c o m p l i e d b y E . M . HYDE a n d F . W .
For each record the following information is given: locality and habitat, Ordnance Survey 10km Square, vice-county, finder's name or initials (see key at end of article) and date of record. The comments are those of the Compilers, based in some cases on information supplied by the Anders. The nomenclature and order of the species are with very few exceptions those of Flora Europaea. The Compilers wish to thank the specialists who determined, or confirmed the identity of, specimens. Simpson's Flora ofSuffolk is used as the authority for claiming first or second County records, supplemented by the large number of records received since its publication. Stoneworts. (Det. Mrs J. A. Moore, 2-9/86.) Chara spp. Chara vulgaris L. (near var. papillata Wallr. ex A. Braun). Monks Eleigh, in small reservoir, TL94, v.c. 26, E M C , 30/9/85. Chara vulgaris L. (approaching var. contraria (A. Braun ex Kütz.) J. A. Moore). (C. contraria A. Braun ex Kütz. is given specific status by some authorities.) Market Weston, in fen pool, TL97, v.c. 26, E M H & FWS, 21/8/86. Chara globularis Thuill. (approaching var. virgata (Kütz.) R. D. Wood). Market Weston, in fen pools, TL97, v.c. 26, E M H & FWS, 21/8/86. Botrychium lunaria (L.) Sw., Moonwort. Icklingham, five specimens on verge of Icknield Way, TL87, v.c. 26, FWS, 8/6/86. A decreasing species. No recent records from East Suffolk. See pp. 40-41. Thelypterispalustris Schott, Marsh Fern. Market Weston Fen, TL97, v.c. 26, IMV & E M - R , 23/6/85. Also recorded by FWS in 1985. A rare and decreasing fern in Suffolk. Polystichum aculeatum (L.) Roth, Hard Shield Fern. Stanton, several specimens in the Grundle. This species does not now appear to be as frequent as P. setiferum (Forsk.) Woynar, Soft Shield Fern. The fronds of P. aculeatum have a more glossy appearance as well as a harder texture. TL97, v.c. 26, FWS, 22/6/86. Also recorded from Creeting St. Mary, in a ditch under overhanging trees, TM05, v.c. 25, E M H , 30/7/84, and from Bungay, TM38, v.c. 25, G W M , 1982. Still there 1986. Salix cinerea L. ssp. oleifolia Macreight, Common Sallow. Aldringham, several bushes in fen, TM45, v.c. 25, E T D , 4/10/86. Conf. FWS. T h e r e is a doubtful record in the Flora for Aldeburgh and this find confirms its occurrence in the area. Juglans regia L., Walnut. West Stow, Single sapling in hedge, does not appear to have been planted, TL77, v.c. 26, FWS, 8/6/86. Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 23
28 Suffolk Natural History, Vol. 23 Polygonum mite Schrank, Tasteless Water-pepper. Iken, in ditch on boundary of Iken Wood, TM35, v.c. 25, IMV, Sept. 1985. Det. Dr. J. R. Akeroyd, 5/86. Hb. E & MH. The second post-1950 Suffolk record. Chenopodium vulvaria L., Stinking Goosefoot. Wherstead, TM14, v.c. 25, EMH, 31/7/86. About 20 plants on mounds of Sandy soil dumped at the top of the old Bourne Hill two or three years ago. This species is well established on Landguard Common and, as far as is known, nowhere eise in Suffolk. The presence also, on one mound, of Anthemis punctata Vahl ssp. cupaniana (Tod. ex Nyman) R. Fernan garden species, also established at Landguard only, strongly suggests that the soil was brought from there. Other characteristic Landguard plants were also there, including Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex DC., Spear-leaved Orache, Medicago minima (L.) Bartal., BurMedick, M. arabica (L.) Huds., Spo Medick, Trifolium scabrum L., Rough Trefoil, T. arvense L., Hare's-f Clover and Catapodium rigidum (L.) C. E. Hubbard, Fern Grass. Scleranthus annuus L. ssp. polycarpos (L.) Thell., an Annual Knawe Freckenham, Red Lodge Warren, TL66, v.c. 26, GC, Sept. 1986. Conf. P. D. Seil. There are very few Suffolk records