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The Badassery of Hiring a Team Before You’re Ready

By Laura Di Franco

You’ll need to in vest in a team before you’re ready.” I remember one of my coaches telling me this. I remember nodding over Zoom, and actually believing her. I also remember avoiding that advice for a while longer because of two limiting beliefs I had to overcome: I can’t afford it. And, I’m not ready yet.


As aware and amazing entrepreneurs we know that everything we want is only a matter of getting out of our own way long enough to get it. Studying and mastering mindset is a regular hobby. We’re more badass at this than the average human. We had to be to make it work. But the one thing I see as I look around into this sea of awesomeness is one of the biggest issues that gets in the way of taking everything to the next level is being ready first.

You’ll never be ready. It’s like when people try to tell you everything you need to know before you have a baby. It just doesn’t matter. You’ll never quite be fully ready for it. You can prepare. You can study, read books, listen to podcasts, whatever. But you’ll never be perfectly ready for a move that changes everything.

And hiring a team to take your business to the next level will change everything. It will leave you crying with relief as you take a peek at that P&L and realize what you’re doing is working. It’s the only way to move forward when you have big plans to change the world. I mean, you can do it all yourself and burn out, if you want to. But I highly recommend hiring and building that team well before you feel ready. It will exponentially speed up your plan and strategy for world domination.

So yes, this is another mindset pep talk. And you’ve had them before. The problem this time is you believe your limiting belief more than usual. You’ve decided to grip the grab bar on the rollercoaster a little tighter than usual. You forgot you’re the kinda gal who likes to ride with her hands up.

Hands-up for me was hiring my friend Kevin Snow to do my email sales automation. I had a great recommendation and trusted it. But would it work? Can I afford for this to not work? Is this a risk I’m willing to take to do the experiment? All questions I asked myself as I took the action and signed up, feeling terrified, but doing it anyway because I had procrastinated too long and doing everything was becoming exhausting. Plus I had no time to write anymore. I was spending so much time crafting emails that had piss-poor open rates and no sales, and I was frustrated as Hell. I was losing hours when I could have been writing my next book, or teaching my classes; things I loved doing.

Kevin wasn’t the first member of my team. My virtual assistant was. Kevin was the first member of my team that resulted in a direct increase in income. And at that point I realized that it wasn’t just building my team that mattered, it was building it with people who’d do the tasks I needed done that were well out of my zone of excellence, but that were also directly related to cash flow.

Your team will be comprised of different kinds of people doing different kinds of tasks so that you’re free to work the business development side of things. That will also result in cash flow. I now ask myself a couple questions on a regular basis: Do I have time to create? And, do I have time to reach out and talk to people? It’s really that simple. Everything else should be delegated.

It’s so easy to say this now. I got over the fear. I invested in people before I felt like I could afford it and well before I felt ready. Hands-up all the way. But what’s the alternative? Staying stuck in a mediocre plateau and trying not to burn yourself out doing everything alone? Nah. I’d rather take the risk, build my team, and grow as I go. I’d rather take a chance and see what I’m made of. And I’d much rather be writing another book with a smile on my face knowing that my team is working that funnel.

You’ll never be ready. Build your team anyway. You can’t afford not to if you’re truly wanting to take this all the next step.

Laura Di Franco is the owner of Brave Healer Productions where she’ll help you share your story, build your business and change the world. With three decades of expertise in holistic physical therapy, a third-degree black belt and eight books, she has a clear preference for being badass but she’s also the champion of entrepreneurs who want to grow their health-based practices. Her writing workshops, business strategy sessions, and online writing club are just some of the ways she helps talented professionals maximize their professional impact. www.BraveHealer.com

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