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Index of species

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Alpine Swift American Golden Plover American Wigeon Arctic Redpoll Arctic Skua 122 Arctic tern 120 Avocet 90 Baird’s Sandpiper Balearic Shearwater 130 Barn owl 147 Barnacle Goose 59 Barred Warbler 175 Bar-tailed Godwit 101 Bean Goose 59 Bearded tit 161 Bee-eater 149 Bewick’s Swan 62 Bittern 134 Black-browed Albatross Black kite 143 Black Redstart 189 Black Stork 130 Black tern 121 Black-throated Diver 126 Blackbird 183 Blackcap 174 Black-headed Gull 111 Black-necked Grebe 88 Black-tailed Godwit 99 Black-winged Stilt 89 Bluethroat 188 Blue tit 159 Blue-winged teal Blyth’s Reed Warbler Brambling 199 Brent Goose 54 Buff-breasted Sandpiper 99 Bullfinch 200 Buzzard 146 canada Goose 55 carrion crow 157 caspian Gull 115 cattle egret 134 cetti’s Warbler 166 chaffinch 199 chiffchaff 169 citrine Wagtail coal tit 158 collared Dove 84 crossbill 203 common crane 86 common Gull 112 common Rosefinch 201 common Sandpiper 103 common Scoter 73 common tern 119 coot 86 cormorant 131 corn Bunting 206 corncrake cory’s Shearwater 128 crossbill 203 cuckoo 81 curlew 102 curlew Sandpiper 98 Dartford Warbler 177 Desert Wheatear Dipper 194 Dotterel 95 Dunlin 98 Dunnock 195 Dusky Warbler 168 eider 72 egyptian Goose 61 feral Pigeon 82 ferruginous Duck 71 fieldfare 184 firecrest 177 fulmar 127 Gadwall 66 Gannet 131 Garden Warbler 175 Garganey 65 Glaucous Gull 113 Glossy ibis 132 Goldcrest 178 Golden Pheasant 79 Golden oriole 155 Golden Plover 92 Goldeneye 75 Goldfinch 204 Goosander 76 Goshawk 139 Grasshopper Warbler 174 Great Black-backed Gull 113 Great-crested Grebe 87 Great egret 135 Greater yellowlegs Great Grey Shrike 155 Great Northern Diver 126 Great Reed Warbler 171 Great Skua 121 Great Snipe Great-spotted Woodpecker 150 Great tit 160 Green Sandpiper 103 Green-winged teal Green Woodpecker 151 Greenfinch 201 Greenish Warbler 171 Greenshank 105 Grey Heron 134 Grey Partridge 78 Grey Phalarope 108 Grey Plover 93 Grey Wagtail 196 Greylag Goose 57 Gull-billed tern 117 Guillemot 123 Hawfinch 200 Hen Harrier 141 Herring Gull 115 Hobby 152 Honey Buzzard 138 Hooded crow 158 Hoopoe 148 House Martin 165 House Sparrow 195 Hume’s Warbler 168 iceland Gull 114 icterine Warbler 173 isabelline Shrike Jack Snipe 108 Jackdaw 157 Jay 156 kentish Plover 95 kestrel 151 kingfisher 149 kittiwake 110 knot 95 Lapland Longspur 205 Lapwing 91 Leach’s Petrel Lesser Black-backed Gull 116 Lesser Grey Shrike 155 Lesser Redpoll 202 Lesser Scaup 209 Lesser-spotted Woodpecker 150 Lesser White-front Lesser Whitethroat 176 Lesser yellowlegs 106 Linnet 201 Little Auk 123 Little Bittern 134 Little Bunting 206 Little crake Little egret 136 Little Grebe 88 Little Gull 111

