St.Moritz Award

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Abbado, Claudio • Aga Khan • Aga Khan, sen. • Agnelli Gianni • Agnelli, Edoardo • Agnelli, M arella • Akihito • Al Bano • Albers, Hans • Alpar, Gitta • Anderson, Pamela • André Auffm`Ort • Baron Erich von Rothschild • Baron Georg Heinrich Thyssen • Baron Hans Heinrich Thyssen • Baron Robert von Rothschild • Baron von Lundin • Baroness De • Benn, Gottfried • Berben, Iris • Berlusconi, Silvio • Bischofberger, Bruno • Bogner, Sonja • Bogner, Willy • Bohlen Halbach von Ar nold • Böttcher, Else • Bow, Clar a • Brynn Carrer as, José • Caruso, Enrico • Casir aghi, Andrea • Casir aghi, Charlotte • Casir aghi, Pierre • Casir aghi, Stefano • Chanel, Coco • Chaplin, Charlie • Chichester, Fr ancis • Ch Alfred • Connery, Sean • Conte Alberto Bonacossa • Conte Corr ado Agusta • Conte Theo Rossi di Monteler a • Contessa Laur a Rossi di Monteler a • Contessa Monica Agusta Cr aine, Hall • Cr anz, Christl • Cr a xi, Bettino • Darrieux, Danielle • De Niro, Robert • Destino, R alph • Deterding, Henry, Sir • Deterding, Olga, Lady • Deutscher Kronprinz • Di of Kimberley • Eduard, Paul • Erbprinz Heinrich zu Fürstenberg • Erbprinz Moritz von Hessen • Erbprinzessin Lilly Schaumburg-Lippe • Erhard, Ludwig • Erzherzogin Sophie v rich Christian • Flick, Johanna • Flynn, Errol • Fokker, Anton • Ford, Charlotte • Ford, Christine • Ford, Henry • Foster, Nor m an Lord • Fr ancis, K ay • Friederichs, Hans • Fr nich-Winneburg • Fürstin Ann M ari von Bism arck • Fürstin Gina von und zu Liechtenstein • Fürstin Gloria von Thur n und Ta xis • Fürstin Tatjana von Metter nich-Winneb • Gr af Carl-Eduard von Bism arck • Gr af Reventlon • Gr af Tassilo Festetics • Gr äfin Alex andr a von Schönburg-Hartenstein • Gr äfin Laur a von Bism arck • Gr ant, Hugh • Gro L. S. William • Guinness, Lynn • Guinness, Victoria • Gvir, R aphael • Habe, Hans • Hahn, Carl, Dr. rer. pol. • Haid, Liane • Hall, Jerry • Hampton, Lionel • Handke, Peter • Har mstor Sonja • Hepbur n, Audrey • Hesse, Her m ann • Heyerdahl, Thorwald • Hill, Bob • Hindel, Nadia • Hingis M artina • Hirsch-Giacomuzzi, Renate • Hitchcock, Alfred • Hoek, Henry Quincy • Joop, Jette • Jouve, Pierre Jean • K ar ajan von, Eliette • K ar ajan von, Herbert • K ar asek, Hellmuth • K ashoggi, Adnan • Keller, Greta • Kennedy, Jean • Kennedy, Rose • K König Carl Gustav von Schweden • König Farouk von Ägypten • König Gustav Adolf von Schweden (V) • König Hussein von Jordanien • König Juan