APRIL TO JULY, 1962 opened with streng breezes from South-West and NorthWest, bringing cold, cloudy and rainy weather. From 9th to 16th April there was a dry period with variable winds and sunny intervals, but it was mainly cloudy with rather higher temperatures, above 50°F. (10°C.) by day ; the weather during the rest of the month was similar with minimum temperatures usually well above freezing point. In the closing days of the month, the weather was breezy but generally cloudy. There was little rain.
Total rainfall for the month—1.2". Maximum temperature—53.8°F. (12.1°C.). Minimum temperature—40.3°F. (4.6°C.). MAY. T h e weather of late April continued in early May, giving way to overcast, showery weather with sunny intervals and mainly westerly winds of moderate speed. Maximum temperatures were in the upper 60°'sF. (18°C. to 21°C.) and minimum temperatures also rose markedly. In mid-month, temperatures dropped as much as 20°F. (11°C.) and light breezes were mainly from West or North-West, accompanied by dull weather and occasional light rain. There were sunny intervals. This weather lasted a few days and on 18th, maximum temperatures again rose to about 60°F. (15.5°C.) with minimum temperatures in the upper 40°'sF. (7° to 9°C.). Moderate winds of variable direction, but mainly from North-West, gradually dried the surface soil which became dry and hard by the last four days of the month, in spite of occasional drizzle. Total rainfall for the month—1.02". Maximum temperature—58.8°F. (14.9°C.). Minimum temperature—44.5°F. (7°C.). T h e weather of the end of May continued until 2nd June, to be followed by six days during which winds of moderate strength came from North-East, East and South-East, giving no rain but mild, sunny days and rather cold nights. The rest of the month was dry with moderate winds from South-West from 19th to 22nd and principally from North-West for the remainder of the month. Maximum temperatures were from 65° to 70°F. (18° to 21°C.), reaching an absolute maximum of 73.3 F. (23°C.), whilst minimum temperatures were between 50° to 55°F. (12° to 13°C.).
Total rainfall for the month—0.11". Maximum temperatures—61.8°F. (16.7°C.). Minimum temperature—50.3°F. (10.2°C.).
JULY. The month opened with light North-West winds and rather cool weather. The sky was overcast but no appreciable rainfall was recorded. On 7th, maximum temperatures reached 70°F. (21.2°C.) but, except for 9th and lOth, temperatures were in the mid 60 o, sF. (18.3°C.) for the next ten days. From 8th to 13th/14th, winds, which were light, were principally from East or South-East. On 16th, very light North and North-West winds brought dull, rainy weather. Records ceased on 16th July, when the College closed for the summer vacation. Total rainfall, Ist to 16th July—0.62". Maximum temperature—65.3°F. (18.5°C.). Minimum temperature—51.5°F. (10.8°C.). SHEILA CHAPMAN, Ipswich Civic College.
Bulletin of Natural History, Museum of Venice, Vol. XIV, 1961. (Beetles, flies, wasps, aphids ; in Italian and French.) Catalogue of Polish Fauna, Vol. XI, pt. 2 (Earthworms), 1962. Natura, bi-monthly Biology Magazine for Schools, of the Natural Science Society of Roumania. By Polish Institute of Zoology : Acta Theriologica Vol. VI, pts. 1, 2 and 3. Acta Ornithologica Vol. VI, pts. 11 to 14 (in English or German). Annales Zoological Vol. XX, 9-14. Fragmentea Faunistica Vol. IX, 26-28, Vol. X, 1-8. Quarterly Review of Scientific Publications (in English). Senckenbergiana Biologica Vol. X L I I I , 3 and 4, Frankfurt-amMain, 1962. Entomologists' Gazette Vol 13, 3. Publ. E. W. Classey (1962). Transactions of Hertfordshire N.H.S. Vol. XXV, pt. 5, 1962. Complete Catalogue of " Intersciences ", 1962. T h e Cteniscini of the Old World (Ichneumonidae) G. J. Kerrich, M.A., (Commonwealth Institute of Entomology.) Bulletin of the British Museum. 1952. Transactions of the Society for British Entomology, Vol. 12 pt. 7, Vol. 14 pt. 1. Systematics of the Hymenoptera Parasitica. G. L. Kerrich. N.B.—All items are deposited at the Ipswich Central Library, where they may be consulted or borrowed.