Acalypterate Diptera from Suffolk in the Claude Morley collection: 1 Sciomyzidae

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ACALYPTERATE DIPTERA FROM SUFFOLK IN THE CLAUDE MORLEY COLLECTION: 1. SCIOMYZIDAE P. WlTHERS The Diptera (two-winged-flies) of the Claude Morley Collection, housed at Ipswich Museum, have in part been dealt with in these Transactions. The acalypterate section, however, has so far been largely ignored. This paper is hopefully the first in a series dealing with some of the families in this interesting assemblage. Until recently, members of the family Sciomyzidae were considered to breed in refuse, detritus or humus, but since the seminal work of Berg (1953, 1961) and others it has become apparent that most sciomyzid larvae attack living gastropod molluscs, sometimes killing them, but more often living within their tissue as parasitoids. Over 200 species have now been reared worldwide, and all attack snails, slugs, freshwater clams or mollusc eggs (Knutson & Berg, 1971). The two major divisions within the British fauna reflect their association with either aquatic or terrestrial molluscs. Nomenclature in the species list follows Kloet & Hincks (1976), except that recent changes of Elberg & Rozkosny (1978) have been incorporated. In such cases, the Koet & Hincks name appears in parentheses. Grid references have been assigned by the author, and species not recorded from Suffolk by Stephenson and Knutson (1970) are indicated by an asterisk. It is likely that records for some of these species have been published elsewhere.

Species list Pelidnoptera nigripennis (Fab.)—1$, Barton Mills (TL 77),; 1 9 , Staverton (TM 35), Colobaea bifasciella (Fall.)—1$, Brandon (TM 78),; 1 $ , Brandon (TM 78), 31.vii.30. Pherbellia albocostata (Fall.)—lcf, Foxall (TM 24). P. cinerella (Fall.)—19, Glevering Park (TM 25), ll.v.23; 2 9 , Blythburgh (TM 47), 5.ix.44. P. dubia (Fall.)—19, Monk Soham (TM 26),; 1 9 , Letheringham (TM 25), 15.vii.18; l c f , Glemham Magna (TM 36), 23.V.35; 1 $ , Chediston

(TM 37), 15.V.45. P. griseola (Fall.)—lcf, Brandon (TM 78), 8.viii.l3; l c f , Tuddenham Fen (TL 77),; 1 other, Thelnetham Fen (TM 07), 30.vii.43.

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P. knutsoni Verbeke—lo", Brandon (TM 78), ix.6. Morley was obviously unhappy with his original determination of this specimen as Pelidnoptera virgata, since it bears a label 'not rufiventris norpallidiventris - Collin.' P. nana (Fall.)—lcf, Kessingland (TM 58), 19.ix.10. (States male on the label, but only head, thorax and legs remain.) *P. pallidiventris (Fall.)—1$, Barton Mills (TL 77),; lcf, Brandon (TM 78), 14; 1$, Eriswell (TL77), 9.viii.28. P. punctata (Fab.) (schoenherri Fall.)— lcf, 2? Bramford (TM 14), 17.iii.95; l<j>, Herringswell Fen (TL 77), 21.viii.05; lcf, 1$ Brandon (TM 78), 25.viii.06; lcf, Brandon (TM 78), 4.V.07; lcf, Pakenham Fen (TL 96), 23.ix.07; lcf, Southwold (TM 57),; lcf, 3$, Minsmere (TM 46), 22.ix.12; lcf, Hoxne (TM 17),; lcf, Thorndon Fen (TM 16), 13.x.45. *P. scutellaris (von Roser)—Monk Soham (TM 26), lcf, 13.vii.17, 1$, 6.viii.21,1$, 22.ix.22,1$, 4.ix.40,1$, 31.viii.41, lcf, 6.ix.46, l j , 13.ix.46; lcf, Brandon (TM 78), 30.V.38 (the right hind femur of this specimen is teratological).

Pteromicra angustipennis (Staeger)—1£, Foxhall (TM 24), 21.vii.04; 1$ Brandon (TM 78), 8.viii.l3; 1 $, Blythburgh (TM 47), 15.ix.40. Sciomyza dryomyzina Zett.—lcf, Lowestoft (TM 59), 13.viii.98. S. simplex Fall.—lcf, Brandon (TM 78),; lcf, Brandon (TM 78), Antichaeta brevipennis (Zett.)—1$, Mildenhall (TL77), Coremacera tristis (Harris)—lcf, Gipping (TM 06),; lcf, S. How, Dunwich (TM 47), 17.vii.97; 1$, Brandon (TM 78),; lcf, Mildenhall (TL 77),; 1, Freckenham (TL 67), 10.vii.28 (wings only) 1$, Reydon (TM47), 19.ix.28; lcf,Blyford(TM47),21.ix.35; 1$,Frostenden (TM 48), 16.ix.37; 1$ Monk Soham (TM 26), 19.vii.41; 1$, Monk Soham (TM 26), 25.viii.44. *DichetophorafinlandicaVerbeke—lcf, Lowestoft (TM 59), 25.viii.98; lCf, Tuddenham Fen (TL 77), 26.ix.07; lcf, Lowestoft (TM 59), ix.24; 1$, Mildenhall (TL 77), ll.viii.28. * Dichetophora obliterata (Fab.)—lcf, Ipswich (TM 14), 1894; lcf, Pakenham Fen (TL 96), 23.ix.07; 1$, Barton Mills (TL 77),; lcf, Sapiston (TL 97), 6.vii.27; 1$, Monk Soham (TM 26),; 1$, Monk Soham (TM 26), 27.viii.33; 1$, S. Cove (TM 58), 13.ix.38. Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 20