Carlos von Spanien • Kön land • Königin Muna von Jordanien • Königin Paola von Belgien • Königin Silvia von Schweden • Königin Sophia von Spanien • Korda, Alex ander • Kr atzer, Evi • Kr aus, K ar Charles • Le Corbusier • Lehar, Fr anz • Lenau, Niklaus • Lenglen, Suzanne • Lewis, Carl • Lifar, Serges • Livanos, Arietta • Livanos, Eugenie • Livanos, George • Livanos, Lita • Livan Jürg • M arquess of Milford Haven • M arschall Tait • M athis, Edith • M a xwell, Elsa • Menjou, Adolf • Meyer, Conr ad Ferdinand • Millowitsch, Willi • Mittelholzer, Walter • M Eugenia • Niarchos, Philipp • Niarchos, Spiro • Niarchos, Stavros • Nielsen, Brigitte • Nietztsche, Friedrich • Nijinsky • Obrecht, Heidi • Onassis, Aristoteles, jun. • Onassis, Arist Ale • Porter, Cole • Power, Tyrone • Pozzi, Antonia • Prince de Bourbon Par m a • Prinz Albert von Monaco • Prinz Alex ander von Jugoslawien • Prinz Alfonso zu HohenlohePrinz Edward, Earl of Wessex • Prinz Er nst August von Hannover • Prinz Fitzi zu Fürstenberg • Prinz Friedrich zu Fürstenberg • Prinz Hans-Adam von Liechtenstein • Prinz co • Prinz Tak am atsu, Japan • Prinz Victor Em anuele of Savoy • Prinz von Hohenlohe • Prinz Wenzel von Liechtenstein • Prinz Willem-Alex ander von Holland • Prinzessin Al Monaco • Prinzessin Chantal of Hanover • Prinzessin Diana zu Fürstenberg • Prinzessin Elena von Spanien • Prinzessin Fabrizia Ruffo di Calabria • Prinzessin Ir a zu Fürste Prinzessin M ary Obolensky • Prinzessin M á xim a von Holland • Prinzessin Milana zu Fürstenberg • Prinzessin Monica von Liechtenstein • Prinzessin Sor aya Pahlavi • Prinze Emilio • Quincy, Jones • R amsay-R ae, Ronnie, Air-M arshal • Rebroff, Ivan • Regazzoni, Clay • Reinhalter, Edi • Rem arque, Erich M aria • Rich, M arc • Riefenstahl, Leni • Rigassi, Vic Heinz • Rush, Jennifer • Russi, Ber nhard • Ruud, Birger • Ruud, Sigmund • Sachs, Gunter • Sachs, M aryam • Sachs, Mirja • Sachs, Rolf • Schah von Persien • Schahbanu von Persi Segantini, Giovanni • Sekula, Sonja • Selznik, David • Shaw, Georg Ber nard • Shearer, Moir a • Simmen, Gian • Somerset, M augham • Sophie Rhys-Jones Contess of Wessex • Stallo ler, Loretta, • Thyssen, Fiona • Titulescu • Torriani, Bibi • Torriani, Vico • Toscanini, Arturo • Trenet, Charles • Trenker, Luis • Trommer, Jack • Trudeau, Pierre • Trump, Ivana Opel , Monic a • Von Opel , Pu tzi • Wagner , R ich a r d • Wa ll ace, Edga r • Wa lliser , M a r i a • Wa lter , Bruno • Wa r hol , A ndy • W eber , M ä ni • W elles, Or son • W epp

