4 minute read
List of Contributors
Whilst every effort has been made to make this list as comprehensive as possible, some observers names may have been inadvertently omitted. if your contribution has not been acknowledged, please accept my sincere apologies. it is doubtful that all those who only submit to Birdtrack will feature here.
S Abbott, D Adelson, P Aldous, S Alderman, P Allard, A Allen, D Allen, N Andrews, P Appleton, R Attenborrow, M Avery, R Ayers.
M Bacon, A Baird, D e Balmer, P Barker, i Barthorpe, D Basham, D Baskett, B Baston, e Bathgate, D Beamish, c Beaumont, R Bedwell, R Belson, BiNS, Birdline east Anglia, Birdguides, Birdtrack (thousands), S Bishop, D Borderick, G S Bowen, k Bowman, B Bradnum, D Bradnum, W J Brame, L Broadbent, M Broughton, J Brown, J A Brown, S Brown, D Buckingham, M Buckingham, B Buffery, J Burgess, M Bunn, N Burfield, N Burton, t Butler, B Buttle, c A Buttle.
N calbrade, B calversbert, N cant, D carr, M carr, D carter, M carter, N carter, M cartwright, i castle, M cavanagh, D cawdron, c chapman, t child, R chittenden (Birdline east Anglia), B clarke, J clark, A clements, P collins, G conway, J copp, M L cornish, J corton, c courtney, J cracknell, D crawshaw, L cuthbert, H cutting, L cutting, J cyprus.
c Dale, c Darby, J Davies, P Davison, J Dawson, k Day, D Dean, M J Deans, c Deeks, A Dent, M Dick, G Drake, R Drew, R Duncan, G Durrant, A c easton, D eaton, eBird, M ellis, D elliott, G elliott, J evans, S P evans, J everett, H ewing, A excell.
A faiers, D fairhurst, M fairley, R farrington, J ferguson, M ferris, N firman, R flindall, R flindall, c flynn, c ford, forest enterprise, L forsyth, J frank, S free, S fryett, c fulcher.
c Garrett, J Gearty, P Gilson, Gipping Valley Birders, J Glazebrook, c Good, A Goodall, A Goodey, M Gooch, J Gooding, D Goodwin, P Gowen, c Grafton, J H Grant, P Green, A M Gregory, c Gregory, A Gretton, G Grieco.
R e Hammond, B Harrington, B Hart, M Hart, R Harvey, R Hastings, G Hawes, D Hayward, M Hellicar, c Herrington, J Higgott, P Hobbs, R Hoblyn, J Hogg, Hollesley Wardens, S J Holloway, P J Holmes, R Holmes, P Holness, D Hovell, A Howe, S V Howell, c Hughes, t Humpage.
c R ireland, e D Jackson, c J Jakes, S Jarvis, G J Jobson, R Joliffe, R Johnson, H Jones.
e keeble, c keeling, H keepin, M kemp, J kennerley, P kennerley, t kerridge, A kettle, S kingdon, P kitchener, A king, H king, N king, J kornjaca
P c Lack, Lackford Lakes Log, Lackford Ringing Group, M Lagerbird, Landguard Bird observatory, P Lancaster, D Langlois, Lavenham Bird club, J Lawley, R Leavett, P Leman, J Lewis, D Linsley, M Linsley, M Livesey, N Loth, k Loveridge, D Lowe, Lowestoft Lounge Lizards, J Lyles.
t Mackrill, P Maddison, M Marsh, R Marsh, J Mason, N J Mason, t Mayhew, N Mayo, S Mayson, c G Mcintyre, B Meadows, c Mee, Mickle Mere Log, A Miller, M Miller, S Miller-Smith, c Mills, S Minns, Minsmere RSPB, A V Moon, N J Moran, J Mountain, G Mowles, B Moyes, c Moyes, P W Murphy, R Murray, A Musgrove, c Mutimer, J Myers.
A Nairn, P Napthine, National trust orfordness, Natural england, S Nixon, R Noble, P Norfolk, North Warren RSPB, M Nowers.
t A oakes, N odin, M offord, P oldfield.
R Padman, e Patrick, B Pearson, D Pearsons, M f Peers, P Phillips, D Ping, D Piotrowski, S H Piotrowski, S P Piotrowski, B Pleasance, R Plowman, M Pollitt, L Potter, B Potterton, A Powell. k Puttick
A Rafinski, A Raine, J D k Rankin, P J Ransome, N Rawlings, S Read, L Record, G Richardson, J Richardson, D Ridgley, G Riley, P Riley, A Riseborough, A Rivett, D Robertson, A Rowlands, i Rowlands, J A Rowlands, Roy Dennis Wildlife foundation, RSPB Lakenheath, RSPB Minsmere, RSPB North Warren.
i Salkeld, P Sewell, c Shaw, P Shaw, A Sheppard, N Sherman, J Shrimpton, N Sibbett, N Sills, o Slessor, B J Small, J Smith, P Smith, R c Smith, S Smith, R Stace, G Stephens, P Stopher, t Stopher, R Stewart, Suffolk Wildlife trust, W Sutherland.
M taylor, D thurlow, D thomson, M tickler, G tidman, D tomlinson, L townsend, J trew, c N tricker, trimley Marshes SWt, J turner.
D k underwood.
k Venus, k Verlander, P Vincent, N Vipond, L Vocadio, R Vonk.
R Walden, B Wallace, D f Walsh, J D Warnes, J Walshe, S Waters, Waveney Bird club, R West, WeBS counters, West Suffolk Birders, D White, P Whiteman, P Whittaker, P Wigens, R Will, B Wilson, P M Wilson, R Wilton, R Wincup, G Woodard, B Woodhouse, B e Whybrow, L G Woods, M Wortley, A Wren, J Wright, M t Wright, R M Wright.
R f york, e Zantboer, J Zantboer.
With apologies to anyone we have left out!