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For more details, contact Tel. No.: 309-5276 Hermilino Villalon

Scam leader jailed in Oro VOL. 2, No. 166

Cagayan de Oro City


November 28, 2012


By InterAksyon.com & PNA

CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY - A leader of an investment firm allegedly involved in the pyramiding scam in Mindanao and Visayas who was arrested in Marawi City, Lanao Del Sur on Tuesday, is now detained at the NBI-10 office here.

Yesterday, NBI spokesmen said the suspect, Jachob “Coco” Rasuman, son of former Department of Public Works and Highways undersecretary Bashir D. Rasuman, will be brought to Manila immediately today for security reasons. It was feared that violence may erupt since several victims of the recent pyramiding scam have been trooping to the NBI premises yesterday. Rashuman who was accused of masterminding an alleged multimillion-peso pyramiding scam was arrested around 2:15 p.m. at his residence in Barangay Panggao Saduc, Marawi City by joint elements of the National Bureau of Investigation-Region 10, the Philippine National Police, and the Philippine Army’s 103rd Brigade. Prior to his arrest, Rasuman was under the cus-

tody of the Provincial Crisis Technical Working Committee at his residence for about three months. The warrant of arrest against Rasuman was issued by the Regional Trial Court of Cagayan de Oro City after he was charged with syndicated estafa by a certain Abu-Amar Sambitory and 24 other complainants. The accused allegedly promised but failed to pay the complainants a total of P274 million in interest for their two-month investment in Rasuman’s business. The complainants also charged Jachob’s father Bashir, as well as her mother, brothers, sisters, and wife. The respondents are the alleged officers of Nad Auto Option, Jachob is said to be the company’s president and chief executive officer. They are: Jeremiah Amer Rasuman - executive officer; SCAM | page 10

Caraga Offers Tribute to 100th day of Robredo’s Death

- The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Region 13 (CARAGA) together with other partner agencies in the region gathered at the Philippine Ports Authority (PPA), Butuan City on monday evening, November 26, 2012 to give tribute the 100th day of Jesse M. Robredo’s death. The gathering at PPA grounds is part of the 18-day campaign of putting an end to violence against women in Caraga with the theme VAW-Free Society in Times of Peace, The highlight of the evening was the lighting and floating of candles and flowers at the Agusan River

Butuan City

Probe MSU Cag. de Oro, gov’t agencies to create flood forecasting, warning center killings -solon By Omeng Maglangit

Senate must investigate the recent double murder and arson crimes committed inside the campus of Mindanao State University (MSU). This was the challenge hurled by a lawmaker yesterday. In a resolution, senator Aquilino “Koko” Pimentel asked the Committee on Education, Culture, and Arts and other appropriate committees of the Senate to conduct an investigation in aid of legislation of the Some pyramid scam victims of the Rasuman group are recent violence at MSU seen in Lanao del Sur. PROBE | page 10

CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY, -- A memorandum of agreement (MOA) will be forged between the city government, the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), and the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (Pagasa) for the establishment of a Flood Forecasting and Warning Center. The city will provide the lot for the Cagayan de Oro Flood Forecasting and Warning Center (CDORFFWC), which will serve as the hub for all flood forecasting and warning activities for the Cagayan de Oro River Basin and all its tributaries

and allied rivers. It will likewise assist the Pagasa-DOST team in establishing the Center; enter into a cost-sharing scheme with the concerned agencies in the construction of the Center and in the establishment of a monitoring network. The city will also assist Pagasa-DOST in the conduct of operation and maintenance activities of the monitoring stations, among others. For its part, the DOST-10 will assist in all the activities such as the site survey, hydrographic survey and the conduct of information and education campaign

and assist in the conduct of monitoring and evaluation of the impacts of hydrometeorological hazards in the city. Meanwhile, pursuant to the MOA, Pagasa-DOST will design and identify strategic location of the monitoring facilities such as the Automatic Weather Station, Rain Gauge Stations, and Water Level Monitoring Stations and install the monitoring facilities and provide Pagasa information packages such as weather, flood and climate flood advisories and bulletins, astronomical information to the city. It will likewise take charge create | page 10

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WEDNESDAY | novemBER 28, 2012

News in Focus

NOW Available


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A Brown scholars are proud IPs of Bukidnon CAGAYAN DE ORO ---True to its vision of being an enterprise working towards enlightened and happier communities, A Brown Group of Companies has embarked on a noble task of helping provide tertiary education to six deserving Higaonon students presently enrolled at Bukidnon State University (BSU) in Malaybalay City, Bukidnon. Now on their second year college, the A Brown Scholars enjoy full scholarship privilege which include among others full tuition fees, board and lodging, transportation, books and uniform allowances. Of the six scholars, four are taking up secondary education courses: Liezl Salingay, Emegene Sanogan, Mailyn Lisboa and

Melanie Sujetado while the other two, Brian Camahay and Shiela Mae Camahay are into business courses. A Brown Group President Robertino Pizarro said the scholars were selected from among Higaonon children of barangay Kalabugao, a far-flung tribal community east of Impasug-ong, near the provincial borders of Bukidnon and Agusan de Sur. In partnership with Opol Mayor Dexter Yasay, A Brown also extends educational assistance to 10 college students of Opol, Misamis Oriental. They are currently enrolled at Opol Community College. Kalabugao, Impasugong, Bukidnon and Tingalan, Opol, MisOr are hosts to A Brown’s oil palm plantation operated by its


MATERIALS AND TEACHER’S GRADE MTB-MLE OF SYLEARNING 2012-2013 IN GUIDE AND GRADE 1 MTB-MLE LEARNINGGUIDE PACKAGESAND FOR THE 3RD & 4TH1QUARTERS PACKAGES FOR THE 3RD & 4TH QUARTERS OFSURSY 2012-2013 IN DEPED, DEPED, DIVISION OF AGUSAN DEL TO BID FOR DIVISIONINVITATION OF AGUSAN DEL SUR REPRODUCTION AND(DepED) DELIVERY OF GRADES AND 7 LEARNER’S MATERIALS TEACHER’S The Department of Education – Agusan del Sur1 Division intends to apply the sumAND of THREE MILLION PRINTING, TH Republic of the Philippines QUARTERS OF SY 2012-2013 AND SEVENTY GRADE 1 EIGHT MTB-MLE LEARNING PACKAGES FOR THE SIX 3RD & TWOGUIDE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED EIGHTY & 459/100 (Php 3,278,886.59) beingINthe TheHUNDRED Department of Education (DepED) – Agusan del Sur Division intends apply OF AGUSAN EDUCATION DEPED, DIVISION OF DELthe SURPrinting, Reproduction andto Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) toDEPARTMENT payments under contract for Delivery of the sum of THREE MILLIONCaraga TWOGuides HUNDRED SEVENTY EIGHT THOUSAND Administrative Region Grades 1 and 7 Learner’s Materials and Teacher’s and Grade 1 MTB-MLE Learning Packages. Bids received in Department of EIGHTY Education (DepED) Agusan del(Php Sur Division intends to applybeing the sum of Approved THREE MILLION EIGHTTheHUNDRED SIXDivision &at– 59/100 the of Agusan del3,278,886.59) Sur excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected bid opening. TWO HUNDRED EIGHT THOUSAND HUNDRED EIGHTY SIX & contract 59/100 (Phpfor 3,278,886.59) being the Budget for SEVENTY the Contract (ABC)EIGHT to payments under the Printing, Approved Budget forand the Contract (ABC)oftoGrades payments 1under for the Printing, Reproduction and Delivery of Reproduction Delivery andcontract 7 Learner’s Materials Teacher’s TOTAL and COST ALLOCATION Grades 1 and 7 Learner’s Materials and Teacher’s Guides andPackages. MTB-MLE Packages. receivedofin PACKAGE ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY OFBids ISSUELearning ILearning NVITATION TO BGrade ID FOR 1UNIT Guides and Grade 1 MTB-MLE received in Bids excess (Php) excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at OF bid GRADES opening. 1 AND 7 LEARNER’S MATERIALS AND TEACHER’S PRINTING, REPRODUCTION AND1 DELIVERY the ABC shall be automatically rejected MTB-MLE GRADE 80,922at bid opening. RDCOPYTH

