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Why you’re fucking up sales - 3 Steps to grow your sales without being an asshole
By Donnie Boivin
Are you tired yet? Endless fucking content, zoom calls, blog articles, meetings, and everything else in the world, and you just can’t break loose?
The constant meetings with broke people, who won’t take action and suck the ever-living hell out of you and your business? Are you fed up with doing the same ole shit over and over again and your business is still where it was this time last year?
Well, I got two words for ya. STOP IT!!!
Stop doing the things that are not getting you anywhere and fucking learn to sell. Look I get it, you are good at what you do. You are amazing with your products and services. I know if the world would just understand how badass you really are you would have found freedom way before now.
I understand that frustration. I really get it.
But are you really ready to make a change? Are you finally ready to go all the fuck in on you, and build this damn business?
If the answer isn’t yes…It better be fuck yes, I am fucking tired of working so damn hard and it not working.
I want you pissed off. I want you mad, I want you Hulk smash angry and ready to pick one helluva fight.
Who are you fighting?
Yep, you are fighting you, your beliefs, your thoughts and your wussy like tendencies to not own your shit.

That’s it, we are battling our own self-worth demons. That fucking voice in your head that stops you from moving forward. The voice that says, “I hate sales, I am not good at sales” or “If I could just hire someone else to do the sales. “
Trust me that won’t get you anywhere except in a pit of despair sucking your thumb and depressed.
You launch this business to get to freedom and freedom doesn’t come from nice, good enough, or being ok with being small. Nope, freedom costs and the bill is due.
Rules to Rock This Out is Simple.
You Don’t have a sales problem. Nope, you have a business development problem. Everyone thinks they have a sales problem and it’s just not true. Hear me out on this. How many times have you said to yourself, “If I can just sit across from them, I would close the sale” or “If I could just get a conversation I would get the deal done?” Everyone knows how to sell. You show and tell people what you have, and they buy. Cool the sales call is done. (I know there is more to it than that but really that’s it).
So it’s not a sales problem it’s a getting to the sale problem, it’s you don’t know how to prospect problem, it’s the thought that all the business development stuff is too much work problem.
You gotta turn that noise off and get good at business development. All that activity before you even get to the sales call. The reach out, DM & PMs, the social content, all the conversations, and all the networking you can get involved with; That’s the magic in sales. It’s not what happens on the sales call it’s the ability to get there in the first place.
Understanding that the more effort you put into business development the more you will win. So, start. Start striking up conversations, start networking, start reaching out, and get in the game. This isn’t something that is going to work overnight. It’s a process, its discipline, and its constant.
Fanatical Discipline
One thing that helped me over the years is flat out outworking on the proper things harder than anyone else. Literally doing the things that others did not want to do and doing them every day.
Unleash Your Inner Badass

I have always been a morning person, up early and get to work. It wasn’t an early bird gets the worm thing. Because the second mouse gets the cheese. It was just what worked for me. Getting going and getting to work has helped me in a ton of ways.
The biggest thought is doing the shit that will move my business forward when I am at my best. I set a wicked habit in my business. It’s a simple habit but it has moved mountains in my business over the years. That habit? 10 reach outs no matter what. 10 reach outs every damn day without fail. It could be LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, or whatever. But 10 reach outs to the extreme. Having a vacation in Ireland, 10 reach outs, Sunday morning 10 reach outs, hungover from partying to hard the night before 10 reach outs.
It’s this discipline that puts me paces ahead of most. Because its work, it’s not fun, you don’t get a lot out of it most days, so most of you will give up after a couple of days. Some of you will give up after a week, and others after a month. This is why I outpace most.
The truth of the matter, you’re probably smarter, more charismatic, more loving, and more badass than I am. I really think that. But I will hit my 10 reach outs no matter what. Why? Because that’s how I grow my business. That’s how I build this empire, and that’s how I change the world. Get fanatical about 10 reach outs. Get crazy and let nothing stop you.
Fuck up – No really fuck up a lot and on purpose.

Outside of fanatical discipline, it’s the ability to try something new while doing a mundane thing that will open the world up for you. People get bored doing business development things. It sucks to make videos, do reach outs constantly, and try to get conversations started. It will beat you down if you let it. That’s why you have to fuck up on purpose.
Literally, I want you to fail better.
If you do the same shit over and over again you are gonna get slow growth results over time. It’s better than what Einstein said because momentum is a thing and if its business development you will eventually find success. But if you play with the business development activities and try new things you will win. Watch a lot of these fuckers that are killing on social media. They don’t do the same shit over and over again. They are constantly trying new shit to see what works.
It may be a new dance or a new way to say something, but they are always trying to try new things. They know a lot of the shit is gonna bomb. Guess what they are ok with it. The next day they are gonna try something new and the day after that. Why because that’s how they win. They try knew shit, know its gonna break, and do it anyway because they know it will teach them how to do it better.
It’s like anything new you try in life.
Of course, your gonna fuck it up, it’s new. You had to break some shit to get where you are in life; and sales is the same damn way. Break some shit.
Try a new way to say hello in a DM, try a new way to do a video, create a different style of a blog post, reach out to that big named person but for the love, gawd do something bigger than you did it last time.
So, why are you fucking up sales?
Simply, you give a shit what other people think about you. You think you’re in high school and life is some sort of fucked up popularity contest. Guess what, nobody gives a shit and nobody is gonna build your life for you.
Do you really want to build this life, this business, and live that freedom you dream about all the time? Then do yourself a favor and go. Do the business development shit, have fanatical discipline and fuck up a lot.
It’s gonna be a lot of work my friend; and it’s gonna be a constant beat down until it’s not. Those willing to go through the shit and keep going will win as long as they stay in the game.
I believe you are a champion. Now fight for your success, fight for your life, and don’t let anybody tell you can’t do anything. You got this.