Suffolk Natural History, Vol. 20

Elgiva cucularia ( L . ) — 1 $ , Monk Soham (TM 26), 14.V.43. E. rufa (Panzer) (sundewalli Kloet & Hincks)—lcf, Gipping (TM 06),; 2 c f , Gipping, 18.vii.95; 1 $ , Henstead (TM 48), 22.ix.13; 1 $ , Frostenden (TM 48), 4.ix.28; 3cf, Reydon (TM 47), 19.ix.28; 1 $ , Bio Norton (TM 07),5.ix.40. Euthycerafumigata ( S c o p . ) — l c f , Foxhall (TM 24), 17.viii.00; l ö \ Frostenden (TM 48), 16.ix.37; 1 $ , Aldeburgh ( T M 4 5 ) , 9.ix.38. Hydromya dorsalis (Fab.)— l c f , Bramford (TM 14), 17.iii.95; l c f , Lowestoft (TM 59), 26.viii.98; l<j>, Kessingland (TM 58), 19.ix.10; 1 $ , Brandon (TM 78), 8.viii. 13; l c f , Minsmere (TM 46), 22.ix.13; l c f , Blythburgh (TM 47), 24.ix.28; 1 9 , Brandon (TM 78), 25.V.32. Knutsonia albiseta ( S c o p ) . — l c f , Minsmere (TM 46), 22.ix. 13; l c f , Bramford (TM 14),».17. K. lineata ( F a l l . ) — l c f , 1 $ , Tuddenham Fen (TL 77), viii.05; l c f . Brandon (TM 78), 25.vii.06; 1, Tuddenham Fen, 27.vii.06, l c f , Brandon (TM 78), 10.ix.15; l c f , Capel (TM 03), *Limniapaludicola E l b e r g — l c f , Tuddenham Fen (TM 77), 28.viii.02; l c f , Brandon ( T M 7 8 ) , 25.viii.06; l c f , Tuddenham Fen,; l c f , Brandon, 5.vii.27; l c f , Redgrave Fen (TM 07) 13.vii.46. L. unguicornis ( S c o p . ) — l c f , Freckenham (TL 67), 10.viii.28; l c f , 1 $ , Brandeston (TM 26), 13.vii.43; l c f , Bio Norton (TM 07), Only Limnia males are separable. There are a further seven specimens from Suffolk in the Morley Collection, which are females or damaged males. Pherbina coryleti (Scop.)—1$, Bramford (TM 14),; 1 $ , Gipping (TM 06), 8.viii.95; l c f , Lowestoft (TM 59), 25.viii.98; 1 $ , Ipswich (TM 14), 24.viii.95; 1 9 , Brandon (TM 78), 30.viii.21; 1 $ , Frostenden (TM 48), 4.ix.28; l c f , 1 $ , Walberswick (TM47), 8.ix.28; l c f , Reydon (TM47), 21.ix.28; l c f , Southwold (TM 57), 25.ix.36. *Psacadina vittigera (Schiner)—All Morley vittigera were taken at Foxhall Pond (TM 27). The records are as follows: 1 $ , 23.iii.96; 2 c f , 1,; l c f , 1 § , 23.iv.98; 1 $ , 31.iii.02. l c f , 7.ix.03; l c f , 8.iv.04; l c f , 17.iv.04. Four other specimens of Psacadina, all females, and definitely not this species are present in the Collection. In a paper in 1979, (Speight, Withers and Williams) I outlined the difficulties associated with the positive identification of females of most species of Psacadina. Sepedon sphegea ( F a b . ) — 1 $ , Claydon (TM 14/15), 25.ix.97; 1, Theberton (TM 46), 10.vii.00; 1, Iken Heath (TM 45), 5.X.35.