é, M aurice • Arden, Elizabeth • Aronsky, Peter • Ashkenasy, Wladimir • Aznavour, Charles • Bachm ann, Ingeborg • Baker, Josephine • Balm ain, Pierre • Bardot, Brigitte • Baron enise Thyssen-Bor nemisza • Baroness Helen Bachofen von Echt • Baroness Teresa Thyssen-Bor nemisza • Baronin M arie-Hélène de Rothschild • Beiser, Trude • Belafonte, Shari ner, Yul • Bucheli, Thom as • Bugatti, Ettore • Burda, Bambi • Burda, Hubert • Caballé, Monserr at • Callas, M aria • Capote, Trum an • Carpendale, Howard • Carpentier, George • hiron, Louis • Churchill, Pamela • Churchill, Winston jun. • Citroën, André • Clemente, Fr ancesco • Clooney, George • Cocteau, Jean • Cohn, Arthur • Collins, Joan • Compte, • Corti, Nina • Count Reventlow • Countess Debonnaire Bism arck • Countess Gunilla von Bism arck • Countess Pilar von Goess • Countess Vanessa Bism arck • Coward, Noel • iba, Fahr a • Dietrich, M arlene • Don Carlos von Bourbon • Donna K ar an • Duchess of Kent • Duchess of M arlborough • Duke of Alba • Duke of Kent • Duke of Windsor • Earl von Habsburg • Esfandiary, Eva • Faber, M arc • Fairbanks, Ashley • Fairbanks, Douglas • Fath, Jaques • Felìx, M arìa • Fer nadel • Ferrer, Mel • Fielding-Borer, Shawne • Flick, Friedritsch, Willy • Fröhlich, Gustav • Fürst Hugo von Windisch-Gr aetz • Fürst Johannes von Thur n und Ta xis • Fürst M assimiliano zu Windisch-Gr aetz • Fürst Paul von Metterburg • Furtwängler, Wilhelm • Gable, Clark • Gablinger, Isy • Garbo, Greta • Gener al Guisan • Glücklich, Jens • Goddard, Paulette • Gott, K arel • Gr af Anton von Faber-Castell oss, Peter, Dr. jur. • Grossherzog Friedrich von Baden • Gruner, Richard • Gübelin, Thom as • Gucci, Emilio • Gucci, Laudimia • Guinness, Dolores • Guinness, Gloria • Guinness, rf, R aimund • Harrison, Rex • Harvey, Lilian • Hasselhoff, David • Hayek, Nicolas G. • Heesters, Johannes • Heineken, Alfred • Heineken, Charlene • Hemingway, M argaux • Henie, • Holm, Renate • Hor n, Camilla • Hor nby, Veronica • Horten, Heidi • Hutton, Barbar a • Isenring, Hans, dipl. Ing. ETH. • Jacobs, Klaus J. • Jannings, Emil • Jarre, M aurice • Jones, Kennedy, Teddy • Ker n, Otto • Kestenholz, Ueli • Killy, Jean Claude • Kipur a, Jan • Klemperer, Otto • Knef, Hildegard • Knittel, John • Kobelt, Hugo • König Albert von Belgien • nig Konstantin von Griechenland • König Peter von Jugoslawien • König Umberto II von Italien • Königin Alex andr a von Jugoslawien • Königin Anne-M aria von Griechenl • Kronprinz von Italien • Kübler, Ferdy • Lady Janet Montague • Lake, Veronica • Langenscheidt, Florian • Lantschner, Hellmut • Latscha, Walter • Lauda, Niki • Laughton, nos, M arina • Lloyd, Fr ank • Lloyd, Harold • Lopez, Arturo • Ludwig, Emil • Lunn, Ar nold • M ahar adjh Tukoji R ao Holk ar • M ann, Thom as • M archese of Barsento • M arquard, Mohamed Pascha • Moissi, Alex ander • Moore, Roger • Nader ny, Sydonie • Nanini, Gianna • Navikoff, Sar a • Negri, Pola • Nelson, Edmund Gur ner • Niarchos, Athena • Niarchos, toteles, sen. • Onassis, Cristina • Onassis, Tina • Oppenberger, Helmut + Angelik a • Padererwsky, Jan • Par acelsus • Peck, Gregory • Peron, Evita • Picasso • Pickford, M ary • Popov, -Langenburg • Prinz Alfred von Auersperg • Prinz Ber nhard von Holland • Prinz Charles of Wales • Prinz Constantin von Liechtenstein • Prinz Dimitri von Jugoslawien • Hubertus zu Hohenlohe • Prinz Leopold von Bayer n • Prinz M anfred Windisch-Gr aetz • Prinz Niklaus von Liechtenstein • Prinz Poldi von Bayer n • Prinz R ainer von Monalex andr a von Griechenland • Prinzessin Aspasia von Griechenland • Prinzessin Barbar a von Jugoslawien • Prinzessin Barbar a von Liechtenstein • Prinzessin Caroline von enberg • Prinzessin Irene der Niederlande • Prinzessin Johanna Sayn-Wittgenstein-Hohenstein • Prinzessin M aria Gabriella of Savoy • Prinzessin M arie von Liechtenstein • essin Tana Ruffo di Calabria • Prinzessin Teresa Sayn-Wittgenstein-Hohenstein • Prinzessin Teresa zu Fürstenberg • Prinzessin Uschi von Bayer n • Prochnow, Jürgen • Pucci, ico • Rilke, R ainer M aria • Ringier, Ellen • Ringier, Michael • Rochas, Hélène • Rominger, Rudolf • Rominger, Toni • Röntgen, Wilhelm Conr ad • Rubinstein, Helena • Rühm ann, ien • Schiaparelli, Elsa • Schiffer, Claudia • Schmidt, Helmut • Schnabel, Julian • Schneider Romy • Schrowange, Birgit • Schum acher, Michael • Schwar zenbach, Annem arie • one, Silvester • Staub, Roger • Stauffer, Teddy • Stewart, Jackie • Str auss, Richard • Stuck, Hans • Sultan de Jahore • Surer, Christina • Swanson, Gloria • Theler, Cha-Cha, • The• Trussardi, Nicola • Tur ner, Tina • Tyler, Bonnie • Udet, Er nst • Ueltschi-Gegauf, Odette • Von Boch, Wendelin • von Haller, Albrecht • Von Opel, Enita • Von Opel, Fritz • Von per , Fr itz • W ilder , Thor nton • W illoughby, Digby, Col . • Wolfensberger , Ingr id • Wolfensberger , Ueli • Wör ner , M a nfr ed • Z a h a roff, Ba sil • Z w eig, Stefa n