1 SY 2012-2013 IN GUIDE AND GRADE 1 MTB-MLE LEARNING PACKAGES FOR THE 3 & 4 QUARTERS OF3,278,886.59 MTB-MLE GRADE 7 133,018 COPY DEPED, DIVISION OF AGUSAN DEL SUR TOTAL COST ALLOCATION ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT OF ISSUE (Php) The Department of (DepED) – Agusan del invites bids for the Printing, Reproduction The Department of Education Education delSur SurDivision Divisionnow intends MTB-MLE GRADE 1(DepED) – Agusan80,922 COPY to apply the sum of THREE MILLION 1HUNDRED 3,278,886.59 and Delivery of Grades 1 andEIGHT 7 Learner’s Materials and HUNDRED Teacher’s Guides andSIXGrade 1 MTB-MLE Learning Packages for the the TWO SEVENTY THOUSAND EIGHT EIGHTY & 59/100 (Php 3,278,886.59) being MTB-MLE GRADE 7 133,018 COPY rd th Quartersforofthe SY 2012-2013. Bids toreceived thatunder exceedcontract the totalforABC be rejected at bid opening. Bidding 3 and 4 Budget Approved Contract (ABC) payments theshall Printing, Reproduction and Delivery of shall byand package. Delivery ofEducation the goods is required withinand Thirty (30)1Calendar Days. Bidders shouldnow have completed, Grades 7 Learner’s Materials and(DepED) Teacher’s Guides MTB-MLE Learning BidsReproduction received Thebe 1Department ofEducation (DepED) Agusan Sur invitesin The Department of – Agusan del –SurGrade Division nowdel invites bidsDivision forPackages. the Printing, within the lastABC three (3)be the date of submission andDelivery receipt of and bids, a Grades contract similar to the7Project, thefor value excess offor the shall automatically rejected at bid bids the Printing, Reproduction and ofGrade 1 and Learner’s and Delivery of Grades 1years and 7from Learner’s Materials andopening. Teacher’s Guides 1 MTB-MLE Learning Packages the th ofrdwhich must be at least 50% of the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC). The description of an eligible bidder is and 4 Quarters SY 2012-2013.Guides Bids received thatGrade exceed the total ABC shall be rejected at Packages bid opening. Bidding 3Materials andofTeacher’s and 1 MTB-MLE Learning for contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section II. Instructions to Bidders. TOTAL COST ALLOCATION shall be by package. Delivery of the goods is required within ThirtyBids (30)UNIT Calendar Days. that Bidders should have completed, the 3rd and 4th of SY 2012-2013. received exceed the total PACKAGE ITEMQuarters DESCRIPTION QUANTITY OF ISSUE within last three years fromat thebid dateopening. of submissionBidding and receipt shall of bids, be a contract similar to the(Php) Project, the value ABCthe shall be (3) rejected by package. Delivery of Bidding will be conductive through open competitive bidding procedures using the non-discretionary pass/fail MTB-MLE GRADE 1 80,922 COPY of which must beisat required least 50% of within the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC). The description of should an eligible bidder 1 goods 3,278,886.59 the Thirty (30) Calendar Days. haveasis criteria, as specified inMTB-MLE the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations Part A(IRRA-A) ofBidders R.A. 9184, otherwise known GRADE 7 133,018 COPY contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section II. Instructions to Bidders. completed, within the last the “Government Procurement Reform Act”.three (3) years from the date of submission and receipt of bids, aofcontract similar to the Project, theinvites value must be at The Department Educationthrough (DepED) – Agusan del Sur Divisionprocedures now bids of for which the Printing, Reproduction Bidding will be conductive open competitive bidding using the non-discretionary pass/fail least 50% ofbidders the Budget for the Contract (ABC). The of Interested may obtain Materials further information from DepEd, Division Agusan del description Sur and inspect and Delivery of Grades 1the andApproved 7 Learner’s and Teacher’s Guides and Grade 1ofMTB-MLE Learning Packages for the the criteria, as specified in Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations Part A(IRRA-A) of R.A. 9184, otherwise known as rd th an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section Bidding Documents at the address given below from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. 4 QuartersProcurement of SY 2012-2013. 3theand “Government ReformBids Act”.received that exceed the total ABC shall be rejected at bid opening. Bidding II. Instructions to Bidders. shall be by package. Delivery of the goods is required within Thirty (30) Calendar Days. Bidders should have completed, BAC may activities asfurther follows: within theThe lastschedule three bidders (3)ofyears fromobtain theisdate of submission andfrom receipt of bids, a contract similar del to the the value Interested information DepEd, Division of Agusan SurProject, and inspect the ofBidding whichDocuments mustwill be atbe 50% of the Budget for the Contract (ABC). The description of an eligible bidder Bidding conductive through open bidding procedures usingis atleast the address givenApproved below from 8:00 AM tocompetitive 5:00 PM. Activity Date and Time Venue contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Sectionas II. Instructions to Bidders. the non-discretionary pass/fail criteria, specified in the Revised Implementing Issuance of Bidding Documents Nov. 28-Dec. 4, 2012/10:00 AM BAC Office Rules and Regulations Part A(IRRA-A) of5, R.A. 9184, otherwiseBAC known as the The schedule of BAC activities is as follows: DeadlineBidding of Submission ofconductive Letter of Intent Decemberbidding 2012/10:00 AM using the non-discretionary Office will be through open competitive procedures pass/fail “Government Procurement Reform Act”. ADMIN Office Date and at Time criteria, specified inActivity the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations Part A(IRRA-A) of R.A. 9184, Venue otherwise known as Pre-Bid as Conference December 5, 2012 10:00AM the “Government Procurement Reform Act”. furtherNov. Issuance of Bidding Documents 28-Dec. 4, 2012/10:00 BAC Office Interested bidders may obtain information fromAMDepEd, Division of Agusan ADMIN Office Deadline Submission ofofLetter Intent December 2012/10:00 BAC Office Submission Opening Bids of December 18,5,2012 del Surofand and inspect the Bidding Documents atat 10:00AM theAMaddress given below from Interested bidders may obtain further information from DepEd, Division of Agusan del Sur and ADMIN Officeinspect the 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Pre-BidDocuments Conference December 5, 2012 Bidding at the address given below from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.at 10:00AM A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders from the DepEd, Division Office, ADMIN Office Submission and Opening ofBAC Bidsdel Sur December 18, 2012 at 10:00AM Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan and payment of a nonrefundable fee in the amount of Five Thousand Pesos The schedule ofBAC activities is as follows: The schedule of activities is asupon follows: (Php5,000.00)and submission of Letter of Intent to the DepEd, Division of Agusan del Sur Cashier. The Bidding Documents Activityby the prospective Bidder or his authorized Date andrepresentative. Time Venue shall be received personally A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders from the DepEd, Division Office, Issuance of Bidding Documents Nov. 28-Dec. 4, 2012/10:00 AM Office Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee in the amount BAC of Five Thousand Pesos Pre-Bid Conference be open only to allDecember interested5, bidders whoAM have purchased the bidding documents. DeadlineThe of Submission of Letterofofshall Intent 2012/10:00 (Php5,000.00)and submission Letter of Intent to the DepEd, Division of Agusan del Sur Cashier. BAC The Office Bidding Documents ADMIN Office shall be received personally by the prospective Bidder or his authorized representative. Pre-Bid Conference December 2012 at 10:00AM Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before5,December 18, 2012, 9:30 in the morning. All bids must be accompanied by a BidConference Security in any of the acceptableallforms and inbidders the amount statedpurchased in Sectionthe II. Instructions to Bidders ADMIN Office Theand Pre-Bid interested who have bidding documents. Submission Opening of Bids shall be open only toDecember 18, 2012 at 10:00AM Clause 18. Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address below. Late bids shall not be accepted. Bids mustset be delivered to the address below on or before 18, 2012, 9:30 the morning. AllBidders bids must be A complete of Bidding Documents may December beinterested purchased byininterested A complete of Bidding may be forms purchased Biddersinfrom theII.DepEd, Division Office, accompanied byDepEd, a BidsetSecurity in anyDocuments of the acceptable and inbyProsperidad, the amount stated Section Instructions to Bidders from The the Office, Patin-ay, Agusan del Sur Department of Division Education (DepED) –payment Agusan del Sur Division reserves thetheright to accept or reject anyand or all Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur and upon of a nonrefundable fee in amount of Five Thousand Pesos Clause 18.payment Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives who of choose to attend at the address below. upon of a nonrefundable fee in the amount Five Thousand Pesos bids, to annul the bidding process, or declare failure of bidding at any time prior to contract award without thereby (Php5,000.00)and Late bids shall notsubmission be accepted.of Letter of Intent to the DepEd, Division of Agusan del Sur Cashier. The Bidding Documents (Php5,000.00)and submission of Letter of Intent to the DepEd, Division of Agusan incurring any liability to theby affected parties. Bidder or his authorized representative. shall be received personally the prospective

subsidiar y company, A Brown Energy Resources Development Inc. (ABERDI). Chosen on the merit of their interest to pursue higher education, the Higaonon scholars enjoy the privilege of being A Brown Scholars though they are required to comply with the company’s scholarship guidelines: maintain an average grade not below 85% or 2.0, in each subject taken for the semester, observe the highest level of moral decency, love of God, respect, diligence and positive attitude, Pizarro said. The scholars are required to submit their grades attained in prelim, mid-term, semi-final and final examinations for evaluation. (Ruffy T. Magbanua)

Partylists citywide convention on Nov. 29 Davao City --- Eight progressive partylists under the Makabayan Coalition announced today that it will mobilize not less than 10,000 members and supporters during its citywide convention

del Sur Cashier. The Bidding Documents shall be received personally by the

Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security in any of the Thein DBAC Secretariats 9:30 the morning.

The– Agusan Department Education (DepED) – Agusanstated del Sur Division reserves II. the Instructions right to accept or reject any or all DepED del Surof Division acceptable forms and in the amount in Section to Bidders bids, Gov. to annul the Gov’t. bidding process, declare failure of bidding at any time prior A.toDE contract award without thereby PAZ representatives D.O.18. PlazaBids Center, Patin-ay Clause will be or opened in the presence ofGEMMA the Bidders’ incurring any liability to the affected parties. BAC Chairperson Agusan Sur whoProsperidad, choose to delattend at the address below. Late bids shall not be accepted.

For further information, please refer to:

A. DE PAZ The Department of Education (DepED) – Agusan GEMMA del Sur Division reserves the Chairperson right toP.accept or reject any or all bids, to annul theBACbidding process, or declare LORNA GAYOL/LALAINE GOMERA/JULIET L. RANOCO failure bidding at any time prior to contract award without thereby incurring The DBACofSecretariats any liability the affected parties. DepED – Agusan to del Sur Division Gov. D.O. Plaza Gov’t. Center, Patin-ay

ForProsperidad, furtherAgusan information, please refer to: del Sur LORNA P. GAYOL/LALAINE GOMERA/JULIET L.GEMMA RANOCO A. DE PAZ BAC Chairperson The DBAC Secretariats DepED – Agusan del Sur Division Gov. D.O. Plaza Gov’t. Center, Patin-ay Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur

(SGD.) GEMMA A. DE PAZ BAC Chairperson

this coming elections and beyond. We will aspire to put forward the people’s agenda for nationalism, democracy, and to uphold the peoples’ the rights and welfare at all times,” said Ariel Casilao, Regional

Re-schedule of Public Auction Republic of the Philippines Department of Finance

Republic of the Philippines BUREAUof OFFinance CUSTOMS Department Collection District X BUREAU OF CUSTOMS Collection Districtde X Oro Port of Cagayan Port of Cagayan de Oro