of this subspecies, which is restricted to heathland. It differs from the more common ssp. annuus in its smaller fruits and its erect or connivent rather than patent sepals. Ranunculus hederaceus L., Ivy-leaved Water Crowfoot. Henham, TM47, v.c. 25, EI & FA, 26/8/86. Two patches in a new site. Now a scarce species. Ranunculus peltatus Schrank, Large-fiowered Water Crowfoot. Tostock, in two ponds, TL96, v.c. 26, RA, 1984. An uncommon species in Suffolk, with few recent records. Papaver hybridum L., Rough Poppy. (i) Exning, TL66, v.c. 26, EMH, 17/8/86. Several plants in sugar-beet field adjoining Newmarket Heath. (ii) Cavenham, Black Ditches, arablefieldedge, TL76, v.c. 26, JH, 1984. A sporadic arable weed in Suffolk, usually in chalky fields. Papaver Orientale L., Oriental Poppy. Ipswich, rough ground by Sproughton Rd., TM14, v.c. 25, MNS, 28/5/85. Presumably from garden waste, as in other Ipswich sites. Rorippa amphibia (L.) Besser, Great Yellow Cress. (i) Eye, by R. Dove, south of Moor Hall andnearthePriory,TM17, v.c. 25, EMH, 20/5/84. (ii) Gromford, in R. Fromus, TM35, v.c. 25, PGL, 26/6/86. Also FWS, 1984. Generally uncommon in the County, though still fairly plentiful in the Gipping Valley. Arabis caucasica Schlecht., Garden Arabis. Ipswich, self-sown on outside of roadside wall in Fonnereau Rd., TM14, v.c. 25, PMB, 29/5/86, Hb. E & MH. Similarly in Newmarket, TL66, v.c. 26, Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 23
E M H , 1983-5. A small patch survived on the edge of the King's Forest in West Stow 1981-4, doubtless a garden throw-out. Aubrieta deltoidea (L.) D C . , Purple Rock-cress. A garden escape and naturalised on old walls, seeded from gardens. Not recorded in the Flora, (i) Shotley, TM23, v.c. 25, FWS, 1983-86. (ii) Framlingham, TM26, v.c. 25, FWS, 29/7/86. Brassica rapa L. ssp. sylvestris (L.) Janchen, Wild Turnip. Frequent to abundant along the banks of the R. Brett from Chelsworth to Ash Street, Semer, 1948-60, ALB. TL94 and TM04, both in v.c. 26. This is the first Suffolk record. The Wild Turnip is naturalised on river banks elsewhere in Britain, and may possibly have been overlooked beside other Suffolk rivers. Rosa stylosa Desv., Long-styled Rose. (i) Great Waldingfield, roadside hedge, TL94, v.c. 26, E M H , Oct. 1984. Det. Mrs. I. M. Vaughan, 5/86. H b . E & M H . The only other record for West Suffolk was also from TL94, near Groton Wood (M. J. Wigginton) in 1975. (ii) Monewden, M a r t i n s Meadows, TM25, v.c. 25, IMV, 8/8/86. One bush in hedge. Potentilla recta L., Sulphur Cinquefoil. (i) Barking Tye, roadside verge, TM05, v.c. 25, MNS, 21/7/84. (ii) Warren Heath, just outside the western boundary of Ipswich, TM24, v.c. 25, HT, July 1986. Mrs H . Thompson has kindly drawn the plant for us. Pyrus communis L., Pear. Indigenous Wild Pears bear small rounded, hard fruits. Unlike Crab Apples, they rarely bear many fruits. (i) Aldringham, Single tree beside track of old railway. Although having small fruit, this specimen is not likely to be the indigenous Wild Pear. It may well have grown f r o m a pip of a thrown-away core, when the railway was in use. TM45, v.c. 25, FWS, 8/10/86. (ii) Yoxford, ancient large tree, probably indigenous in hedge near site of one of a pair of windmills, TM36, v.c. 25. Comm. RC-H, conf. FWS, 19/10/86. Ulex minor R o t h , Dwarf Gorse. Tuddenham Heath, south of Turf Fen, TL77, v.c. 26, P J O T , 28/10/86. This confirms the record in Simpson's Flora. Colutea arborescens L., Bladder Senna. (i) Lakenheath, a 10 ft shrub in car park of inn, TL78, v.c. 26, PJOT, 11/8/86. (ii) Bury St. E d m u n d s , one bush outside railway S t a t i o n , TL86, v.c. 26, G T , 1985. A garden species, occasionally found on waste ground. Grown for its striking inflated seed-pods.
