Further plant records from Landguard Common, 1984

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FURTHER PLANT RECORDS FROM LANDGUARD COMMON, 1984 A . COPPING Records f r o m the area studied between 1979 and 1983 inclusive formed the basis of two previous papers (Copping, 1983, 1984). The survey was continued in 1984 and private visits were made on the following dates: 24-3,11-4, 5-5, 19-5, 2-6, 9-6, 23-6, 7-7, 30-7, 2-8, 20-8, 3-9, 21-9 and 20-10. Further, some recording was possible during Field Excursions of the Suffolk Naturalists' Society/Lowestoft Field Club on 6-5, the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society, 1-7 and the Wild Flower Society, 21-7. In addition to general recording, attention was paid to genera containing critical species and the writer gratefully acknowledges help received from Mr J. J. H e a t h (Taraxacum) and Mr A . L. Bull (Rubus) who accompanied him in the field, and D r P. Taschereau (Atriplex), Dr C. A. Stace (Festuca), Mr G. M. Easy ( L e p i d i u m ) and Mr E. J. Clement (garden escapes) who assisted through correspondence. (Determinations of Taraxacum species had not been received at the time of preparing this account and discussion of the genus is deferred). Capital letters A , B, C , . . . will be used to represent different parts of the recording area as explained in the 1983 paper. Removal, in 1983, of the iron fence which formed the 'north-east frontier' of the recording area, and subsequent extended soil disturbance, created difficulties in recognising the original boundary. A n extra problem, affecting access, has been the establishing of semi-permanent caravan homes to the east of Landguard Road in the northern part of F. The residents have planted flowers in tubs beside their doors and some of these escaped in 1984 to the disturbed area mentioned above where they competed with a rieh assortment of Chenopodiaceae and other ruderals. This area will be denoted by F* in the catalogue of species. It was cleared, harrowed and sown with grass seed in early October 1984. A second area of exceptional interest was a nearby short Stretch of drainage ditch beside the north-west corner of the asphalt car park. A series of aliens associated with bird seed appeared there and this restricted area will be designated H*. A new earth bank on the east side of the concrete road leading to Hall Aggregates Gravel Workings (habitat Y) produced a few new species, some almost certainly introduced with builders' rubbish incorporated during its construction. In all, 40 new taxa were discovered in 1984 bringing the total number of species recorded since the survey began to 350. Of these additions, 12 may be best regarded as garden escapes, 11 ascasuals, 3 as 'splits' of Rubus fruticosus agg. and 14 as 'natural elements' in the flora. Additions to the Catalogue of Species The nomenclature and order of arrangement continue to follow those of Excursion Flora of the British Isles (Third Edition) (Clapham et al., 1981),

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subject to the changes described in BSB1 Abstracts Part 14, August 1984, Page 96. Thalictrum minus subsp. minus (Lesser Meadow Rue). One plant spread vegetatively through the fence from an adj acent caravan site in the northern extremity of H. Sinapis alba (White Mustard). Two plants in H*. Rapistrum hispanicum (Bastard Cabbage). A few individuals in F* and H*. One specimen in F* possessed hairy fruits (var. hirsutum (Cariot) O. E. Schulz). Lobularia maritima (Sweet Alison). Scattered in F*. Barbarea vulgaris (Winter Cress). One plant in Y. Malcolmia maritima (L.) R.Br. (Virginia Stock). One individual beside the boundary fence in the northern extremity of H. Viola x wittrockiana Garns (Garden Pansy). One or two plants in F*. Spergularia rubra (Sand-spurrey). Frequent in bare places in the southern part of C. Spergularia marina (Lesser Sea-spurrey). One plant in the extreme northeast corner of M. The frequent bursts of spray over the sea wall experienced at high tide since the recent completion of new sea defences have probably created conditions favouring this species. Portulaca grandiflora Hooker (A Purslane) (Det. E. J. Clement). One plant in H*, part of which is preserved in E. J. Clement's herbarium. He comments that he has no other recent records from Britain of this species occurring as an escape from cultivation. Chenopodium ficifolium (Fig-leaved Goosefoot) (conf. E. T. Daniels). Abundant beside the new toilet block to the north of the car park in H. Some plants also in F*. Atriplex longipes xprostrata (An Orache). (det. Dr P. Taschereau). One or two individuals of this striking taxon occurred in F*. The plants were robust, up to c. 60cm tall, purplish-tinged, with large bracteoles (up to 17mm), some sessile and others with stalks up to 7mm. Dr Taschereau remarks that this hybrid is commonest in salt marsh Vegetation or at the landward margins of beaches. Atriplex (hybrid derivatives of A. longipes) (An Orache) (det. Dr P. Taschereau). One or two extensive colonies in P. These plants were purple-tinged, possessed small bracteoles, prostrate and very different in appearance from the preceding. Dr Taschereau states, 'Plants like these have long caused identification problems in Atriplex on the coasts of the British Isles. The hybrid derivatives are small-leaved prostrate plants occurring in open exposed areas of the beach . . . the influence of Atriplex longipes can be detected by the presence of at least a few bracteoles with stalks'.