The Department of Education (DepED) – Agusan del Sur Division reserves the right to accept or reject any or all prospective Bidder his authorized representative. For further information, pleaseor refer to: Pre-Bid Conference shall be onlyfailure to all interested the award biddingwithout documents. bids, to The annul the bidding process, or open declare of biddingbidders at any who timehave priorpurchased to contract thereby incurring any liability to the affected parties. P. Pre-Bid GAYOL/LALAINE GOMERA/JULIET L. shall RANOCO Bids must be delivered to the address below onbe or before 18, 2012, 9:30 in the morning. All bids must LORNA The Conference openDecember only to all interested bidders whobe The DBAC Secretariats accompanied by a Bid Security any of forms and in the amount stated in Section II. Instructions to Bidders have purchased theinrefer bidding documents. For further information, please to:the acceptable DepED – Agusan Division Clause 18. Bids will del be Sur opened in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address below. D.O. Gov’t. Patin-ay to the Late bids shall not be accepted. Gov. Bids must beCenter, delivered address below on or before December 18, 2012, LORNA P.Plaza GAYOL/LALAINE GOMERA/JULIET L. RANOCO

on November 29 as it gears for grabbing more seats in the House of Representatives in the upcoming presidential elections. “Makabayan’s vision for a ‘politics of change’ continues



Pursuant the provisions Section 2601 to Tariff 2610and of the TariffCode and of Customs Code of Philippines, as to CAO Pursuant to the to provisions of Sectionof2601 to 2610 of the Customs the Philippines, as the amended, in relation amended, in November relation to 28, 2007 and other relevant Customs Memorandum 10-2007 dated 28,CAO 200710-2007 and other dated relevantNovember Customs Memorandum Orders, there will be Public Auction Sale through Sealed Orders, there will be Public Auction Sale through Sealed Bidding, to be conducted by this Port on December Bidding, to be conducted by this Port on December 3, 2012 at 2:30 P.M., to be held at the Bureau of Customs Conference Room, Port 3, 2012 at 2:30 P.M., to be held at the Bureau of Customs Conference Room, Port Area, Cagayan De Oro City, Area,herein Cagayan De Oro City, the herein described articles inshall lot. Said articles shall availablefrom for viewing from November 21-23, 2012. the described articles in lot. Said articles be available for be viewing November 21-23, 2012. When aafailed bidding is declared, the second auctionauction shall beshall conducted on the third daybusiness followingday the first bidding,the except as When failed bidding is declared, the second be conducted onbusiness the third following first bidding,items/goods, except as to perishable items/goods, be auctioned again on the following business day. to perishable which may be auctioned againwhich on themay following business day. First Advertisement – “As Is Where Is”

First Advertisement – “As Is Where Is”

lot No.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

10x20’ 1 1 10pcs 10pcs

Description of articles for auction

Mercedez Benz SL 320 (1994) Mercedez Benz CLK 320 (2005) Dodge Durango (1998) Ford Explorer ACYL (1996) Hyundai Sarex (Brown) Hyundai Starex (White) Hyundai Starex (Silver) Hyundai Starex (Gray) Hyundai Starex (Green) Hyundai Starex (Green) Tsuchiya Gang Mower Honda Fit (White) Honda Fit (White) Honda Fit (Black) Honda Fit (White) Honda Fit (White) Honda Fit (White) Kia Sorento Hyundai Terracan (2006) Hyundai Galloper (un-assembled, no roof) Used Mitsubishi Pajero Intercooler (Blue) RHD Used Mitsubishi Pajero Intercooler (Red) RHD Used Mitsubishi Pajero (Blue) RHD Used Mitsubishi Wagon (White) RHD Kia Potencia (White) Used Nissan Van (White) Caravan Hyundai Accent (Yellow-white) Hyundai Accent (White) Kia Sportage (Blue) Kia Sportage (Green) Lite Ace Van Caravan (White) Delica Van Nissan Caravan Mercedez Benz (Blue-Green) Refined Sugar (Arrived May 18,2012) Izuzu Truck Fuzo Truck Wood Office Tables Wood Chairs



used used used used used used used used used used used used used used used used used used used used




Deteriorated Junk Junk used used


Floor Price (Pesos)

450,000.00 600,000.00 400,000.00 250,000.00 140,000.00 130,000.00 130,000.00 130,000.00 130,000.00 130,000.00 150,000.00 130,000.00 130,000.00 130,000.00 130,000.00 130,000.00 130,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 60,000.00


7,725,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 4,500.00 500.00

Basic Guidelines: Basic Guidelines:

1. Filing of Bidder’s Information Form with name, address, TIN and other relevant circumstances, at least two (2) days prior to the 1. auction; Filingwhich of Bidder’s Form withfor name, address, TIN and other relevant circumstances, at least day of shall be Information indicated in the logbook registered bidders. two (2) days prior to the day of auction; which shall be indicated in the logbook for registered bidders. 2. Payment of a non-refundable registration fee of PhP2,000.00. 2. Payment of a non-refundable registration fee of PhP2,000.00. 3. Posting of duly receipted bond in cashinor cash manager’s check in ancheck amount to 20% of the floor price of sale lot. The 3. Posting of duly receipted bond or manager’s in equivalent an amount equivalent to 20% of each the floor of eachtosale lot. The bond be refunded to the losing bidder after the closing of the auction. bond shallprice be refunded the losing bidder aftershall the closing of the auction. 4. Registration the Chief, to be filed (1) day date of actual until an hour 4. Registration withwith the Chief, ACDDACDD to be filed one (1) one day before thebefore date ofthe actual bidding until bidding an hour immediately preceding preceding the time of actual bidding; thereafter, registration is closed. the time ofimmediately actual bidding; thereafter, registration is closed. 5. Submission of all participants, whether natural or juridical, (must submit together with the Bidder’s 5. Submission of allofparticipants, whether natural juridical, (must submit together with Bidder’sduly Information) their latest Information) their latest certified trueorcopy of Income and Business Taxthe Returns stampedofand received the Bureau of Internal Revenue with a and validated payment thereon andwith other certified true copy ofby Income and Business Tax Returns duly stamped receivedtax by the Bureau made of Internal Revenue a validated documents such asother ID, documents Community Tax Business permitsBusiness or Certificate of Certificate Registration of tax payment made thereon and such as Certificate, ID, Community Tax Certificate, permits or of Registration Business Name issued by the Department of Trade and Industry. of Business Name issued by the Department of Trade and Industry. 6. Clustering occurs when the difference between the highest and the second highest bid is within ten 6. Clustering occursofwhen difference highest thebidding second shall highest is within ten (10) percent of the highest (10) percent the the highest bid. between In suchthe case, an and open bebid conducted among the bidders of the sale lot who present with the the bidders highestofbid thelotnew price. with Only bid. In such case,particular an open bidding shall beare conducted among the serving particularassale whofloor are present thebids highest bid byfloor three (3) Only percent more than the (3) new floor more price than shallthe benew considered and the highest bidand in the serving asraised the new price. bids raised by three percent floor price shall be considered the highest open bidding shall be declared as the winner. Otherwise, the highest sealed bid shall be declared bid in the open bidding shall be declared as the winner. Otherwise, the highest sealed bid shall be declared winner winner 7. At the end of each bidding, the highest bidder shall be required to pay in Cash or Manager’s Check 50% of the bid price “on the the end of each bidding, highest shall be required to and paythe in CoA Cash or Manager’s Check 50% balance spot”7.uponAtannouncement of winning bid asthe duly certifiedbidder to by the Auction Committee representative. The remaining of the bid price “on the spot” upon announcement of winning bid as duly certified to by the Auction shall be paid on the succeeding business day. Committee and the CoA representative. The remaining balance shall be paid on the succeeding 8. Payment withday. Manager’s Check to the Bureau of Customs, Port of Cagayan De Oro, shall bear the following: business a. Pay to the order of Land Bank of the Philippines – Bureau of Customs, Port of Cagayan De Oro b. For credit of the Bureau of Customs with Manager’s Check to the Bureau of Customs, Port of Cagayan De Oro, shall bear the 8. Payment c. For the account of: ______________________. following: (Bidder) a. Pay to the order of Land Bank of the Philippines – Bureau of Customs, Port of Cagayan De Oro For furtherb.details, pleaseofcontact DeputyofCollector for Administration Marvin B. Mison, Chairman, Auction and Cargo Disposal For credit the Bureau Customs c. Jennifer For the of: of ______________________. Committee or Ms. L.account Legario, Port Cagayan De Oro, Tel. No. (088) 856-8782. (Bidder)


ATTY. ANJU NEREO For further details, please contact Deputy Collector for Administration MarvinC.B.CASTIGADOR Mison, Chairman, Auction and Cargo Disposal Committee or Ms. Jennifer L. Legario, Port of Cagayan De Oro, No. (088) 856 District Collector of Tel. Customs


MDN: Nov. 27 & 28, 2012

ATTY. ANJU NEREO C. CASTIGADOR District Collector of Customs

Coordinator, MAKABAYAN Coalition. MAKABAYAN announced that the convention will kickoff with a Motorcade from 9 am to 11 am. Choke points have been set up in three points namely; Tibungco, Ulas and Buhangin. After the motorcade, the convention proper will proceed to the Gym of the University of the South Eastern Philippines (USEPObrero Campus). Challenging mainstream politics with its mantra, “Pagbabago para sa Pilipino. Pilipino para sa Pagbabago,” the Makabayan Coalition has now expanded to nine party list groups namely; Bayan Muna, Anakpawis, Gabriela Women’s Party, Kabataan, Katribu (for indigenous people’s rights), Act Teachers, Migrante, and PISTON which represents the PUJ drivers and operators. Still pending in the Supreme Court for approval are the application of COURAGE, representing government employees and KALIKASAN Partylist which aims to represent the poorest sectors as predominantly victimized by environmental deterioration and tragedies. Bayan Muna representative Teddy Casino, who is himself a Davaoeno, and has earlier announced his senatorial bid along with other national party list representatives will attend the convention. Locally, Atty. Leah Librado who is also a member of the HUGPONG coalition will run for her second term as city councilor. Davaoeno Atty. Carlos Isagani Zarate will be BAYAN MUNA’s second nominee while Edil Gonzaga is PISTON’s second nominee. During the media briefing, MAKABAYAN announced its platforms as the criteria for their basis of endorsing local and national politicians. During the MAKABAYAN national convention in Manila earlier this quarter, MAKABAYAN endorsed Senators Chiz Escudero, Loren Legarda, Cynthia Villar, Coco Pimentel, Grace Poe-Llamanzares.