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Potentilla recta.
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Astragalus danicus Retz., Purple Milk Vetch. Moulton, Bury Hill, on chalk grassland, TL66, v.c. 26, JH* & SL, 2/9/86. C o m m . Mrs. G . C r o m p t o n f r o m information received f r o m Dr. D. E. C o o m b e . O n e of a n u m b e r of chalk-loving species in an area of outstanding interest. Trifolium fragiferum L . , Strawberry Clover. Following the request for recent records of this species f r o m the West Suffolk vice-county, Mrs. J. Harris has reported several colonies in Hitcham (TL95) and Wattisham (TM05). Also seen recently in N e w m a r k e t (TL66) and L a k e n h e a t h (TL78). R e c o r d e d f r o m Stowupland (TM06) in East Suffolk by Mrs. O. O . D . Sheppy. Coronilla varia L., Crown Vetch. Woodbridge, small colony on roadside verge, TM24, v.c. 25, J E L P , 26/8/86. Conf. FWS. A n attractive flower, an introduced species usually on waste ground near ports. Few records. Hippocrepis comosa L., Horseshoe Vetch. Moulton, Bury Hill, in good quantity on species-rich chalk grassland, TL66, v.c. 26, D E C , Sept. 1986. C o m m . G C . Euphorbia cyparissias L., Cypress Spurge. Wordwell, a small patch in forest ride, TL87, v.c. 26, E M H , 8/6/86. O n e of several colonies in the Breckland. Polygala vulgaris L . , C o m m o n Milkwort. Ipswich, a small colony on heathland near Airport, TM14, v.c. 25, E M H 20/6/84. Still t h e r e , 1986, H b . E & M H . Polygala serpyllifolia Hose, H e a t h Milkwort. Bentley, along woodland track, TM13, v.c. 25, E M H , 31/5/86. H b . E & M H . Not previously noticed here. Abutilon theophrasti Medic., Indian Mallow. Bungay, one plant approx. 4 ft. tall on Mr. Went's allotment, TM39, v.c. 25, Sept. 1986. D e t . independently by Dr. E. B e a u m o n t (specimen via Mr. S. W e n t ) and A . L. Grenfell (specimen coli. G . W. Maybury). A rare weed of the Mallow family, found on cultivated and waste ground. Hippophae rhamnoides L., Sea Buckthorn. (i) Dunwich, two seedlings on shingle, possibly bird-sown, TM47, v.c. 25, FWS, 15/8/86. (ii) Southwold, several small bushes on Denes, possibly native, TM57, v c. 25, F W S , 8/8/86. Anagallis tenella (L.) L., Bog Pimpernel. (i) Worlington, wet hollows on h e a t h l a n d , TL67, v.c. 26, D M A , Sept 1985. (ii) Barnby, scattered colonies in old wet pasture, TM49, v.c. 25, FWS 3/10/86. (iii) H o p t o n , f r e q u e n t at edge of ponds, TG50, v.c. 25, FWS, 22/7/86.
