Suffolk County Flora

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Editor, Sujfolk County Flora Now that the task of compiling the new County Flora of Suffolk is nearing completion, it has been possible to prepare a list of species mentioned in the "Flora of the British Isles" of which there are no known Suffolk records. The list is a lengthy one—over 900 species, of which the great majority are most unlikely to be found in Suffolk, but among them there are some, listed below, which could possibly occur in the County. British or naturalised alien species which may occur in Suffolk but for which there are no known records Allium carinatum L. Alnus iticana (L) M o e n c h (Grey Alder) Anisantha rigida (Roth) Hyl. Aster laevis L. A. lanceolatus Willd. A. longifolius L a m . A. macrophyllus L . A. novae-angliae L. Bielens frondosa L . ("Beggar Ticks") Bunias erucago L . Bupleurum laneifolium HÜrnern. Cerotochloa carinata H o o k & Arne) T u t i n . Chenopodium hircinum Schrad. Chrysanthemum maximum R a m o n d (Shasta Daisy) Circium oleraceum (L.) Scop. Cotoneaster horizontalis Decaisne. C. microphyllus Wall.


barbatus L. (Sweet William) Epipactis leptochila (Godf.) Godf. (Narrow-lipped Helleborne) Erinus alpinus L. Festuca heterophylla L a m . Galium valantia W e b e r Helianthus tuberosus L . (Jerusalem Artichoke) Hypericum X desetangsii Lamotte. Lathraea clandestina L. Lysimachia eiliata L . Monotropa hypophegea Wallr. Polygonum arenastrum Bor. (Small-leaved Knotgrass) P. polystaehyum Wallich. Scutellaria hastifolia L . Viola X wittrockiana Garns. ( G a r d e n Pansy) Vitis vinifera L. ( G r a p e Vine) Zerna benekenii (Lange) L i n d m .

It would be of great assistance to the Editor of the Flora if any members of the Suffolk Naturalists' Society who may have personal records of any of these species would be Willing to provide him with details. Such information would be of great value in helping to ensure that the list of known species in Suffolk is as complete as possible. F. W. Simpson, F.L.S., 40 Ruskin Road, Ipswich, Suffolk.

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