WEDNESDAY | november 28, 2012

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News In Focus


Editor: CRIS DIAZ Email: crisguardian@yahoo.com Editorial. : mindanaodailynews@gmail.com • Advertising : mindanaodaily.ads@gmail.com Read us online exactly as it appears in print : www.mindanaodailybalita.com


Businessweek Mindanao supports NSO’s report writing workshop The National Statistics Office invites Businessweek Mindanao personnel Mr. Dante Sudaria, BusinessWeek Mindanao and Mindanao Daily News publisher and Mr. Shaun Alejandrae Uy, The C agayan de Oro TIMES editor as guests and at same time reactants during the Report Writing Workshop on November 21, 2012 at Chali Beach Resort and Conference Center, Cugman, Cagayan de Oro City with participants from NSO provincial offices of Bukidnon, Camiguin, Lanao del Norte, Misamis Occidental and Misamis Oriental and Regional Office 10. Each of the NSO provincial offices presents three (3) 2010 Census of Population and Housing (CPH) indicators

during the said workshop in preparation of writing a news report. This report writing workshop aims to inculcate the NSO employees the appropriate skills for news writing and reporting generally as well as its basic requirements such as 5W’s of the event which refers to the Who, What, When, Where and Why to come up with a clear and logically structured reports because reports play an essential role in many operations especially business operations. Mr. Uy even emphasizes that as a news writer one of the things must consider is the ‘target reader’. It needs to be read, understood, and often, acted upon . The fact that news affects the way we perceive and act on our decisions.


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WEDNESDAY | november 28, 2012


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Phoenix Petroleum president recognized in CNBC Asia Business Leaders Awards

Phoenix Petroleum Philippines President and CEO Dennis Uy, along with other business leaders in the region, was recognized in the prestigious 11th Asia Business Leaders Award (ABLA) by CNBC Asia held recently in Thailand. Uy, a finalist to the Awards, was one of 44 executives in Asia recognized “for their continuing commitment to excellence, developing best practices and innovative strategies.” The award ceremony was held on November 16, 2012 at the Siam Kempinski Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. This is the second consecutive year Uy was recognized by

ABLA. Uy was also recently a Finalist to the Entrepreneur of the Year 2012 Philippines. The 11th annual CNBC Asia Business Leaders Awards recognizes leaders who have help e d shap e t he A sia n economy and those who will continue to impact the Asia story in the years ahead, said Satpal Brainch, president and managing director of CNBC International. Business leaders from Thailand, India, South Korea, and Singapore won awards this year. Dhanin Chearavanont, Chairman & CEO of Charoen Pokphand Group of Thailand, received the Lifetime Achieve-

ment Award. N Chandrasekaran, CEO & Managing Director of India-based Tata Consultancy Services Ltd in India, won as Asia Business Leader of the Year. The Asia Talent Management Award went to Dr. Lee Suk-Chae, CEO of South Korea-based KT Corporation. Choo Chiau Beng, CEO of Keppel Corporation in Singapore, won the Corporate Social Responsibility Award. Recognized as Asia Innovator of the Year was M S Unnikrishnan, Managing Director & CEO of Thermax Ltd, an energy and environment engineering company based

in India. Aswin Techajareon- Candidates are evalvikul, President & CEO of uated based on a comBerli Jucker PCL, was named bination of criteria inThailand Business Leader of cluding the companies’ the Year. financial performance, The ABLA is judged by an creativity, innovation independent panel of world- and social responsirespected management strate- bility and their ability gists, academics, corporate to create short-term personalities and CNBC’s advantage, long-term executives. Judging is three- value and competitive phased, starting from quanti- edge. tative company data analysis Phoenix Petroleum to select the top performers Philippines is the leadfrom across Asia, followed ing independent oil by face-to-face interviews to c omp a ny t o d ay assess candidates’ leadership with an expanding network qualities to the final phase of of operations nationwide. It selecting the winners for the is engaged in the business of awards. trading refined petroleum

FINANCIAL regulators wereurged to fully ascertain the possible impact of the P12-billion Aman Futures Group pyramiding scam in Mindanao on small financial institutions in that part of the country.

“We are not overly concerned about any potential effects the scam might have on formal financial institutions. Just the same, we are counting on regulators to be extra watchful,” said Rep.

Arnel Ty, a member of the House committee on banks and financial intermediaries. The National Bureau of Investigation’s Anti-Fraud Division has yet to establish whether those who pulled off the scam that blew up

earlier this month channeled some of the funds to formal financial institutions. However, based on initial evidence, investors drawn to the rip-off were issued post-dated bank checks to cover their supposed lucrative interest earnings and returns of principal. However, the checks started bouncing when the scam collapsed. “We sympathize with the victims of the scam. No effort should be spared in bringing to justice those responsible for defrauding and destroying the lives of thousands of small investors,” said Ty, congressional representative of sales professionals grouped under the LPG Marketers’ Association (LPG-MA). Ty also supported Interior and Local Government Secretary Mar Roxas’s investigation of allegations that a number of local governments may have irregularly invested

Dennis Uy products and lubricants, operation of oil depots and storage facilities, shipping/ logistics and allied services.

Regulators urged to check impact of scam on small financial institutions some public funds in Aman Futures. This developed as the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) shuttered a five-unit rural bank in Mindanao, adding to the woes of small savers there. Northern Mindanao’s Siam Bank (A Rural Bank) Inc., which last reported having 5,376 savers with P140.48 million in total deposits, was closed down by the BSP on Nov. 22. Siam maintained a head office in Cagayan de Oro City and four branches -- one each in Iligan City, Lanao del Norte; Valencia City, Bukidnon; and in the municipalities of Lugait and Villanueva, both in Misamis Oriental. The BSP also padlocked the Pasuquin, Ilocos Nortebased Ilocandia Community Bank Inc. the same day. The three-unit lender last reported having 1,533 savers

with an aggregate of P39.44million in deposits. The two lenders brought to 19 the number of banks put under receivership this year due to severe liquidity issues and their inability to service withdrawals. Congress was challenged to create a new financial consumer watchdog to help safeguard the public against future investment scams. “We may have to put in place an entity patterned after the US Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which the US established in 2010, in the aftermath of the US financial crisis, which also saw some of America’s biggest investment scams blowing up,” Ty said. The US Congress established the bureau not only to fight home mortgage-related abuses that brought down the US housing market, but also to discourage scams.

Butuan SP qualifies for Local Legislative Award By PAT SAMONTE and JOEL PORTUGAL of Mindanao Daily News

BUTUAN CITY – The city council here has qualified for the prestigious Local Legislative Award for this year. This was learned from Vice-Mayor Lawrence Fortun’s information officer Eldie David, who said the Award is to be presented by the Councilors’ League of the Philippines in collaboration with the Department of the Interior and Local Government. ursuant to then DILG Secretary Jesse Robredo’s Memorandum Circular No. 2012-143, the Award

is aimed at recognizing the exemplary performance of Sanggunians of cities and municipalities in legislating measures that are designed to help the foundation of meaningful local administration and development. One of its objectives is to highlight innovations and excellence in the enactment of ordinances or resolutions directed at realizing desirable and progressive socio-economic and environmental outcome. David said the criteria for the Award include: -Effectiveness of the

Legislative Agenda; -Effectiveness of the Legislative Tracking System; -Availability of Legislative Documents; -Efficiency of Performance of the Sanggunian; -Quality of Office Setup and Staff Complement. According to David, the local legislative body under Fortun’s leadership had passed landmark ordinances such as the Public-Private Partnership Code which made the Butuan City Sanggunian the first to approve such legislation in the award | page 10


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Editor: RUEL V. PELONE Email: ruel_pelone2002@yahoo.com Editorial. : mindanaodailynews@gmail.com • Advertising : mindanaodaily.ads@gmail.com

Advocacy Mindanao Jess Dureza

Stem cell treatment at Villa Medica A special report-day 2

DAY TWO, FRESH CELL INJECTIONS -- We woke up early, as breakfast was ready by 7 a.m., although it was still dark outside. A lady nurse came in and took Beth’s temperature. The previous night, before sleeping, Beth was given by the lady nurse an anti-histamine anti-allergy pill, which was to forestall any allergy reaction to the fresh cell injections, scheduled about 11 a.m. Friday, on Day 2. When she woke up, Beth was complaining of her usual neck pains and upper shoulder spasms that had been normal occurrences over some time. This daily pain she would merely nurse by hot compress and avoiding analgesics and concerned that painkillers would worsen her kidney conditions. This was almost a daily recurrence back home in Davao for some time now. Adjusting to a 7-hour time difference was still problematic. It meant going to bed here at Edenkoben at 8 pm when our body clock told us it’s 3 a.m. in the morning back home. So when we woke up at 7 a.m., in Edenkoben, it was already 2 pm in the afternoon Philippine time. We had breakfast at the dining hall at the ground floor. Beth was clearly anxious and a bit nervous I could tell. The German couple was still seated at the next table to ours. Then we returned to our rooms to prepare for the stem cell injections. At that same moment, I was estimating that the 18- week pregnant “ Black Mountain” sheep must be undergoing the procedures too somewhere downstairs. As earlier told by Sammy, the VM rep who met us at the Frankfurt airport, the specially chosen pregnant sheep would be slaughtered about that time. I was informed that the German government monitored and closely supervised the procedures according to standards that the German government strictly required on stem cell treatment (something our Philippine government

Doing the Damage THINK a Minute… This is a true story about a young Jewish boy named Karl who grew up in Germany. Karl’s father was very religious and made sure his family went to the Jewish synagogue and studied the Torah or Jewish bible every day. When Karl was a teenager his family moved to another German town where all the important people were Christians not Jews. Suddenly, Karl’s father changed religions—not because he learned the truth that Jesus Christ is the only true God, but because he wanted to be popular and liked by the important people in the community. Karl’s family was so surprised and confused. Young Karl especially became deeply disappointed and angry at his father for being such a

Think A Minute Jhan Tiafau Hurst hypocrite. A few years later, Karl went to England to study and there he decided not to believe in God anymore. You see, that young teenage boy who was deeply disappointed and embittered by his hypocrite father was Karl Marx—the father of atheistic socialism. It was Karl Marx who wrote the Communist Manifesto. So now for almost a hundred years, over a billion people have suffered under the hopeless rule of atheistic