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Centaurium pulchellum (Sw.) Druce, Lesser Centaury. An uncommon species thought until recently to be extinct.Walberswick, TM57, v.c. 25, BL & JT, 12/8/86. Conf. FWS. Comm. PGL. Severalhundred very small plants difficult to locate in saltmarsh behind beach. Larger plants were found during the Sizewell Survey, 1983-4 (FWS). Cuscuta europaea L., Great Dodder. Nayland, TL93, v.c. 26, PW, 7/10/84. On Urticadioicah., StingingNettle, on both Suffolk and Essex banks of the R. Stour (Wake, 1984). This is the third post-Flora record from the south of the County. No other recent records. Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth., Fiddleneck. Gunton, disused railway line, TM59, v.c. 25, EB, June 1986. Conf. A. L. Grenfell. About 30 plants from garden rubbish along both sides of a hawthorn hedge. Third record for East Suffolk. Illustrated by Dr. E. Beaumont. Amsinckia intermedia Fisch. & Mey., Tarweed. Hinderclay, JL, June 1986 and Redgrave, FWS & EMH, 21/8/86. Both colonies in arable fields in TM07, v.c. 25. This species has now spread over most of East Suffolk on the sandy soils. Still uncommon in the Breckland, but increasing. Stachys officinalis (L.) Trev., Betony. (i) Market Weston, a good colony, edge of Fen, TL97, v.c. 26, FWS, 22/6/86.
(ii) Assington/Little Cornard boundary, on roadside verge, TL93, v.c. 26, TWP, 7/8/84. Comm. EM-R. Still at Tuddenham, TM14, at a long-known site, FWS, MNS and other recorders, but a decreasing Suffolk species. Veronica scutellata L., Marsh Speedwell. (i) Lakenheath, Poor's Fen, TL78, v.c. 26, PJOT, 22/8/86. (ii) Tostock, in pond in small pasture, TL96, v.c. 26, R A , 1986. (iii) Market Weston, in Fen pool, TL97, v.c. 26, FWS & E M H , 21/8/86. Another decreasing species, fortunately preserved in several Nature Reserves. Euphrasia pseudokerneri Pugsl, an Eyebright. Moulton, Bury Hill, abundant in chalk grassland, TL66, v.c. 26, DEC, Sept. 1986. Comm. GC. Second Suffolk record. E. nemorosa (Pers.) Wallr. has also been recorded here (EMH), det. Dr. P. F. Yeo, Sept. 1985. Galium album Mill., Upright Bedstraw. (i) Exning, several small patches on Newmarket Heath, TL66, v.c. 26, E M H , 17/8/86. Hb. E & M H . (ii) Hitcham, on wide grassy track, TL95, v.c. 26, JH, Aug. 1986. These are the second and third post-1950 records for West Suffolk, but it has probably been overlooked.
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Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth.
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Sambucus ebulus L., Danewort. Ipswich, small, but increasing colony, on railway bank between Westerfeld and Ipswich, TM14, v.c. 25, FWS. First observed from the train during 1985 andconf. 1986. Colony cut in August by owner of adjoininggarden. We hope it will manage to survive. T h e colonies at Long Melford have done well in recent years and have increased. Vibernum lantana L., W a y f a r i n g T r e e . Grundisburgh, Single flowering specimen in roadside hedge. Origin uncertain, possibly introduced. T h e soil is Boulder Clay and Daphne laureola L., Spurge Laurel, occurs in the area. An uncommon species in East Suffolk. TM24, v.c. 25, FWS, 23/5/85. Cephalaria gigantea (Ledeb.) Bobrov, Giant Scabious. Cranmore Green, Long Melford, established on roadside bank not far from houses, TL84, v.c. 26, E