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Species that would otherwise appear in categories A or B except that there is reasonable doubt that they have ever occurred in Britain in a natural state. the three species below also occur in category e.

RUDDY SHELDUCK  Tadorna ferruginea

Morocco and Turkey east through Central Asia to Tibetan plateau. Winters to south of breeding range, with majority in Indian subcontinent. Feral population breeds in northern Europe. Categories B, D and E.

Southwold: town Marshes, juv male, Aug 22nd and 23rd Fornham St Martin: July 18th, Sep 4th, oct 3rd, Nov 9th Livermere Lake: possible egyptian Goose hybrid, May 31st and from June 12th to July 14th, apparently paired with an egyptian Goose; seen again, Aug 25th and Sep 5th Risby: possible hybrid, Dec 18th Lakenheath Fen: Sep 23rd

WOOD DUCK  Aix sponsa

Canada to northern Mexico, Cuba and Bahamas. Categories D and E.

Thorpeness Meare (and vicinity): female, feb 11th to 24th; Mar 20th; Mar 29th; Apr 10th; June 13th Wantisden: Staverton Park, Aug 27th Barking: Riverside farm, eclipse male, Aug 27th; Pipps ford, Mar 1st; Apr 2nd; Aug 1st; Aug 7th – presumed same as at Riverside farm

SAKER FALCON  Falco cherrug

Breeds from eastern Europe east to Manchuria, winters south to Ethiopia and the Arabian Peninsula. Category D and E.

Slaughden: apparently a ‘pure’ Saker, oct 27th Long Melford: sewage works, carrying a woodpigeon, Apr 13th


Species that have been recorded as introductions, transportees or escapees from captivity, and whose breeding populations (if any) are thought not to be self-sustaining. Where a species is also placed in other categories of the British List, this is indicated in the species’ summary.

WHITE-FACED WHISTLING DUCK  Dendrocygna viduata Breeds in sub-Saharan Africa and much of South America.

Lakenheath Fen: Mar 23rd

BAR-HEADED GOOSE  Anser indicus

Breeds by lakes in central Asia from Mongolia to the Tibetan plateau. Winters throughout the Indian subcontinent and Myanmar (Burma). the records below are thought to refer to the same pair.

Minsmere: pair, feb 27th, then from Apr 4th to June 24th. With two small young from May 24th Aldeburgh: North Warren, two south, Mar 29th

EMPEROR GOOSE  Anser canagica

Breeds north-eastern Siberia and western Alaska. Winters from southern Alaska to northern California.

Lower Stour valley: single, Mar 8th; Apr 9th; May 6th; Nov 3rd, 9th and 17th Stour Estuary: cattawade, June 3rd; July 14th; July 26th – presumed same as above

ROSS’S GOOSE  Anser rossii

Breeds in arctic Canada and winters in the southern US and Mexico. Also in Category A.

Shotley: Shotley Marshes, feb 22nd

SWAN GOOSE  Anser cygnoides

Breeds north-eastern Asia, winters central China.

Parham: found on the same large pond for the last five years (and previous Parham records back to 2010), feb 28th; Mar 14th

BLACK SWAN  Cygnus atratus

Through much of Australia and Tasmania. Category E.

Aldeburgh: North Warren, June 9th Hazlewood Marshes: Aug 30th to Sep 25th Snape Wetlands: oct 3rd


Widespread across most of South Africa north to Botswana and central Namibia.

Minsmere: Scrape, Mar 15th (note that one was also present the previous year at Minsmere, March 14th to 20th 2020)

MUSCOVY DUCK  Cairina moschata

Southern Mexico to northern Argentina and Brazil.

Withersfield: sewage works, two, Jan 25th and feb 15th


Mostly in the southern areas of South America, but also north to Ecuador.

Mildenhall: on River Lark, Apr 4th

LESSER SCAUP  Aythya affinis

Breeds Alaska and north-west America, migrates to central America.

Flixton Gravel Pits: first-winter female, feb 13th

HOODED MERGANSER  Lophodytes cucullatus

Southern central Canada to south-eastern USA. Also in Category A. the colour-ringed male at the Wilderness Pond in christchurch Park had been present from August 2019 and through 2020, but was not reported after April 24th 2021. the Staverton bird from 2020 was present as below.

Butley: Staverton Lakes, female (apparently unringed), Jan 1st, 3rd and 17th; feb 22nd and 23rd; March 17th Ipswich: christchurch Park, long-staying colour-ringed male, Jan 2nd and feb 20th to Apr 24th. Presumably the same bird on the River Gipping (yarmouth Road bridge) with Mallard, Jan 25th and 27th

2020 Correction

the statement on page 212 of Suffolk Birds 2020 that the released female Hooded Merganser was only interested in the site’s female Mallards is incorrect. it was the site’s male Hooded Merganser that was only interested in the female Mallards – it completely ignored the female Hooded Merganser.


Widely distributed in sub-Saharan Africa.

Sudbourne: Mar 31st

REEVE’S PHEASANT  Syrmaticus reevesii

Forests of central and eastern China.

Pakenham: Queach farm, two males, Nov 18th Chedburgh: two on disused airfield, oct 28th to Dec 16th

GOLDEN PHEASANT  Chrysolophus pictus Forests of central China. Also in Category C.

Recorded from three sites in 2021, all thought to be escapees or released birds. this is a repeat of the entry in the game bird section of the systematic list

Ingham: male, feb 8th Euston: male – presumed released bird as in recent years, Mar 4th; single bird Mar 29th; three further sightings up to Apr 13th Thetford: Bto Nunnery Reserve, Mar 14th

INDIAN PEAFOWL  Pavo cristatus

Breeds throughout the Indian subcontinent from eastern Pakistan south to Sri Lanka.

Blyford: single, May 29th Southwold: sewage works, Apr 22nd and 29th Walberswick: six, oct 7th, are thought to be wandering in the area Herringswell: six males, May 1st; seven males, July 21st


Resident in eastern Canada and the US, with a western population in California.

Hunston: Aug 21st

LAUGHING KOOKABURRA  Dacelo novaeguineae

Eastern and south-western Australia. this is thought to be the same bird that was reported from Long Melford in Suffolk Birds 2016 as being present in 2015 and 2016 (then not identified to species level) and is thought to have been present since then.

Glemsford: Mar 9th Long Melford: same bird as above, near Parsonage farm, Apr 1st

GYR FALCON  Falco rusticolis

Breeds in the arctic and sub-arctic from Alaska to eastern Siberia. Also in Category A.

Stowmarket: ‘gyr-type’ seen over combs ford and perched on pylons, oct 4th

EASTERN ROSELLA  Platycercus eximius

Native to south-eastern Australia and Tasmania.

Not actually on official Bou list!

Trimley St Martin: Loompit Lake, Mar 25th

CRESTED MYNA  Acridotheres cristatellus From central China to northern Indochina.

Great Livermere: late May

COMMON MYNA  Acridotheres tristis

Native to southern and south-eastern Asia, and widely introduced elsewhere.

Landguard: the second site record, July 13th, the first site record having been on May 16th 2014

HOUSE FINCH  Haemorhous mexicanus Resident from southern Canada to Mexico.

Southwold: July 11th and 30th Dunwich: presumably same bird as above, July 2nd to 4th – seen to have a green colour-ring

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