The 98 million controversy

Section 6 of the Philippine Constitution declares that the ‘separation of Church and State shall be inviolable. ‘Inviolable means ‘unbreakable’ or ‘sacred’ and that this constitutional provision should at all times be observed. When we talk of separation of the church and state, it brings to our minds that the church and the state have their own separate and indepen- Cris Diaz dent spheres. In addition, the church as well as the state moved within the limit of their spheres without encroaching into the other. However, are the church and state observing this constitutional provision? There are ‘gray areas’ so to speak stem | page 10 since the constitutional provision of the separation of church and state is general in context. These gray areas are ‘critical principles’ where both the state and the church (although separate and moved within their spheres) still share the same vision and www.mindanaodailybalita.com understanding of the value of life and dignity of a person. For instance, it is the duty of the state to ‘value the dignity of every human person and guarantees full The Mindanao Daily NEWS (mdn) respect for human rights.’ [Section 11. Ibid.] Of course, newspaper is published daily at Door 2, the Church would also say that their teachings adopt Tanleh Building, Abellanosa St., Brgy. Con-

solacion, Cagayan de Oro City. It is registered with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Region 10 with Certififcate No. 01791042, and with Business Permit No. 02275, TIN No. 209-980-927 Tel. Nos: (088) 856-3344, (08822)72-33-44, Cell nos.: 0917-7121424, 0923-432-0687 Website: www.mindanaodailybalita.com E-mail: mindanaodaily.ads@gmail.com, mindanaodailynews@gmail.com

socialism which was started by that hurt and bitter young man, Karl Marx. That’s the terrible damage and influence which resulted from Karl’s hypocrite father. Our children are watching the way you and I live every day! Our character and attitudes speak much louder than our words. Our kids aren’t stupid. They see the act we put on to look religious and good in front of other people. Then they see how we really are at home. They see when

we’re not honest. They see when we’re two-faced and gossip about others. They see us when we lose our temper and self-control. They see when we won’t forgive someone who hurt and wronged us. Our kids know whether or not we’re real Christians who live Jesus’ way every day. But if we are hypocrites, it not only means we ourselves are in danger, it also does great damage to our children’s relationship with God and the kind of people they become as adults. So won’t you ask Jesus to forgive you? Then ask Him to take charge of your heart so He can start helping you change. That’s the only way your kids can learn from you how to follow and become like Christ in their character and lifestyle. Just think a minute…

this constitutional provision. Generally, the Philippine Constitution was tailored in the context of religious influence and perception. It is clearly manifested in the Declaration of State Principles and Policies, Section 12, which partly says ‘The state recognizes the sanctity of family life and shall protect and strengthen the family as a basic autonomous social institution. It shall equally protect the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from conception.’ Thus, the passage of the Reproductive Health (RH) Bill should not threaten the Church. After all, the spirit of the bill is not to snap the life of an unborn child. The bill was legislated as a method of counseling a family in rearing children and family. In other words RH Bill provides an appropriate ‘knowledge tools’ for parents to discern on the propriety of having children. While we are talking about the bill to address the continued growth of the existing 98 million people in the country, the bill does not teach couples to abort an unborn child otherwise; it would run contrary to the state’s constitutional provisions. The Church should not tag the RH Bill as a ‘state sponsored abortion’ because doing so would confuse the issue. Instead of positively reflecting on the issue, the Church mixes it up by directly interfering in the affairs of the state. React: crisguardian@yahoo.com

Patron of the Arts

(First of two parts)

FROM rising painters, to trailblazing printmakers, to national artists — the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) has served as a “great patron” to them all. The Bangko Sentral is MINDANAO DAILY NEWS considered “unique” as a Publisher public institution because MER M. SUDARIA Manager of its exceptional collection ROSE MARY D. SUDARIA of paintings spanning more Finance Manager than two centuries, accordRUEL V. PELONE ALLAN M. MEDIANTE ing to the Committee on Editor-in-Chief Executive Editor BSP Artwork and Paintings JOE DEL PEURTO FELICILDA melanie rivera Managing Editor (CBAP). Advertising The BSP’s art collection CRIS DIAZ Associate Editor started under the term of albert molit SHAUN ALEJANDRAE UY Governor Gregorio S. LiCirculation Sports & Lifestyle Editor caros. Paintings were then BEN ARCHE jun escuadro acquired to adorn the former Regional Editor-DAVAO RIZA O. ARES Central Bank of the Philippat samonte LIEZL A. DELOSO Regional Editor-Caraga pines’ new offices on Roxas JOE PALABAO AL JACINTO Boulevard. Rene Michael BaÑos Regional Editor-Zamboanga The collected works grew Marketing Consultants gerry lee gorit significantly under former Photo Journalists ATTY. MARIO T. JUNI Uriel C. Quilinguing atty. roberto a. cantago jr. Governor Jaime C. Laya, Editorial Consultant who expanded the Bank’s Legal Counsels

Speaking Out IGNACIO BUNYE art collection to include decorative arts (pre-colonial gold and pottery). The CBAP added that during the terms of former BSP Governor Rafael B. Buenaventura and present Governor Amando M. Tetangco Jr., the Committee started the inventory of the BSP art collection and published the books “Tanaw: Perspectives on the BSP Painting Collection” and “Tanaw: Catalog of the BSP Painting Collection.” It was under the term of Tetangco that the BSP’s biennial art competition

(“ Tanaw : the BSP Art Competition”) and its art acquisition program were launched. “We believe that the BSP as an established storehouse of Philippine culture should continue to serve as its guardian,” the CBAP said. The country’s 14 National Artists for visual arts (two for sculpture, 12 for painting) are represented in the BSP collection. Fernando Amorsolo leads the pack, with 28 of his paintings now with the BSP. Hernando R. Ocampo comes second, with 27 paintings.

The other National Artists with artworks included in the BSP collection are: Carlos “Botong” Francisco, Guillermo Tolentino, Napoleon Abueva, Victoria Edades, Vicente Manansala, Cesar Legaspi, Arturo Luz, J. Elizalde Navarro, Ang Kiukok, Jose Joya, Benedicto Cabrera, and Abdulmari Imao. The BSP also has 10 of the “Thirteen Moderns” in its collection. The “Thirteen Moderns,” spearheaded by Victorio Edades, was an attempt to form a cohesive unit of artists who were in search of a modern style. Edades, who has eight of his works with the BSP, had helped organize the University of Santo Tomas Department of Architecture in 1930. He was appointed Director of the UST College of Architecture and Fine bunye | page 10

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Editor: JOE DEL PUERTO FELICILDA • Email: msbmdn@yahoo.com.ph Editorial : mindanaodailynews@gmail.com • Advertising : mindanaodaily.ads@gmail.com

DepEd to Army goes tree planting instead of firing hold ALS test next month

By 1st Jolito E. Borces

CAMP Jaime N. Ferrer Sr, Maharlika, Bislig City-Troopers of the 75th Infantry Battalion, under Lt. Col. Danilo D. Benavides, have initiated tree planting at the Boy Scouts Campsite, Mt Magdiwata Watershed, Barangay 1, San Franciso, Agusan del Sur. Inste ad of f ire ar ms, troopers from the Bravo Company, under Chosen FS F Jalandoni, brought with them shovels, bolos and other planting tools and materials as they embark on such an environmental activity. Joining them were of-

By Alfonso T. Ruda

ficials and employees of the local government unit of San Francisco; the PNP; San Francisco Water District, headed by General Manager Elmer Loson; and Head Reporter Anthony Arreza of DXSF radio. Planting some 1,000 mahogany seedlings, the activity was in line with the National Greening Program (NGP) of the government to preserve the watershed. “Besides, it is our sworn duty to support the conservation of our natural resources, Lt. Col. Benavidez said. (JEB/asf )

DIPOLOG City--The Bureau of Alternative Learning System (ALS) of the Department of Education (DepEd) is all set for this year’s accreditation and equivalency (A&E) test in the city, December 16, this year. City Schools Division ALS Supervisor Catalina S. Barinaga said the examination will be conducted in two separate venues, such as the Zamboanga del Norte National High School in Barangay Estaka for the outof-school youths (OSYs); and the City Reformatory Center at Barangay Upper Dicayas

for detainee-examinees. A total of 758 qualified examinees, 683 out-of-school youths and 75 inmates are taking the examination. In the secondary level, 580 OSYs and 56 detainees are expected to take the test; 103 OSYs and 19 detainees in the elementary level. Successful examinees in the elementary level are eligible to enroll in high school in the next opening of classes, while secondary level passers will qualify for college enrolment. (ALT/ ATR/PIA9-Zambo Norte/ asf)

Butuan police bracing for ‘ber’ months By Arjay S. Felicilda of the Mindanao Star Balita

Misamis Oriental Governor Oscar S. Moreno (2nd from right) led the unveiling of the Fifth State of the Philippine Population Report 5 (SPPR) on Thursday. The ceremonial launching was witnessed by (L-R) Rosalinda D. Marcelino (Popcom Deputy Executive Director), Tomas M. Osias (Popcom Executive Director) and Archbishop Antonio J. Ledesma of Cagayan de Oro. The new SPPR series explores topics on population, health and environment interrelationships and the experience of the country in integrating the three variables in policies, programs and projects. (JCV-PIA10)

CAGAYAN de Oro City – “As we enter the months of September to December, we are wary of the crime wave that goes along with it,” said Police Sr. Supt. Nerio T. Bermudo, director of the Butuan City Police Office (BCPO). “Our experience would remind us that crimes against properties, such as theft and robbery, are more likely to happen during this season,” he related, adding that “it is during this time of the year that the demands for police services and public expectations is equally high.” The BCPO has successfully secured the city during the All Souls Day and All Saints Day celebrations, but just a day after, the city was

shaken by the robbery-holdup incident at Lucibenino Jewelry and Pawnshop, Inc. where armed men carted away some P3.5 million worth of jewelry. “Luckily, due to the vigilance and active participation of our force multipliers, coupled with the swift response of our police personnel, one of the four suspects was immediately arrested and another was apprehended few days later,” PSSupt. Bermudo recounted. With the Christmas season fast approaching, he expects more crimes to happen in Butuan City. He then enjoined every member of the BCPO to help deny the underworld

people every opportunity to carry out their criminal acts to the four corners of the city. “I know that a crime-free city does not exist, but unifying our efforts and working together to minimize, if not to eliminate the occurrence of crime, will make us move closer to that goal,” he further said. Leading the law enforcement sector in a city, like Butuan, is not an easy task, he admitted, “but with the troop augmentation from the Police Regional Office (PRO-13), headed by Police Chief Supt. Carmelo Valmoria, and the popular support from the force multipliers, I know we can make Butuan a safe and peaceful city to live in.”

