MR. A. C. C. HERVEY MR. A. C. C. Hervey died at his home in Felixstowe on 8th January in his 83rd year, following some years of increasing infirmity but ready to talk of former interests and to hear what others of our Society are now doing. He was a keen Ornithologist; one remembers him jumping from hump to hump across salt-marshes to look at nests and he often went out alone or with someone who would take him by car for Observation elsewhere. He still joined our Excursions until Walking became difficult. He contributed at least two important articles to our Transactions "Changes in the Bird Population of Suffolk from 1900 to 1950" (Vols. 8 part 1 and 9 part 1). He was the only son of the Rev. John Hervey, Rector of Shotley for fifty-six years, and a relative of the Marquis of Bristol. Another memory is of his taking us through Ickworth Park through woods and down to water-meadows to show us the hydraulic system of long ago still bringing water up the slope to the great house. On the occasion of a meeting in the Guildhall of Bury St. Edmunds he proudly pointed to his ancestors looking down on us from the walls. After he left King's College, Cambridge and taking his M.A. degree in History in 1915, he entered the Indian Educational Service and became Principal of Hubhiana College in Pakistan asitnowis. On his retirement in 1945 he was awarded the KaisariHind medal. He joined the Suffolk Naturalists' Society in 1947 and soon after the Suffolk Poetry Society and contributed with distinction to lts portfolio of poems, usually of historic or rustic flavours—often humorous or in dialect. Some of these are published in "Suffolk Poetry". Earlier in his career he had published a volume of poems on India. He even dipped into Chinese poetry and gave a talk on it illustrated with translations by Sir Thomas Wade and others. Requiescat in pace