fun as you go, and when you land your first big connection, deal, viral piece, or massive platform builder, you’ll be hooked like I am. In the meantime, you know how to find me if you need some help.

Laura Di Franco is the owner of Brave Healer Productions where she’ll help you share your story, build your business and change the world. With three decades of expertise in holistic physical therapy, a third-degree black belt and eight books, she has a clear preference for being badass but she’s also the champion of entrepreneurs who want to grow their health-based practices. Her writing workshops, business strategy sessions, and online writing club are just some of the ways she helps talented professionals maximize their professional impact. www.BraveHealer. com “So, I’m going to close up here by telling you that it’s time to get over your fear of not-goodenough with your writing and get some brave words out into the world.”

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