Little Owl 147 Little (Ringed) Plover 94 Little Stint 96 Little Tern 118 Long-billed Dowitcher Long-eared Owl 147 Long-tailed Duck 74 Long-tailed Skua 122 Long-tailed Tit 167 Magpie 156 Mallard 68 Mandarin Duck 64 Manx Shearwater 129 Marsh Harrier 140 Marsh Sandpiper Marsh Tit 159 Marsh Warbler 173 Meadow Pipit 197 Mealy Redpoll Mediterranean Gull 112 Melodious Warbler Merlin 151 Mistle Thrush 181 Montagu’s Harrier 142 Moorhen 86 Mute Swan 61 Night Heron Nightingale 187 Nightjar 80 Nuthatch 179 Olive-backed Pipit Ortolan Bunting Osprey 137 Oystercatcher 89 Pacific Golden Plover Pallas’s Warbler 168 Pallid Harrier Pallid Swift Pectoral Sandpiper 97 Penduline Tit 161 Peregrine 152 Pheasant 79 Pied Flycatcher 188 Pied Wagtail 197 Pink-foot 58 Pintail 69 Pochard 71 Pomarine Skua 122 Puffin 124 Purple Heron 135 Purple Sandpiper 98 Quail 79 Radde’s Warbler 168 Raven 158 Razorbill 124 Red Kite 142 Red-backed Shrike 154 Red-breasted Flycatcher 189 Red-breasted Goose Red-breasted Merganser 77 Red-crested Pochard 71 Red-flanked Bluetail Red-footed Falcon 151 Red-legged Partridge 79 Red-necked Grebe 87 Red-necked Phalarope 107 Red-rumped Swallow 166 Redshank 106 Redstart 190 Red-throated Diver 125 Red-throated Pipit Redwing 182 Reed Bunting 206 Reed Warbler 172 Richard’s Pipit 197 Ring Ouzel 184 Ring-billed Gull Ringed Plover 94 Ring-necked Duck Robin 186 Rock Pipit 199 Roller 149 Rook 157 Roseate Tern 119 Rose-ringed Parakeet 154 Rosy Starling 179 Rough-legged Buzzard 145 Ruddy Duck Ruddy Shelduck 208 Ruff 99 Rustic Bunting Sabine’s Gull 110 Sand Martin 164 Sanderling 96 Sandwich Tern 117 Savi’s Warbler 173 Scaup 72 Sedge Warbler 172 Semipalmated Sandpiper Serin 204 Shag 131 Shelduck 63 Shore Lark 163 Short-eared Owl 147 Short-toed Lark Shoveler 65 Siskin 204 Skylark 162 Slavonian Grebe 88 Smew 76 Snipe 109 Snow Bunting 205 Snow Goose Song Thrush 180 Sooty Shearwater Sparrowhawk Spoonbill Spotted Crake Spotted Flycatcher Spotted Redshank Starling Stock Dove Stonechat Stone-curlew Storm Petrel Subalpine Warbler Surf Scoter Swallow Swift Tawny Owl Tawny Pipit Teal Temminck’s Stint Tree Pipit Tree Sparrow Treecreeper Tufted Duck 128 139 132 85 185 104 180 82 192 89 127 164 80 148 70 97 198 194 179 72

Turnstone Turtle Dove Twite Water Pipit Water Rail 107 84 201 198 85

Waxwing Wheatear Whimbrel Whinchat

158 193 101 191 Whiskered Tern White-fronted Goose 59 White Stork 130 White-rumped Sandpiper 97 White-tailed Eagle 144 Whitethroat 176 White Wagtail 197 White-winged (Black) Tern 121 Whooper Swan 63 Wigeon 68 Willow Tit 159 Willow Warbler 169 Woodchat Shrike 155 Wood Lark 161 Wood Sandpiper 105 Wood Warbler 167 Woodcock 108 Woodpigeon 83 Wren 178 Wryneck 150 Yellowhammer 206 Yellow-browed Warbler 168 Yellow-legged Gull 116 Yellow Wagtail 195

Founded in 1929 by Claude Morley (1874–1951), the Suffolk Naturalists’ Society pioneered the study and recording of the County’s flora, fauna and geology, to promote a wider interest in natural history.

Recording the natural history of Suffolk is still one of the Society’s primary objects, and members’ observations are fed to a network of specialist recorders for possible publication, and deposited in the Suffolk Biodiversity Information Service.

Suffolk Natural History, a review of the County’s wildlife, and Suffolk Birds, the County bird report, are two high quality annual publications issued free to members. The Society also publishes a quarterly newsletter and holds two Members’ evenings a year in Spring and Autumn.

The Suffolk Naturalists’ Society offers a joint membership with the Suffolk Bird Group at a reduced subscription. This entitles joint members to receive literature and attend the meetings of both organisations.

If you are not yet a member of the Society but would like to join visit www.sns.org.uk


Individual Family/Household Corporate Student SNS £15 £17 £17 £10 Joint membership SNS/SBG £30 £35




Editorial: Nick Mason.................................................................................................................................... 5 Review of national and county rarities in Suffolk in 2021: Nick Mason and David Walsh .......................... 9

Black-necked Grebes attempting to breed in Suffolk: Steve Piotrowski .................................................... 12 Trimley Ringing Report 2021: Justin Zantboer............................................................................................ 16 The Mickle Mere: Malcolm Wright............................................................................................................. 33 Movement of colour-ringed Black-tailed Godwits away from the Orwell: Mick Wright .......................... 37 European Roller in west Suffolk in 2021: Peter Lack.................................................................................. 49

The 2021 Suffolk Bird Report

Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 51

Systematic List ......................................................................................................................................... 54

Appendices ............................................................................................................................................ 208

List of Contributors............................................................................................................................ 211 Earliest and Latest Dates of Summer Migrants ......................................................................................... 213 A Guide to Recording Birds in Suffolk........................................................................................................ 214 Rare birds in Suffolk (BBRC): Craig Fulcher and David Walsh.................................................................... 219 Gazetteer................................................................................................................................................... 221 Index of species:................................................................................................................................ 224

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