Alexandra della Porta Rodiani & Maura Wasescha-Gentilini present the ÂŤSt. Moritz AwardÂť

Fir s t Pl ace for E xcellence

Behind every success story lies a good idea. St. Mor itz is the pl ace where such good ideas originate, because it combines the inspir ing beaut y of the mountains and the open-m indedness of the people .

S t . M o r i t z | Johannes Badrutt brought guests to a wintry St. Moritz for the first time, marking the beginning of winter alpine tourism.


The birthpl ace of w inter tour ism a nd w inter sports in the A lps


ÂŤ St. Moritz, you are truly a poem, a song of joie de vivre.Âť Jakob Christoph Heer

18 7 2 | T h e f i r s t i c e - s k a t i n g

contest was held in St. Moritz.

18 7 8 | T h e f i r s t e l e c t r i c l i g h t i n S w i t z e r l a n d ( K u l m H o t e l ) .

18 8 0 | S t .  M o r i t z h o s t e d t h e f i r s t c u r l i n g m a t c h i n E u r o p e .

ÂŤ I have never seen such a light as up here: it is fantastic. Âť Ferdinand Hodler

18 8 2 | T h e f i r s t E u r o p e a n i c e - s k a t i n g c h a m p i o n s h i p s .

18 8 4 | T h e f i r s t e x p e r i m e n t s w i t h s k e l e t o n s l e d s .

18 8 9 | T h e f i r s t g o l f t o u r n a m e n t i n t h e A l p s .

T h e f ir s t b ob -sl eigh r un a n d t he f ir s t b ob -sl eigh r ac e


18 9 6 | T h e f i r s t e l e c t r i c t r a m i n t h e A l p s .

ÂŤ I have not known a nobler beauty in the whole world than this Engadine mountain glory: breathing this pure air, every stroll is bliss.Âť Bruno Walter

ÂŤ The Upper Engadine is the most beautiful place in the world. I do not speak lightly of happiness, but I almost believe that I am happy here.Âť Thomas Mann

18 9 6 | T h e f i r s t h o t e l i n E u r o p e w i t h t h e n a m e « P a l a c e » ( B a d r u t t ’s P a l a c e H o t e l )

« St. Moritz - that jewel of human civilisation.» Jakob Christoph Heer

T he fir s t hor se -r ac e to be r un on


a f r oz e n l a k e

19 0 9 | T h e f i r s t a i r b a l l o o n t o o k o f f f r o m L a k e S t . M o r i t z .

