The Suffolk Argus
September records included 30 plus Red Admirals along the footpath at Covehithe Broad and a Grayling at Tangham on the 25th. Red Admiral and Small Tortoiseshell were seen feeding on the last of the buddleia ac the Solar supermarket car park in Leiston on October 11th and the previous day had seen a late Clouded Yellow in a Stowupland orchard. Speckled Wood were still flying on October 6th at Fagbury and Pakenham while North Wanen records indicated 'a spectacular increase' which I hope to examine in a future article. In the meantime, the 'spread' across Suffolk can be best appreciated by listing some 1994 records: Minsmere, Landguard, Mayday Farm, Haverhill, Leavenheath, Stanstead, WalshamLe-Willows, Monk's Fleigh, Palgrave, Stonham Aspal and Henley. A Common Blue was at Fagbury on November 6th and a Brimstone at Brent Eleigh on the 15th. Small Coppers were at Aldeburgh and along the Sailor's Path in November, the last recorded being at Tangham on the 16th. A Peacock was observed at Pakenham on December 2nd, and the last recorded butterfly of the year was appropriately observed by the meticulous Rob Macklin at North Watten; a Red Admiral on December 11th.
May 1995
There seems to be little information relating to 'latesightingr'in the butterfly records so if I start by claiming the four in the previous paragraph no doubt anyone who can prove otherwise will contact me. Obviously, I am hoping that the l 72 observers who sent in records from over 250 locations willat least be doubled for the first year of the Millennium study and from 1994 records, four species seem at present to be under-recorded. One is the Small Heath, probably because of siu and few visits to gardens. The Essex Skipper seems a straightforward case of being able to identify it and the other two, the Purple and Whiteletter Hairsueak, are mainly overlooked because of their largely arboreal life cycle with the Purple Hairstreak tending to become active and visible early in the evening, just when most observers are going home! Can I finally request that all records reach me by the end of December. To save much additional and unnecessary work, please add a 6 figure grid reference for all sites.
The Small Copper ,, (Lycaenaphlaeas)""-,..,_\
Display Equipment 26
Can anyone help us in our quest to obtain new promotional display screens? For some time now we have been wanting to replace our inherited screens due principally to transport difficulties. Finances will always be a problem but it is important that we have easily portable equipment to help us promote our cause at public events. Please let me know if you feel you can point us in the right direction.
Sandlings Public Open Space (Bixley
Farm)formally opened .................... by Steve Goddard
We extolled the virtues of this splendid area in volume 2, p 14 and in a field trip report in volume 4, p8 (reference also in Branch Round-Up, Butterfly Conservation News No.58, Autumn/Winter 1994), due to its wonderful diversity of habitat and extraordinary number of butterfly species (23 so far recorded inc. 3 Hairstreaks), all in just under 13 acres on the edge of!pswich. Following development of a management plan by Suffolk Coastal District Council (who now own the land) assisted by Rushmere St. Andrew Parish Council, Saturday April 8th, saw the official opening by Mike Morton, Chairman of SCDC in the presence of representatives from many interested parties including ourselves. Richard Stewart led a group of about 20 keen observers around the site and Jean and Ken Garrod, Paul Gilson and myself were there to lend our support to what was a high profile event for Suffolk Branch and Butterfly Conservation. Why not take a look at the sire for yourself, you will not be disappointed. We would recommend late April to early July for Green Hairstreak and early July to the end of August for White-letter and Purple Hairstreaks as well as other high summer species. Please let us know what you find. Location: OS Grid Ref. TM 204445. (To the south-east of and immediately adjacent to Rushrnere Heath). Travelling towards Felixstowe, half a mile from Ipswich Hospital, turn left onto Foxhall Road (towards Foxhall Stadium and Brightwell). At the Golf Public House, turn left into Bixley Road and proceed to bottom where the road bends. Entrance along bridleway leading towards the Water Tower beside the new housing development.