M C , 23/7/85. Conf. R. H. S. Wisley, 1986, Hb. E & M H . An increasing species of garden origin. First record for West Suffolk. Erigeron karvinskianus D C . , Mexican Fleabane. Westleton, a garden escape on old wall, TM46, v.c. 25, FWS, 15/8/86. Erigeron glaucus Ker-Gawler, Beach Aster. Needham Market, naturalised in grass in Lion Meadow, TM05, v.c. 25, MK, 1984. D e t . Mrs. J. Harris. A low-growing garden perennial in the Daisy family, with succulent, glaucous leaves and lilac flowers about IV2 in. in diameter. Native in Nth. America. First Suffolk record. Galinsoga parviflora Cav., Gallant Soldier. (i) Rickinghall Inferior, weed in churchyard, TM07, v.c. 26, FWS & E M H , 21/8/86. (ii) Rishangles, growing amongst netting surrounding a border in the garden at Park Farm, TM16, v.c. 25, J W D , 6/11/86. (iii) Earl Soham, weed in flower-pot at Dial Farm, TM26, v.c. 25, Mrs.Edmondson, 5/6/85. A frequent weed in gardens and allotments in Ipswich, 1986. Triglochin palustris L., Marsh Arrowgrass. Stowmarket, in marsh, TM05, v.c. 26, O O D S & PFS, June, 1986. Also present Polygonum bistorta L., Common Bistort, another decreasing species. Lilium martagon L., Martagon Lily. Ilketshall St. John churchyard. TM36, v.c. 25, PGL, 15/7/86. Several flowering stems, no doubt planted at some time in the past. Muscari neglectum Guss. ex T e n . , Grape Hyacinth. (i) Stowmarket, roadside bank for about 350 yd., TM05, v.c. 26, E M H , 18/5/86. (ii) O r f o r d , TM44, v.c. 25, E M H , 13/5/84. A few plants alongside a garden with M. armeniacum Leichtlin ex Baker, Garden Grape Hyacinth. This species is well known as a rarity of the West Suffolk Breckland. There it grows in apparently natural surroundings, such as heaths, field edges and
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dry banks, for the most part well away from houses (See R u t t e r f o r d , 1987). In East Suffolk it appears to be of garden origin. All colonies are on banks or verges alongside gardens, though they have spread in some cases many yards beyond their original sites. Some such colonies are long-established; it is possible that the Swefling colony is that recorded in Hind's Flora, 1889. Ipheion uniflorum (R. C. G r a h a m ) Rafin., Spring Star-flower. R u s h m e r e St. A n d r e w , TM14, v.c. 25, FWS, 22/4/85. Two colonies under bushes, edge of C o m m o n , with Muscari armeniacum Leichtlin ex Baker, G a r d e n G r a p e Hyacinth. Almost naturalised. Probably garden throw-outs. Juncus ambiguus Guss., a T o a d Rush. (Juncus ranarius Song & Perr ) Walberswick, T M 5 7 , v.c. 25, P G L , 12/8/86. A b u n d a n t in sandy, d a m p areas between beach huts and dunes. This is the second definite record for East Suffolk. Vulpia myuros (L.) C. C. G m e l . (forma megalura (Nutt.) Stace & Cotton), a Rat's-tail Fescue. Bawdsey, at mouth of R. D e b e n , TM33, v.c. 25, P J O T , 1975. This and the previously published record f r o m Landguard C o m m o n are the only known records for the rare variant with ciliate lemmas. Bromus racemosus L., Smooth B r o m e . (i) F r a m s d e n , in Fox Fritillary M e a d o w , TM16, v.c. 25, P J O T , 1981. (ii) M o n e w d e n , R o o k e r y Farm (Martin's) in Ist Church Meadow TM25 v.c. 25, P J O T , 1974. These are the only recent records. It is very scarce at Framsden and has been seen only once at M o n e w