Knights of Rizal honors Dr. IKeda

The Order of the Knights of Rizal recently conferred the “Golden Heart Award” to Dr Daisaku Ikeda, founding President of Soka Gakkai International, a non-profit organization globally working for the promotion of peace and human values. Dr. Ikeda is also founder of several Soka schools in Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Malaysia and universities in Japan and America, as well as the Toda Institute for Global Peace and Policy Research and the Boston Research Center for the 21st Century among others. A prolific writer, Ikeda has published over a hundred works, including philosophical treatises, poetry, children’s stories and photographic collections. Central to his thinking is the idea that a self-directed transformation within the life of each individual, rather than societal or structural reforms alone, holds the key to lasting peace and human happiness. Dr. Ikeda’s endeavors to promote peace, cultural understanding, and humanistic education also earned him the UN Peace Award among many other peace awards all over the world.

In the Philippines, Dr. Ikeda has also been conferred the Juan Luna Award, the Rizal International Peace Award, the Anak TV Broadcasters’ Award, and over a dozen honorary doctorates and professorships from various universities. Dr. Ikeda’s children’s stories will air in December in animation form over ABSCBN under the series title Animazing Tales. The same series now enjoy three runs daily on the Hero Cable Channel. The Order of the Knights of Rizal, a civic, patriotic, non-sectarian, nonpartisan and non-racial organization founded to venerate the memory of Dr. Jose Rizal, created the Golden Heart Award to recognize individuals, regardless of nationality, whose advocacies touch the lives of millions of people parallel to the moral foundation that the organization upholds. The award was presented by KGCR Sir Rogelio Quiambao, Chairman of the Council of Elders, and KGCR Sir Reghis Romero, Knights of Rizal Supreme Commander at a conferral ceremony attended by SGI vice president Masatoshi Konno who received the honor in behalf of Dr. Ikeda.

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Notice is hereby given that the intestate estate of the deceased FELIX T. RAÑOJA, who died on May 24, 1992 at Cagayan de Oro City, left a certain parcel of land, more particularly described as follows: TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. T-59154 “A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 2, Block 26, Psd-10-011867, being a portion of Block 15, Pcs-10-000599), situated in the Barrio of Patag, City of Cagayan de Oro. Containing an area of EIGHTY (80) square meters, more or less, is the subject of “EXTRA-JUDICIAL SETTLEMENT OF THE ESTATE OF FELIX T. RAÑOJA WITH DEED OF ABSOLUTE SALE” made and entered into by and among the following compulsory and only heirs namely; 1. THELMA T. RAÑOJA, of legal age, Filipino, widow and resident of Patag, Cagayan de Oro City, and the surviving wife of the deceased; 2. CLARITA RAÑOJA BARRETE, of legal age, Filipino, married and resident of Patag, Cagayan de Oro City, and the surviving daughter of the deceased; 3. BELINDA RAÑOJA BETANCOR, of legal age, Filipino, married and resident of Bulua, General Santos City, and the surviving daughter of the deceased; 4. BRIGIDA RAÑOJA PLEÑOS, of legal age, Filipino, married and resident of Calumpang, General Santos City, and the surviving daughter of the deceased; 5. EDUARDO T. RAÑOJA, of legal age, Filipino, married and resident of Zone 9, Patag, Cagayan de Oro City, and the surviving son of the deceased; 6. ALFONSO T. RANOJA, of legal age, Filipino, married and resident of Zone 9, Patag, Cagayan de Oro City, and the surviving son of the deceased; for and in consideration of the sum of SIX HUNDRED NINETY THOUSAND PESOS (P690,000.00), receipt in full of which is hereby acknowledged from MA. JOCELYN REYES SONZA, of legal age, Filipino, single and resident of Zone 2, Lower Bulua, Cagayan de Oro City, hereby solidarily and jointly, SELL, TRANSFER, and CONVEY, the above described parcel of land together with all the improvements found therein, as per Doc. No. 211; Page No. 43; Book No. 166; Series of 2012; under Notary Public of ATTY. MARIO T. JUNI.

Notice is hereby given that the intestate estate of the deceased EUFRONIA A. SORIANO, who died in July 1988, left a certain real property which is registered in her name, situated in Bugo, Cagayan de Oro City and more particularly described as follows, to wit; TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. T-117556 “A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 1, Pcs-3843 Amd.), situated in the Barrio of Bugo, City of Cagayan de Oro. Containing an area of TWO HUNDRED SIXTY FIVE (265) SQUARE METERS, more or less, is the subject of EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT OF THE ESTATE OF EUFRONIA A. SORIANO WITH DEED OF ABSOLUTE SALE made and entered into by and among the following compulsory heirs; ROGELIO A. SORIANO, of legal age, Filipino, married and resident of Greymar Subd., Bugo, Cagayan de Oro City, son of the deceased; PURITA S. CHARLON, of legal age, Filipino, married and resident of Reyes Subd., Bugo, Cagayan de Oro City, daughter of the deceased; FE S. AQUINO, of legal age, Filipino, married and resident of Greymar Subd., Bugo, Cagayan de Oro City, daughter of the deceased; FREVISMINDA S. BUGAS, of legal age, Filipino, married and resident Oroquieta City, daughter of the deceased; HEIRS OF ALUDIO N. SORIANO, herein represented by his wife, MERLITA N. SORIANO, of legal age, Filipino, widow and resident of Greymar Subd., Bugo, Cagayan de Oro City, son of the deceased; that the above-named parties all of legal age are the legitimate children and the compulsory/surviving heirs of the deceased. For and in consideration of the sum of EIGHTY THOUSAND (P80,000.00) jointly SELL, TRANSFER, and CONVEY, absolutely and unconditionally, unto RAFFY SALVACION, as per Doc. No. 53; Page No. 11; Book No. 166; Series of 2012; under Notary Public of ATTY. MARIO T. JUNI.

MDN: NOV. 28, DEC. 5, & 12, 2012

WEDNESDAY | november 28, 2012

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NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that the estate of LIBERTADOR ABAN RACAZA, who died intestate on April 23, 2012, consisting of a parcel of land situated in the Bo. of Calibunan, Cabadbaran, Agusan del Norte (Beginning at a point marked 1 of Lot No. 395, Pls-736; being S. 23-44’E., 4256.49 m. from BLLM No. 1, Pls-736) containing an area of 15,930 square meters, is the subject of an EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT OF THE ESTATE OF THE LATE LIBERTADOR ABAN RACAZA executed by and among deceased Libertador Aban Racaza’s wife and legitimate children and sole and exclusive heirs, namely, Patria S. Racaza, Liza S. Racaza-Quilala, Liberty S. Racaza-Lumasag, Linalou S. Racaza-Veloso, Jacquelou S. Racaza and Jaysen Bert S. Racaza-Stuart Del Rosario, per Doc. No. 119; Page No. 24; Book No. XV; Series of 2012 of the Notarial Registry of Atty. Manuel Nicholas L. Aguilar, Notary Public.

On Dec. 18, 2012 at 10:00 am, this establishment will sell at Public auction all unredeemed pledges up to the month of June 1-30, 2012 Customers are enjoined to verify their receipt. Prosperidad Branch- Public Mkt., Poblacion, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur Iligan 1 Branch-Badeffes St., Iligan City Managoy 01 Branch- Espiritu St., Mangagoy, Bislig City, Surigao del Sur Iligan 2 Branch- Cabili Avenue, Iligan City Mangagoy 02 Branch- Corner P. Catillo St., and Picasales St, Iligan 3 Branch-Gen. Aguinaldo St., Palao, Iligan City Mangagoy, Bislig City, Surigao del Sur Iligan 4 Branch- Aguinaldo cor. Laya St., Palao, Iligan City Butuan 1 Branch-Ester Luna St., Butuan City Iligan 5 Branch-Agtsinaldo St., lligay City Butuan 2 Branch-Langihan Road, Butuan City CM RECTO Branch- CM Recto Ave., CDOC Butuan 3 Branch-Marcos Calo st., Butuan City Velez Branch-Velez St., CDOC, Butuan 5 Branch- J.C. Aquino Avenue Cor. Narra Road, New Rizai Branch-Cor. Rizal St., CDOC Society Vill. Butuan City Carmen 1 Branch- Max Zurtiel St., CDOC Libertad Branch- Purok 3, Libertad, Butuan City Carmen 2 Branch-Vamenta Blvd. Carmen CDOC Gingoog 01 Branch- Sebulino Bldg., Doma Granciana St., Gingoog City Borja Branch -J.R. Borja St., CDOC Gingoog 02 Branch- Brgy 17, National Highway, Gingoog Gity Tiano-Borja Branch- Tiano-J.R. Borja St., Jordan Redoblado Bldg Masipit Branch- Buenavista, Prosperidad, Agusan del Norte Osmeña Branch-Pres. Osmeha St., CDOC Surigao 1 Branch- Cor. San Nicolas & Burgos St., Surigao Gity Lapasan Branch- CM Recto Avenue, Lapasan, CDOC Surigao 2 Branch- Borromeo St., Surigao City Corrales Branch- Corrales Hayes St., Cagavan de Oro City Surigao 3 Branch- Tamaca Bldg., Sarvida, Surigao City Puerto Branch- Jubo Arcade, Puerto, CDOC Surigao 4 Branch- Cor. Vasquez and Rizal St., Surigao City Tagoloan Branch-Tagoloan, Misamis Oriental Cabadbaran 1 Branch- Atega St., Cabadbaran, Agusan del Sur Villanueva Branch- Viiianueva, Misamis Oriental Cabatsbaran 2 Branch - A.D. Curato St., Cabadbaran City Balingasag Branch- Balingasag, Misamis Oriental Bayugan 1 Branch-P1 Narra Avenue, Bayugan, Agusan del Sur Medina Branch - Alaba St., Medina, Mis. Or. Bayugan 2 Branch- Libres St., P3 Brgy. Taglatawan, Bayugan, Mambajao Branch- P. Reyes St., Mabajao, Camiguin Province Agusan del Sur San Francisco 01 Branch-Center Island, Roxas St., San Francisco, Magpayang Branch - Magpayang Mainit, Surigao del Sur Agusan del Sur Barobo Branch- Sanchez Bldg ., Poblacion, Barobo, Surigao del Sur

MDN: NOV. 28, DEC. 5, & 12, 2012

Karong Dec. 18, 2012 sa alas 10:00 sa buntag ang among ahensya magbaligya pinaagi sa Subasta sa tanang Prenda nga wala malukat hangtud sa Bulan sa Hunyo 1-30, 2012 gihangyo ang tanang mga suki sa Pagsusi sa ilang resibo.


