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Davao City forms body vs. anti-trafficking, VAWC

DAVAO CAity – The city government has formed a body to address the issue of human trafficking and violence against women and children.

In a statement Monday, the City Information Office (CIO) said the Local Committee on Anti-Trafficking and Violence against Women and Their Children (LCAT-VAWC) will serve as a functional and parallel structure to monitor and oversee the implementation of laws and policies on the matter.


The LCAT-VAWC is composed of the city mayor as the chairperson and the City Social and the City Social Welfare and Development Office (CSWDO) department head as co-chairs.

In addition, the CIO said Mayor Sebastian Duterte signed an order on Feb. 9 declaring support for Republic Act No. 9208 (Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003) and Republic Act No. 9262 (AntiViolence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004).

“The LCAT-VAWC, anchored on R.A. Nos. 9208 and 9262, is tasked with implementing policies and programs to protect women and children who are victims of trafficking and violence,” the CIO said.

It said the committee has the power to create and establish systems for surveillance, investigations, and rescue, and to undertake

Starting the First Quarter Right

By: DANNY BOY R. BONGO Juan A. Acapulco Elementary School Kinuman Sur Ozamiz City

Even experienced teachers have some trepidation on the first day of class. To give yourself and your students the sense that the course is off to a solid start, it can be helpful to create a mental checklist of goals to complete. To answer any valid queries that students might have about the goals of the course and your expectations for their participation in class. Students should have confidence in your ability to educate the course, be able to anticipate the style of your instruction, and understand the expectations you have for them as they leave the first meeting.

The start of class and the end of class are two crucial times during instruction. Events that take place during these periods may have an impact on both pupils' motivation to learn and their capacity to integrate key ideas. Different classroom models might aid in framing what the instructor does to start and end class. You must use every effort as a teacher to guarantee that your students achieve academic success. Technology and teamwork should be used when suitable. When providing assignments, be sure to make your expectations clear. If required, give helpful criticism. Above all, remember to recognize and appreciate accomplishments. information, education, and advocacy campaigns against trafficking in persons and violence against women and children.

The first day of school might be a little intimidating for many youngsters. There are a lot of new individuals to get to know, teachers to learn about, and classrooms to check out. However, you may maximize your first day if you put some effort into preparing. Teachers who can successfully strike a balance between fun and hard work will not only have happier pupils under their care and higher academic performance.

Moreover, the LCATVAWC can also secure assistance from local government units and national government departments and has the power to exercise all necessary measures to attain its purposes and objectives.

The mayor’s order also named the CSWDO as the committee secretariat, and that the funding and operating costs for the LCAT-VAWC will be derived from available funds and resources of the local government, under accounting and auditing regulations. (PNA)


Notice is hereby given that the late JESUS VACALARES died intestate on October 6, 2002, at Amoros, El Salvador City, Misamis Oriental, leaving a parcel of land covered by Transfer of Certificate of Title No. 136-2012000870 situated at Barrio of Malanang, Municipality of Opol, Province of Misamis Oriental containing an area of FIVE HUNDRED ONE (501) square meters and more particularly described and bounded as A PARCEL OF LAND situated in Barrio of Malanang, Municipality of Opol, Province of Misamis Oriental, Island of Mindanao. Containing an area of FIVE HUNDRED ONE (501) square meters, more or less, and has been the subject of DEED OF EXTRA-JUDICIAL SETTLEMENT AMONG HEIRS OF THE LATE JESUS VACALARES WITH DEED OF ABSOLUTE SALE. The late JESUS VACALARES, died intestate, without Will and Testament, the parties are the sole and only heirs of the decedent entitled to succeed to his estate, being his legitimate children, respectively. DEED OF ABSOLUTE SALE, for and in consideration of the sum of ONE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND PESOS (Php. 150,000.00), Philippine currency, paid in hand by the VENDEE CHYLLENE FAITH B. LUSDOC, of legal age, Filipino citizen, single and with residence address at Zone 2A, Tulahon, Malanang Opol, Misamis Oriental, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged by the VENDORS

NAMELY: AVELINO I. VACALARES, JESUS I. VACALARES, RAUL I. VACALARES, MERCY V. PATEÑO, FLORIE I. VACALARES, NOEL I. VACALARES AND FE V. PUNZALAN, do by these presents, SELL, CEDE, TRANSFER and CONVEY, absolutely and unconditionally unto the said VENDEE, her heirs, successors or assigns, their respective FULL SHARE of the above-described parcel of land free from all liens and encumbrances. That the VENDORS does hereby warrant legal title and peaceful possession of the property herein sold and conveyed, and will defend the same unto the said VENDEE, her heirs, successors or assigns, against all claims of all persons or entities whosoever, filed by the heirs of JESUS VACALARES, as per Doc. No. 205;

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