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Geranium rotundifolium (Round-leaved Cranesbill). One plant in the northwest corner of C and several more near the entrance to the Hall Aggregates workings just north of U. Rubus conjungens (Bab.) W. C. R. Wats. (Blackberry) (det. A. L. Bull). Several bushes were scattered along the borders of H and S. R. conjungens is a member of the Rubi corylifolii, brambles formed from hybridisation between R. caesius and plants from the various sections of R. fruticosus agg. Other taxa, often largely sterile, belonging to the Rubi corylifolii were found, especialy between Landguard Road, at its southern end, and the fence beside the road to the Harbour Viewing Area (HVA). One, in particular, from there, with large, whiteflowers,was forwarded by Mr Bull to Mr A. Newton who declined to refer it to a named species. Rubus inermis (Blackberry) (det. A. L. Bull). Widely scattered bushes were found over much of the recording area. Probably the most frequent species at Landguard. Bupleurum subovatum (A Hare's Ear). One plant in H*. Euphorbia lathyrus (Caper Spurge). Three or four juvenile (non-flowering) plants in H*. Acetosella multifida (Narrow-leaved Sheep's Sorrel). (conf. Mrs E. M. Hyde and E. T. Daniels). A circular patch of about Im. radius on the western verge of the new road to the HVA contained many plants of this species. A second colony was found on the western borders of C by Mr J. J. Heath. All other Sheep's Sorrel examined in the recording area proved to be A. vulgaris subsp. vulgaris, the overwhelmingly more frequent species. Salix caprea (Great Sallow). Two young bushes, thoiight to be of this species, were found in A. Because their habitat was threatened by imminent development they were removed in late October 1984 and re-planted at Roydon, Diss, Norfolk. It is hoped to confirm their identity in due course. Vinca minor (Lesser Periwinkle). One or two plants in Y. Symphytum Orientale (White Comfrey). One individual on the eastern margin of the road to the HVA. The species is abundant in parts of the town of Felixstowe. Pentaglottissempervirens (Alkanet). One robust specimen in Y. Lycopersicon esculentum Miller (Tomato). A few seedlings were found in F*. Nicotiana alata Link & Otto X forgetiana Sander (= N. x sanderae Sa (Hybrid Tobacco Plant) (det. E. J. Clement). One plant in F*. Petunia x hybrida Hort. Vilm.-Andr. (Petunia). One or two individuals scattered in F*. Marrubium vulgare (White Horehound). Three plants on the eastern border of Landguard Road, near W, growing in fairly recently disturbed soil. Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 21


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Sherardia arvensis (Field Madder). One specimen in L among parviflorus.