Kimberlite Pawnshop will be having an AUCTION SALE on all items that expired on October 2012 AUCTION DATE: DECEMBER 13, 2012 Estrada Bldg., Fortich-Don Carlos Sts., Malaybalay City, Bukidnon

CAGAYAN DE ORO Main Branch P & J Lim Bldg., Tiano Brothers – Kalambagohan Sts., Tel. # (08822) 727-829 * Telefax # (088) 856-1947 CORRALES Branch Corrales Ave., Cagayan de Oro City DIVISORIA Branch Atty. Erasmo B. Damasing Bldg., #61 Don A. Velez St., Cagayan de Oro City Tel. # (088) 857-3631 LAPASAN Branch Lapasan Hi-way, Cagayan de Oro City


: November 28, 2012 Date: November 28, 2012


: ProspectiveBidders/Contractors Bidders/Contractors Prospective

From: From


Subject:: CANCELLATION OF PROCUREMENT Subject CANCELLATION OF PROCUREMENT ( Supply and Delivery of Rice Incentive for the Teaching & Non-Teaching, Permanent & Non-permanent Personnel in DepEd, Province of Agusan del Sur) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please be informed that the Supply and Delivery of Rice Incentive for the Teaching & Non-Teaching, Permanent & Non-permanent Personnel in DepEd, Province of Agusan del Sur is cancelled due to the recent issuance of Commission on Audit (COA) Circular Number 2012-003 dated October 29, 2012, re: Updated Guidelines for the Prevention and Disallowance of Irregular, Unnecessary, Excessive, Extravagant and Unconscionable Expenditures.

(Supply and Delivery of Rice Incentive for the Teaching & Non-Teaching, Permanent & Non-permanent Personnel in DepEd, Province of Agusan del Sur)

Please be informed that the Supply and Delivery of Rice Incentive for the Teaching & Non-Teaching, Permanent & Non-permanent Personnel in DepEd, Province of Agusan del Sur is cancelled due to the recent issuance of Commission on Audit (COA) Circular Number 2012003 dated October 29, 2012, re: Updated Guidelines for the Prevention and Disallowance of Irregular, Unnecessary, Excessive, Extravagant and Unconscionable Expenditures.



MDN: NOV. 14, 21 & 28, 2012

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WEDNESDAY november 28, 2012

Create... from page 1

of the overall operation of the River Center and the operation and maintenance of monitoring facilities, including the yearly calibration of the installed equipment. Rece ntly, scientists and advisors from 20 specialized United Nations bodies also met to decide how a people-centred early-warning system can be implemented worldwide. The UN-led initiative was aimed to help reduce the impact of natural disasters through effective early warning systems. The first Advisory Group Meeting of the International Early Warning Programme (IEWP) will provide the international community with an opportunity to start shaping how the IEWP should operate in the coming years. The advice provided will determine IEWP’s longterm character. In particular, the participants assessed the recommendations of the Global Survey of Early Warning Systems to build a more comprehensive alert platform that includes all types of natural hazards. Over the past two years alone more than 1,000 disasters events have occurred around the planet on every continent. This represents more than one major disaster incident per day. These extreme loss events have affected the livelihoods and wealth of some 200 million citizens. Insurance companies indicate that an estimated damage of approximately USD 300 billion had thus to be accounted for across the global economy during this same period. “Disasters triggered by natural hazards will happen again, often unpredictably, always erratically,” said Salvano Briceño, the top UN-official on Disaster Reduction (UN/ISDR). “While the hazards cannot be prevented, their impact can be decreased if vulnerable communities have been enabled to develop sufficient resilience to cope with them. The International Early Warning Programme is a critical instrument in establishing a strong framework for such global early warning systems,” he explained. To facilitate implementation of the proposed programme and to strengthen cross-sector partnerships, the Bonn-based UN/ISDR Platform for the Promotion of Early Warning is assisting actors in both the public and private sectors to sustain a dialogue on early warning.

Scam... from page 1

Jamiery Amer Rasuman, chief financial officer/comptroller; Jamela Rasuman Tomawis, assistant chief financial officer; Jalaimah Rasuman Manguron, marketing manager; Jerome Amer Rasuman, operations manager; Bashir Rasuman Jr., assistant operations man-

Editorial. : mindanaodailynews@gmail.com Advertising : mindanaodaily.ads@gmail.com

ager ;Amer Tomawis, key accounts manager; Princess Tomawis Rasuman, secretary/accounts officer and Ema Amer Rasuman, consultant . Jachob’s mother is Ema, and his siblings are Jeremiah, who is Tamparan, Lanao del Sur vice mayor, Jamerie, Jerome, Jamila, Jalaima, and Bashir Jr. Jachob’s wife is Princess Tomawi, who is the sister of Amer Tomawis. Princess and Amer are the children of Sultan Yahya “Jerry” Tomawis, administrator of the Southern Philippine Development Authority. Incidents of kidnapping are reportedly on the rise in Lanao del Sur after the Rasumans’ alleged pyramiding opertions folded up last July and failed to pay their investors. Earlier, NBI Iligan District Office chief Alex Carbonay said that there were “already some reports na mayroon nang na-abduct [that there already those who were abducted].” “One of the targets there is the family of Rasuman,” said Carbonay. On August 13, Ouzhar “Paw” Rasuman, Jachob’s nephew, was kidnapped by unidentified men in Divisoria, Cagayan de Oro City. The abductors’ motive was to pressure Jachob to return the money that the former had invested in the get-rich-quick operations, according to Police Supt. Danildo Tumanda, the station commander of Police Station 1 in Divisoria. The 24-year-old Ouzhar was released by his abductors on August 24. Authorities said the kidnappers were also the relatives of the Rasumans. Also, one of Jachob’s subagents, who hides under the name “Abdul,” fears that investors would take revenge against him and his loved ones. “Sinasabi nila sa akin ng ganitong buwan ikaw na lang ang kukunin namin, kumbaga mawawala na ‘yong buhay natin, papatayin din kami [They tell me that by this month they will take me, they will kill us.],” Abdul earlier told Interaksyon 5. Abdul, who is now deep in debt, claimed that he, too, was defrauded by the Rasumans. Earlier, Sr. Supt. Romel Magsalos, Lanao Del Sur police commander, said Jachob “Coco” Rasuman of Rasuman group, an investment firm in Lanao del Sur, was arrested by the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) agents and aided by his men. The suspect was taken into NBI custody. Magsalos did not elaborate on the details about the arrest except that Rasuman was arrested at his residence in Marawi City. Rasuman was among the personalities with arrest warrants for syndicated

estafa. (Abigail Kwok, Inter- ency, a principle which SUCs Aksyon.com, and Marlene should have no problem embracing and putting into Alcaide, News5) practice as nurturers of our future leaders,” added the from page 1 senator. Pimentel stressed that further strengthen the safety and security not only within budget for all levels of eduthe MSU campus but in cation in the country should other educational institu- not only be sufficient but tions and their vicinity as must also be used “wisely and judiciously” in order well. “There is now a ques- to elevate the quality of tion of safety and security education and to make it of the professors and of the accessible to more Filipinos. The Department of Budstudents in MSU because of the recent double murder get and Management (DBM) and arson committed inside has proposed a P37.1 billion the campus,” Pimentel said. budget for SUCs for 2013 The senator from Min- which is about 45 percent danao cited an article by Fr. higher than their P25.8 Jun Mercado, OMI, who budget this year. Himself a product of said that the MSU community has expressed outrage the state education system, over the latest brutal double being a graduate of the murder and arson that cap University of the Philipthe many unsolved cases pines (UP) College of Law, of banditry, kidnapping, Pimentel urged DBM to rape, ambuscade, arson and clarify observations being practically all other forms of made within the academic lawlessness on the campus. community that the proOn 25 October 2012, posed increase for 2013 Thursday at eight o’clock would somehow be just in the morning, four armed “artificial”. “Some are of the opinion men entered Mindnolia, that not all of the increase an internet café owned by would directly impact on 44-year-old MSU Professor improving higher educaOthello Cobal. The four gunmen shot Cobal in the tion as provided by SUCs head and Erwin Diaz, a stu- because chunks had been dent, was also manhandled allocated for, among others, the so-called Miscellaneous and shot. The hoodlums then set Personnel Benefits Funds the internet café on fire (MPBF) and the automatic together with the bodies appropriations for pension of retired employees,” the of Cobal and Diaz. Fr. Mercado lamented senator said. The MPBF, which inthat there had been no apprehensions and not even cludes funds for unfilled a single suspect had been positions, is said to be withhauled to the police precinct held by the DBM until SUCs for investigation or was request for the funds to fill there anybody officially up the positions and the SUCs are able to submit charged in court. A statement of concern proper documentations. “The concern by some by the MSU Alumni Association also called for exter- in the academe is that the nal intervention to restore MPBF may be underutiorder and to recapture the lized,” said Pimentel. “But there’s nothing past glory of the MSU. wrong per se in increasing Pimentel said the inthe MPFB because we need vestigation is necessary as the Constitution mandates to fill up all the necessary that the prime duty of the positions with qualified Government is to serve and people,” said the Mindanao protect the people, and that solon. “At the same time, we the State recognizes the also have to take care of the vital role of the youth in retired employees of SUCs nation-building and should who had given so much therefore promote and protect their physical, moral, of their lives in nurturing spiritual, intellectual, and the so-called iskolar ng bayan into nation-builders social well-being. In another development, themselves.” sen. Koko lauded yesterday the 45 percent increase in from page 6 the proposed 2013 budget for State Universities and now start looking into with Colleges (SUCs) while ad- the onset of stem cell treatvocating “full transparency” ment by our Philippine medical institutions.) in the use of the funds. “After the horrendous At 1030 a.m., and back in cuts in the budgetary al- our room, Beth was given location of SUCs in 2012, a “relaxant” (Valium) to the additional budget being ease up prior to the treatproposed by the government ment. The injections were for higher education next to be done inside Room year is most welcome and 19 where we were billeted. is certain to be approved by Then another shot of an Congress,” said Pimentel. anti allergy serum was ad“After all, a nation ministered. known globally for its highly By 1130 a.m., the docskilled, professional and tors came, one of them the sought-after workers abroad Filipino doctor, Dr. Morato. can never have too much He was in a green operatbudget for education at all ing room gown as with the rest. Beth in her bed was levels.” “But as in any utilization asked to lie on her stomach of taxpayers’ money, there while her buttocks were must always be transpar- first sterilized and applied




