Resume of Weather for Ipswich Area-October, 1966 to March, 1967

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A rather uninteresting month from the weather point of view. Thunder and heavy rain produced over 1" on 3rd and night fogs accompanied quiet conditions between 7th and l l t h . The first eleven days had S.W. winds, overcast skies and some rain. Fine clearer dry days followed, the wind having turned easterly. A return to westerlies for ten days brought more rain. The month ended with five days of N.E. wind, with some rain and rather lower temperatures. Total rainfall was 3-37" on twenty-three days. Av. Temp. + 1 1 | ° C . Av. Max. + 1 4 | ° C . Av. Min. + 8 | ° C . NOVEMBER

A month of varied weather to make up for October. The first ground frost came on Ist, the first air frost on lOth with ice on the pond on the morning of l l t h . Hail feil on 15th and the first snow on 23rd. Winds, often strong, alternated between N.E. and N.W. with only four days of southerly winds in the whole month. Day temperatures rarely topped 10°C. Rain feil on all but four days and the sun was rarely seen. Total rainfall was 3-95" on twenty-six days. Av. Temp. + 5 i ° C . Av. Max. + 8 ° C . Av. Min. + 3 ° C . DECEMBER

Winds were westerly for the whole month, varying between cold N.W. and relatively mild S.W. From whichever direction they came they were accompanied by rain and there were only six days when no rain feil. The monthly total of 3-34" gave an annual total of 2 9 - 7 2 " , the second consecutive year with over 2 9 " . Ground frosts were common at night and air frosts occurred on seven nights. Christmas Day was very fine and cold with the temperature remaining at freezing point but the year closed with four mild damp days with temperatures at or above +10 C C. Av. Temp. + 4 ° C . JANUARY,

Av. Max. +7°C.

Av. Min. + 1 | ° C .


T h e outstanding feature of the month was the unseasonable mildness in the second half. Before that we had a short cold period. Northerly winds brought snow showers from 4th and snow was lying on the morning of 7th and remained until lOth.




Winds became S.W. for the first time on 15th and thereafter day maximum temperatures rose to -|-8°C. and even to +10° C. at the end of the month. There were no night frosts after 15th, the lowest temperature being —6°C. on 8th. Total precipitation was 1-61", received on twenty-three days. Av. Temp. + 3 | ° C . Av. Max. + 5 i ° C . Av. Min. + 2 ° C . FEBRUARY

Day temperatures were above -f-10°C. for the first three days. Thereafter they decreased slowly to +2°C. by mid-month with night frosts, the winds moving from S.W. to S.E. After 15th winds returned to S.W., day temperatures improved to +10°C. and small amounts of rain feil on most days. After 19th winds became very strong, reaching gale force on 23rd and 27th. Total rainfall was 1-55" on seventeen days. Av. Temp. +5°C. Av. Max. +8°C. Av. Min. +2°C. MARCH

A month of strong westerly winds. For the first half temperatures were well up, above + 10°C., and +16°C. on 21st was reported as the highest since records began. Thereafter maxima decreased and the end of the month was cold with night frosts. Rain was infrequent, falling only in squally showers, sometimes with thunder and on 28th with hail and sleet. Total rainfall was 0-94" in eight days. Av. Temp. + 7 | ° C . Av. Max. + 1 H ° C . Av. Min. +4°C.

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