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S spinipes (Scop.)—1$, Gipping (TM 06), 8.viii.95; l c f , Foxhall (TM 24), 23 iii.96; 3, Blythburgh (TM 47), 24, 28 and 30.ix.28; 3 $ , Blythburgh (TM 47), 24.ix.35; Blythburgh (TM 47), l c f , 29.V.43, l c f , 1 $ , 2.ix.43, l c f , 5.ix.44. Tetanocera arrogans (Mg.)—lcf, Lowestoft (TM 59),; l c f , Brandon (TM 78),; l c f , Monk Soham (TM 26), 28.V.13; l c f , Brandon (TM 78), 25.V.23; l c f , Brandon (TM 78), T. elata (Fab.)—1 cf, Brandon (TM 78), 25. viii.06; l c f , Blythburgh (TM 47), 6.ix.28. Females of this species and T. phyllophora Melander are indistinguishable. The following records refer to female specimens in this category: Winston (TM 16), 14.viii.18; Brandon (TM 78), 30.viii.21;Thelnetham (TM 07), 8.ix.40. T. ferruginea (Fall.)—lcf, Bramford (TM 14), 5.viii.95; l c f , Lowestoft (TM 59), 21.viii.98; l c f , Southwold (TM 57),; 1 $ , Thorndon (TM 16), 30.viii.23; l ^ , Reydon (TM 47), 21.ix.28; 1 $ , Brandon (TM78),v.29; l c f , 1 $ , Brandon, 25.V.32; l c f , Blythburgh (TM 47), 15.ix.40. T. hyalipennis von Roser— 1 $ , Kenton Station (TM 16), 9.ix. 13; 1 $ , Monk Soham (TM 26), 16.viii.28; l c f , Hoxne (TM 17), 7.X.40; 1 $ , Monk Soham (TM 26), 25.viii.47. T. robusta Loew— lcf - 1 $ , Lowestoft (TM 59), 21.viii.98; 1 $ , Lowestoft (TM 59), 31.viii.98; l c f , Brandon (TM 78), 31.V.29; 1 ? , Blythburgh (TM 47), 29.iv.43. T. silvatica M g . — l c f , Ipswich (TM 14), 28.viii.98; l c f , Brandon (TM 78), v.29; l c f , Blythburgh (TM 47), 15.iv.40. Females of this species and T. freyi Stackelberg are indistinguishable. The following records refer to female specimens in this category: Ipswich (TM 14), 5.ix.97; Pakenham (TL 96), 23.ix.07. T. fuscinervis (Zett.) (T. unicolor Loew)—1$, Rushmere (TM 14/24), 24.viii.95; l c f , Barnby Broad (TM 48), 12.vii.00; l c f , Monk Soham (TM 26), 27.vii.16. Trypetoptera punctulata (Scop.)—1$, Sproughton (TM 14), 9.ix.95; 10", Lakenheath (TL 78),; 1 $ , Stanstead (TL 84),; 1 $ , Barton Mills (TL 77),; l c f , Tuddenham Fen (TL 77), 22.viii.05; 1, Southwold (TM 57), 20.ix. 13 (wings only); 1, Monk Soham (TM 26), 8.viii.l5 (abdomen missing); l c f , Barton Mills (TL 77), 7.vii.20; 1 $ , Icklingham (TL 77), 8.vii.20; l c f , Mildenhall (TL 77), 9.viii.28; l c f , Eriswell (TL 77), 9.viii.28; 1 $ , Brandeston (TM 26), 20.V.44.

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Suffolk Natural History, Vol. 20

Of the 65 British species of Sciomyzidae at least 45 are represented in the Morley Collection. Stephenson & Knutson (I.e.) reeord 44 species from Suffolk, and to their list the author can now add; Pherbelliapallidiventris, P. scutellaris, Dichetophora finlandica, D. obliterata, Limnia paludicola and Psacadina vittigera. This raises the total to 50, nearly 80% of the British fauna. Of the remainder, all but two, Antichaeta analis (Mg.) and Ectinocera borealis (Zett.), which have a strictly upland distribution, might reasonably be expected to occur. Acknowledgements I thank Mr. H. Mendel, Ipswich Museum for the loan of the Morley Sciomyzidae. References Berg, C. (1953), Sciomyzid larvae (Diptera) that feed on snails. J. Parasitol. 39, 630. Berg, C. (1961). Biology of snail-killing Sciomyzidae (Diptera) of North America and E u r o p e . Verhandl. XI Int. Kongr. Entomol. Wien. 1,197. Elberg, K. and Rozkosny, R. (1978). Taxonomic and distributional notes on some Palaearctic Sciomyzidae (Diptera). Scripta fac. sei. natur. LJjep. Brunensis 8, 47. Kloet, G . S. & H i n c k s , W. D . (1976). A check list of British Insects. Handbk. Ident. Br. Insects. 11(5). R.E.S. London. Knutson, L. & Berg, C. (1971). The malacophagous flies of Norway. Norsk ent. Tidsskr. 18,119. Speight, M . , Withers, P. & Williams, M. (1979). Pachygaster minutissima, Psacadina zernyi and Xylota tarda: insects new to Ireland. Ir. Nat. J. 19, 354. Stephenson, J. & Knutson, L. (1970). The distribution of snail-killing flies (Diptera, Sciomyzidae) in the British Isles. Entomologist's mon. Mag. 106,16. P. Withers, 27 Beech Way, Dickleburgh, Diss, Norfolk.

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