19 10 | T h e f i r s t e n g i n e - p o w e r e d f l i g h t o v e r S w i s s s o i l .

ÂŤ... in the languages of the entire civilised world, a magical sound weaves its way around the name of the Engadine.Âť Jakob Christoph Heer

The first Olympic Games in Switzerland


19 2 9 | T h e f i r s t s k i s c h o o l i n S w i t z e r l a n d .

« Engadine – a winter’s dream without equal!» Jakob Christoph Heer

19 3 0 | T h e f i r s t o n e - k m s k i i n g

race from a flying star t.

19 3 0 | T h e f i r s t p l a c e - n a m e w i t h a p r o t e c t e d o f f i c i a l s y m b o l ( t h e s u n ) .

19 3 4 | T h e f i r s t g r e y h o u n d r a c e o n t h e f r o z e n l a k e .

ÂŤ The Engadine has brought me back to life.Âť Friedrich Nietzsche

Great achievements are always linked to significant people. For this reason St.Moritz is not only the ÂŤFirst Place for ExcellenceÂť within the realms of sport, tourism and culture but also in terms of the renown of its visitors.

Sophia Loren

The first Place For Excellence

Rita Hay wor th

Prince Umber to di Savoia

Brigitte Bardot and Gunter Sachs

Gregor y Peck

The first Place FOR Excellence

Dougl as Fair bank s and Family

Alfred Hitchcock

Princess Soraya and Harald Krupp

Charlie Chaplin

Marcello Mastroianni and Sophia Loren

Tina Onassis

Audrey Hapburn and Mel Ferrer

The first Place FOR Excellence


George Clooney

Rudolf Nureyev

O r n e l l a V a n o n i

... and many more

Now is t he t i m e to w r i t e mor e of t hese gr e at s tor ies . Now is t he t i m e f or t he ÂŤSt. Moritz AwardÂť. A prize for outstanding personalities representative of the inspiring spirit of St. Moritz. An award that will act as an encour agement and inspir ation.

Idea & concept Alexandra della Porta Rodiani & Maura Wasescha-Gentilini All rights reserved

powered by Arnaldo Pomodoro

The philosophy behind the St. Moritz Award There is something magical in the air in St.Moritz, to be found in its unique colours, in the nature that distinguishes the seasons and in the gentle passing of time. Since the late nineteenth century, St.Moritz has been a special place for artists, actors, royal families and politicians. The streets of St.Moritz have seen decades of history, leaving the indelible marks of many styles and cultures. Something magical transforms those who spend time in St.Moritz. Everything happens naturally and spontaneously, and what matters is no longer appearing but being. Meeting in special places creates occasions that highlight aspects of excellence, revealing their most important details. There is something magical in common in special lives,

distinguished careers and internationally recognised success with a desire and a need for commitment to social issues. The St.Moritz Award was established for the purpose of rediscovering, rewarding and celebrating that something magical that ÂŤhumanisesÂť iconic personalities. New in its kind, the Award recognises the charitable aspects of distinguished careers. The St. Moritz Award is an event with a soul, a desire to identify uniqueness in successful men and women. In St.Moritz, the glamour, charm and stardom of men and women decorated with this Award are not only for show. Rather, they become the means for intervening with force and successfully in social issues.

The St.Moritz Award is given to men and women who stand out for their artistic merits and who enjoy being recognised for their commitment to civil society and social issues. Something magical makes the St.Moritz Award a new event with a meaning that can be shared and artistic and humanitarian overtones making it absolutely innovative on the worldwide scenario of awards and celebrations.

CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT The St. Moritz Award was created and developed with the desire that it should become a coveted award for people who fashion their lives and careers striving constantly for excellence and for humanitarian and social commitment. Every year, the Committee of Honour, working closely with the Organisation, selects two or more celebrities whose particular artistic and

professional merits have set them apart and who have made active contributions to charitable causes. The selection will be based on criteria of objective excellence. The award winners will be ÂŤTop of the WorldÂť, having used their professional success to serve humanity by using the benefits afforded to them by their personal fame and visibility to help others.

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