Weather at Ipswich, 1969

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THE readings were recorded at the Ipswich Museum Climatological Station (Grid Ref.: T M 161449) at a height of 72 feet O.D. JANUARY

A sharp ground frost and icy roads heralded in New Year's day. This was the coldest day of the month with a maximum (screen) temperature of 37-5°F. Generally the month was fairly mild with day temperatures rising to 54-5°F. on the 22nd. Winds were mainly south-westerly. T h e lowest (screen) temperature recorded was 32°F. on the mornings of the Ist, 2nd, and 5th. Sleet feil on the 6th but there was no snow during the month. Precipitation totalled 1-90" falling on nineteen days. Means: (screen) Max. 46-5°F. Min. 39-l°F. (1° Fahrenheit = 0-556° Centigrade.) FEBRUARY

A wintery month and the coldest since 1963. Snow or sleet falling on seventeen days. Two inches of fresh snow were measured on the mornings of the 8th and 20th, and during a storm on the evening of Saturday the 15th another two inches feil between 18.00 hrs. and 19.30 hrs. The bad weather was due to high pressure over Scandinavia and winds blowing from the north and east. Total precipitation for the month was 2-11" on nineteen days. On four days, the 9th, lOth, 14th, and 15th, the day temperature scarcely rose above freezing point. The coldest night was the 7th-8th, with a min. temperature of 19 • 5°F. Other low readings were 21 -5°F. on the lOth and 22-0°F. on the 14th. Air frost was recorded on seventeen days. The 19th and 20th were stormy days, very gusty, with snow and sleet equal to 0 • 74" of rain. Maximum day temperature 48-5°F. on the 23rd. Means: Max. 39-1 °F. Min. 29-S°F. MARCH

A mainly cold month, although temperatures of over 50°F. were recorded on four days (54°F. on the 14th). The lowest temperature was 29°F. on the 7th. Wind blowing from the east to north-east for much of the month. Total rainfall 2-58" falling on fourteen days. Heaviest rainfall -59" on the lOth. Means: Max. 43-5°F. Min. 34-2°F. APRIL

The first nine days of the month were fair or fine, and particularly bright over the Easter period, 3rd-9th, with a maximum tem-


Suffolk Natural History, Vol. 15, Part 4

perature of 72°F. on the 9th. The wind during this period was mainly north-easterly, strong, dry and keen at times causing night frosts. The lowest temperature of the month was 30-5°F. on the 2nd. There was mild and rainy weather from the l l t h 28th, and a thunder and hail shower on the 22nd. Total precipitation -91" falling on sixteen days. Means: Max. 55 • 5°F.

Min. 39 • 8°F.


An unusually wet month with periods of heavy rain and thunderstorms. 1 -47" feil during the night of the 4th-5th. There was a sharp thunderstorm late in the evening and night of the 29th-30th, but only -22" rain was recorded. There were, however, some warm spells with a maximum temperature of 78°F. on the 13th. Lowest temperature 39°F. on the 20th. Total rainfall 3 • 04" falling on twenty-two days. Winds blowing mainly from a southerly direction. Means: Max. 61 • 9°F.

Min. 52 • 5°F.


The first week of the month was unsettled with cold northwesterly winds. On the 7th the wind changed to the north, and on the 8th east, bringing dry and bright weather with almost unbroken sunshine lasting until the 15th with a maximum temperature of 77 • 5°F. on tht t day. During fine spells the sky is now never so blue and beautiful as formerly. There is always some light thin cloud, often covering much of the sky, caused by the vapour tracks of high Aying jets. This form of pollution is reducing the amount of sunlight and warmth reaching the earth, and one can easily feel and record changes in temperatures when fresh tracks pass across the sun at frequent intervals. The 16th24th of the month were unsettled and with rain. The last week fine weather returned. Total rainfall 1 * 17" falling on ten days. Lowest temperature 41°F. on the 7th. Means: Max. 66-1°F. Min. 50-2°F. JULY

The rainfall for the month was the highest recorded for thirtynine years at 4 • 29" falling on only nine days. Two intense storms crossed this area. The first during the 6th-8th, when 1 • 78" was measured on the morning of the 6th. The second at the end of the month, when 1-38" was recorded on the 28th and -82" on the 29th. No rain feil between the 12th-27th and the month was generally very hot and sunny. The highest temperature was 87-5°F. on the 16th, 81°F. on the 21st, and 80°F. on the 22nd, 23rd, and 27th. The 8th was a cold day with a maximum of


only 59-5°F. 7th and 9th.


The lowest night temperature was 48°F. on the

Means: Max. 73-1°F.

Min. 56-9°F.


Fine and hot weather lasted for the first eleven days with a temperature of 83.5°F. on the 9th. Unsettled conditions due to depressions brought rain and showers on most days from the 1 Ith to the end of the month. Total rainfall 1 • 57" on seventeen days. Lowest night temperature was 47°F. on the 27th. Means: Max. 69 • 8°F. Min. 56 • 8°F. SEPTEMBER

A very dry, warm and mainly sunny month with only • 04" rain recorded on three days. The maximum temperature was 76 • 25°F on the 12th. The minimum 39°F. on the 30th. Means: Max. 66-3°F. Min. 52-9°F. OCTOBER

The dry and warm weather continued over this month with a total rainfall of -15" measured on five days and a maximum temperature of 72 • 5°F. on the 9th. The minimum night temperature in the screen was 41°F. on the 29th and 30th. There were no ground or air frosts. The wind direction was between south and east on eighteen days during the period 4th-22nd. Means: Max. 62-8°F.

Min. 49-5°F.


A cold and wet month with rain, sleet, and snow falling on twenty-three days giving a total of 2-65". Thunderstorms occurred on four days in this area. Gale force westerly winds, very blustery, with gusts of force 6-7 blew all day on the 9th. The first ground frost of the winter occurred on the morning of the 5th and air (screen) frost on the 18th. The 24th of the month was a cold day with a maximum temperature of 35-5°F., and minimum of 34°F. The 29th was also cold and the day temperature only reached 34-5°F. The highest temperature of the month was 57-5°F. on the lOth, and the lowest 26-5°F. on the 29th. Means: Max. 48-4°F.

Min. 38-0°F.


The month was unsettled with cold periods and snow feil on four days, and a depth of 2-5" on the morning of the 6th. The highest day temperature on the 4th was 33-5°F. The last three


Suffolk Natural History, Vol. 15, Part 4

days of the month were also very wintry with north or north-east winds. On the 3Ist the day temperature remained at or below freezing point. T h e Christmas period, 21st-27th, was mild and damp with periods of light rain or drizzle. Total precipitation (including snow) was 2-18" falling on twenty-four days. A dull month with very little sunshine. The highest temperature was 47-75°F. on the 24th and the lowest 27°F. on the Ist. Means: Max. 40 • 5°F.

Min. 33 • 9°F.

Total rainfall for the year was 23-59" falling on 181 days. This was 1 -14" more than recorded at this Station in 1968 with 176 rainy days. July was the wettest month with 4-29". T h e summer was the best since 1959 with the highest temperature of 87-5°F. on the 16th July. T h e autumn was the driest in East Anglia for 175 years. Over a period of sixty-three days, Ist September to 2nd November, 0-19" was recorded. T h e lowest (screen) temperature was 19-5°F. on the 8th February. F. W. Simpson, F.L.S.,

40 Ruskin Road, Ipswich,


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