Inula conyza (Ploughman's Spikenard). One plant in W and a second between the fence enclosing Landguard Fort and the new concrete road to Hall Aggregate workings. From the site of the latter plant a large population could be seen beyond the fence towards the Fort (c. 40 flowering stems were counted). Filago vulgaris (Common Cudweed). Abundant in a small area near the patch of Acetosella multifida beside the road to the HVA. Muscari neglectum (Grape-Hyacinth). One or two plants in Y. Galanthus nivalis (Snowdrop). One clump in D, bearing two flowers. Iris germanica (Flag Iris). Several plants in C and Q/U proved to be of this species. They have been present for several years. Poa subcaerulea (Spreading meadow-grass). Careful terial previously recorded as P. pratensis revealed that of dune and heath P. subcaerulea was predominant. proved difficult to find and seemed to be confined to habitats.

examination of main all stabilised areas Typical P. pratensis disturbed or ruderal

Puccinellia maritima (Sea Poa). About six plants were found in the extreme north-east corner of M, close to Spergularia marina previously listed. Puccinellia distans (Reflexed Poa). Several plants in M and one in E. Phalaris canariensis (Canary Grass). Two specimens in H*. Panicum miliaceum (Common Millet). A Single specimen in H*. Setariapumila

(Yellow Bristle-grass). One individual in H*.

Comments on Previously Recorded Species Lepidium virginicum (s.l.). Further plants were raised from seed and flowered in 1984. Material was sent to Mr G. M. Easy who determined it as a form of L. densiflorum Schräder. Atriplex sp. Nine gatherings of varied Atriplex material (excluding the easily identifiable A. littoralis) were sent to Dr P. Taschereau in late September. In addition to the hybrids already listed above he confirmed the presence of A. patula and A. prostrata. However, although A. glabriuscula is known to occur on the Suffolk coast, it was not included. In view of the difficulties of identification, and the absence of a voucher specimen, its previously recorded occurrence at Landguard must be regarded as unproven. Festuca longifolia. Material was sent to Dr C. A. Stace who gave a qualified determination as F. trachyphylla. Recent work has shown, however, that the British plants currently referred to that species are not conspecific with it, and the Felixstowe plant has at present no correct name.

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Festuca ovina. Two sets of plants, differing in the length of awn, were sent to Dr C. A. Stace who replied thus: 'The true F. ovina is a mainly northern diploid plant, but it does occur in S. England. Your longer-awned more glaucous plant is that. Your shorter-awned plant is the more common tetraploid variant of the south. It is the plant called F. tenuifolia var. hirtula (Hackel) Howarth in Hubbard's Grasses. More recently it has been raised to subspecific, then specific status, and has been placed as a subspecies under two different species. Our views are still notfinalisedand we prefer not to provide an unpublished combination, but we do not consider it conspecific with F. tenuifolia. We have found these two growing together in other parts of East Anglia'. Both taxa are in cultivation at the University of Leicester. F. tenuifolia has not been found. Dittrichia viscosa (L.) W. Greuter. The existence outside the recording area of a well-established clump was reported in the 1983 paper. It is still there and in late 1984 two young specimens were found nearby, inside the fence surrounding the Container vehicle hard Standing area. Their presence provides strong circumstantial evidence that limited natural regeneration from seed is taking place.

Voucher Specimens Material of each of the following was sent to Mrs E. M. Hyde during 1984: Rapistrum hispanicum (including forms with glabrous and hairy fruits), Lepidium densiflorum, Atriplex longipes x prostrata (one pair of bracteoles only), Acetosella multifida, A. vulgaris subsp. vulgaris, bium vulgare, Muscari neglectum, 'Festuca trachyphylla', Poa Bromus x pseudothominii, Agrostis gigantea and Setaria pumila

References Clapham, A. R., Tutin, T. G. and Warburg, E. F. (1962). Flora ofthe British Isles. (Second Edition). Cambridge University Press. Clapham, A. R., Tutin, T. G. and Warburg, E. F. (1981). Excursion Flora of the British Isles. (Third Edition). Cambridge University Press. Copping, A. (1983). Plant Records from Landguard Common (1979-1982). Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc., 19, 374. Copping, A. (1984). Additional Plant Records from Landguard Common, 1983. Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc., 20, 88. Simpson, F. W. (1982). Simpson's Flora of Suffolk. Suffolk Naturalists' Society. Tutin, T. G. etal., eds. (1964,1968,1972,1980). Flora Europaea, 1, 2, 3, 5. Cambridge University Press. A. Copping, The Nook, The Green, Roydon, Diss, Norfolk IP22 3SD. Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 21

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