with disinfectants. She was advised to remain still and not even to talk while the procedure was being done. Then the injections started. Nine syringe injections in a row of fresh stem cells. It took only about 2 minutes and it was over. Then the injected area was covered with a big plaster. A nurse assistant kept asking: “ How do you feel? “ I would hear Beth say, “okay” every time it was no big deal. It was over before we realized it. She was allowed to turn around and lie on her back and told to stay in bed and not to get up. For the next 30 hours or so, she was supposed to stay in bed. She would be allowed to get up with the minimum movements only when taking her dinner which was served in the room and when going to the bathroom. The close observations followed. From time to time, the nurse would look at the injected area for telltale signs of allergy reactions or unusual appearances or body reactions. There were none. Then after a while Dr.Morato came back to inject, with one syringe, fresh stem cells at Beth’s neck portion due to her persistent complaint about neck and shoulder pains. “That would take care of those pains, hopefully,” Dr. Morato re- assuringly told Beth. The stem cells that were injected in the neck area, I gathered were taken from the neck cartilage of the unborn sheep fetus. That neck injection was a special treatment that was not included in the original package. Then the extended rest period begun. She would not be allowed to leave the room. Beth stayed in bed the rest of the day, allowed to get up only to go to the bathroom or take the meal that was delivered inside the room. Due to the Valium pill she took before the injections, she was resting well by the sound of her snore and breathing. This went on for the rest of the day until evening. She woke up middle of the night, asked what time it was and then slipped back to sleep. The temperature outside was chilly. At one time, she rose and sat on a lounging chair and read a few pages from the book of Senator Juan Ponce Enrile’ s MEMOIRS that she bought for me while still in Manila. Then she would fall asleep again. The waiting for the results of the treatment thus begun.

Bunye... from page 6

Arts in 1935. Edades patterned the Fine Arts curriculum after American courses and included Western and Oriental art history, foreign languages, and optional science subjects such as zoology and botany (aside from the standard subjects such as drawing, painting and composition).

“It was under the stewardship of Edades that UST became foremost in modern art, while the University of the Philippines remained the bastion of conservative art under Fernando Amorsolo,” the CBAP said. Artists from the “Thirteen Moderns” whose works are represented in the collection include Edades, Demetrio Diego, Carlos Francisco, Cesar Legaspi, Diosdado Lorenzo, Anita MagsaysayHo, Vicente Manansala, Galo B. Ocampo, Hernando R. Ocampo, and Ricarte Purugganan. The Cultural Center of the Philippines has honored this pioneering group by naming its art awards the “Thirteen Artists Award” — originally conceived to support experimental art in the Philippines. At present, the CBAP explained that it has become a triennial program that nurtures and promotes artistic excellence by recognizing progressive and innovative art. (To be continued next week) My book “Central Banking for Every Juan and Maria” is now available at Fully Booked, Bonifacio High Street, Bonifacio Global City. You may e-mail us at totingbunye2000@gmail. com.

Award... from page 4

Philippines, the creation of an Environmental and Natural Resources Council, the creation of the AntiTrafficking in Persons Committee, measures relating to disaster risk reduction and management, and the relocation of residents from flood-prone areas to safer and higher grounds. David said the city council’s responsiveness to the needs of the community, its concern for the environment and future generations, its active role in the city’s growth and development in partnership with the executive department and its championing the cause of good governance and transparency have earned for the Sanggunian the honor of being a finalist for the Local Legislative Award. Meanwhile, the SP was compiling documents including legislative agenda, ordinances, resolutions, Legislative Tracking System, Journal of Sanggunian Proceedings, minutes of sessions and committee reports for submission in compliance with requirements, he said. WITH REPORT BY JUNESTHER JEAN IWAY

Editorial : mindanaodailynews@gmail.com Advertising : mindanaodaily.ads@gmail.com

WEDNESDAY november 28, 2012



Caraga Offers Tribute to 100th day of Robredo’s Death Butuan City - The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Region 13 (CARAGA) together with other partner agencies in the region gathered at the Philippine Ports Authority (PPA), Butuan City on monday evening, November 26, 2012 to give tribute the 100th day of Jesse M. Robredo’s death. A moment of silence was offered to the late Jesse M. Robredo as each one quietly gave their prayers for his soul. Right after was the ecumenical prayer by the Lumad, Christian and the Islam. The gathering at PPA grounds is part of the 18day campaign of putting

an end to violence against women in Caraga with the theme VAW-Free Society in Times of Peace, Conflict and Calamity. It could be remembered that the late Jesse M. Robredo was an advocate of Anti-violence against women. Just last March 28 of this year, Robredo issued Memorandum Circular No. 2012-61 for the guidelines in the establishment and management of a referral system on Violence Against Women (VAW) at the local government unit level. The memorandum aims to establish a referral system at the local government level to have an integrated and coordinated community

VARIOUS activities are being mulled for the 1st year commemoration of the Typhoon Sendong tragedy. Councilor Alexander Dacer, chair of the executive committee created by Mayor Vicente Emano to prepare and implement fitting rites on Dec. 17, convened the committee yesterday to discuss this. Together with Councilor Nadya Emano and Msgr Elmer Abacahin, vice chair of the committee, Councilor Dacer checked on details and needed budgets for the working committees created for the purpose. Other members of the committee are: Councilors Annie Daba, Emmanuel Abejuela and Dante Pajo, City Engineer-designate Engr. Mario Batar, Engr. Jorie Bingona of the City Public Services Office, Engr. OBO head Isidro Borja, CPDO’s Engr. Isidro Borja, City Health Officer Dr. Jerie Calingasan, City Finance Department OIC Engr. Marilyn Legaspi, City Local Environment and Natural Resources Officer-designate Virginia Deguinion, Estate Management Division OIC Nila Padla, CSWD-designate

Nena Salon, City Budget Officer Griscelda Joson and Acting City Administrator Wilma Polley Rugay. MEDICAL MISSION Councilor Dante Pajo proposed the holding of medical missions at the Indahag and Berjaya relocation sites and a People to People Program at Calaanan as part of the activities prior to the Dec. 17 commemoration rites. The councilor heads the medical team. Councilor Dacer lauded this as service to the calamity victims as one of the highlights of the activity. Preparations for a simultaneous floral and candlelighting activity, Eucharistic celebration and a fitting program with invited celebrities will be finalized on Wednesday. The executive committee is coordinating with a multisectoral group for the Day of Remembrance on Dec. 17. Mayor Emano said the holding of commemorative rites will be an expression of the city’s gratitude for the life and hope that remained after the flood devastated the city, and for how the city has risen after the tragedy.(LCR)

response to victims of violence against women (VAW). In this regard, all Local Government Units (LGUs) are encouraged to adopt and implement the Guidelines in providing response to victims of violence against women. The highlight of the evening was the lighting and floating of candles and flowers at the Agusan River to stop violence against women 100th day of Robredo’s death candle-lighting dubbed as signify Caraga’s campaign to and to pay tribute to the as part of the nationwide “Light a Candle for Jesse”.


CIRCLE A WORD graphic details (2)

mode ordinate origin pie chart

plot point polygon quantity

range sample shaded statistics

December 17 activities for day to Remember

step tendency time value

How to play the game? Fill in completely every rows, columns and diagonals of each puzzle without repitition

Yesterday’s Answer

of the same digit.


across 35. Foot digits 1. Amulet 36. Occurrence 5. Spoiled child DOWN 8. Grassland 1. Celestial body 9. _Mina 2. Caidic of basketball 10. Prototypes 3. Christmas color 12. Evade 4. Lord 14. Period of time 5. Male sibling 15. More delicious 6. Means of communica 16. Nervous tion 18. Intense 7. Layer of articles 19. Ceasefire 9. Classified_ 21. For each 11. Crude metal 23. Zeal 13. Obtain 27. Rigorously moral 17. Stars and_ person 20. Appetizer 29. Greek letter 21. Boxer 30. Love feast 22. Expunge 31. Fort in Texas 24. Curtain 33. Body of water 25. Unit of electric resist 34. Small fruit seed ance

26. Perch 27. Verb tense 28. Afternoon reception 32. Ullmann of films

SUPERTRES II UNLEASHED: THE WINNING GUIDE LET’S PLAY LOTTO. SUPPORT PHILIPPINE CHARITY SWEEPSTAKES OFFICE! A N A LY S I S Higala, FOCUS nato ang atong panahon sa 0 in the next few days. Ang mga pairing nga angay bantayan, mao ang mga mosunod: 00, 04, 05, 07, ug 08. -Gawas 0 ang 7, 8, 2 ug 3 angay sab nga bantayan ug maayo ipares sa 0 as in 07, 08, 02, ug 03. Team SuperTres



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WEDNESDAY november 28, 2012

Editorial : mindanaodailynews@gmail.com Advertising : mindanaodaily.ads@gmail.com www.mindanaodailybalita.com

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