d e n ( P J O T ) . Lagurus ovatus L., Hare's-tail Grass. Ipswich, one attractive branched plant at foot of wall in U p p e r Barclay St., TM14, v.c. 25, E M H , 16/5/86. Perhaps derived f r o m dried flower arrangements at a d j a c e n t G a r d e n C e n t r e . Setaria viridis (L.) Beauv., G r e e n Bristle-grass. L a k e n h e a t h , in arable field east of the Sandpits, TL78, v.c 26 M G R & P J O T , Oct. 1985. Still there, 1986. Lemna minuscula H e r t e r , Minuscule D u c k w e e d . A rapidly increasing species becoming abundant in several sites, especially near the coast. (i) Shotley, in marsh ditch, TM23, v.c. 25, E M H & F W S , 26/10/86. (ii) Bawdsey, in ditch, T M 3 3 , v.c. 25, E M H , 6/7/86. (iii) T h o r p n e s s , in the M e a r e . TM45, v.c. 25, E T D , 4/10/86. Conf. Dr. A . C. Leslie. (iv) A l d r i n g h a m , in dykes, TM45, v.c. 25, FWS, 8/10/86. (v) Dunwich, plentiful in ditch, TM46, v.c. 25, F W S , 5/10/86. (vi) North Cove, covering a ditch, TM48, v.c. 25, F W S , 3/10/86. Scirpus sylvaticus L., W o o d Club-rush. (i) S t o w m a r k e t , plentiful in ditch, TM05, v.c. 26, O O D S & PFS, June 1986. (ii) H e v e n i n g h a m , in quantity, TM37, v.c. 25, P G L , 22/6/86. Known from only a h a n d f u l of sites, mainly in the east of the County.
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Scirpus setaceus L., Bristie Club-rush. An uncommon species, but perhaps overlooked, as it grows very close to the ground and may be mistaken for a grass. (i) Thelnetham, a few specimens on Fen path, TL97, v.c. 26, FWS, 6/7/86. (ii) Newbourne, by small reservoir, TM24, v.c. 25, MTW, 10/7/86. (iii) Leiston, frequent on ride, Minsmere Reserve, TM46, v.c. 25, FWS, 25/8/86. Carex curta Gooden., White Sedge. Dunwich, many plants growingin Bog Moss (Sphagnum sp.), TM46, v.c. 25, E B & G W M , 21/5/86. Now very rare. No longer at Snape, where its former habitat is now too dry. Carex rostrata Stokes, Bottie Sedge. (i) Tostock, edge of small pool, TL96, v.c. 26, R A , 27/7/85. (ii) Market Weston, in Fen pool, TL97, v.c. 26, FWS, 22/6/86. Carex distans L., Distant Sedge. Thrandeston, in marshy meadow, TM17, v.c. 25, AC, 21/6/86. An interesting record. All but a few of the Suffolk sites for this species are coastal marshes and pastures. Dactylorhiza maculata (L.) Soรถ ssp. ericetorum (Linton) P. F. Hunt & Summerhayes, Heath Spotted Orchid. (i) Benacre, small colony in old overgrown pasture, TM58, v.c. 25, FWS, 17/7/86. (ii) Barnby, several specimens in acid cattle pasture, TM49, v.c. 25, FWS, 1985-6. Key to contributors Abrahams, Miss D. M. Addington, Rev. R. Ashton, Miss F. Beaumont, Dr. E. Brinkley, P. M. Bull, A . L . Coe, Mrs. E. M. Coombe, Dr. D. E. Copping, A. Crompton, Mrs. G. Daniels, E. T. Digby, J. W. Harris, Mrs. J. Heap, Miss J. Hyde, Mrs. E. M. Ireland, Miss E. Kershaw, Mrs. M. Lambert, Miss S. Lang, Miss B.
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Last, J. Lawson, P. G. Maybury, G. W. Milne-Redhead, E. Palmer, T. W. Pemberton, J. E. L. Rutterford, M. G. Sanford, M. N. Sheppy, Mrs. O. O. D. Sheppy, P. F. Simpson, F. W. Thompson, Mrs. H. Townsend, Mrs. G. Trist, P. J. O. Tusting, Miss J. Vaughan, Mrs. I. M. Wilson, P. Wright, M. T.
References Rutterford, M. G. (1987). Changes in the Breckland. Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc., 23, 38. Simpson, F. W. (1982). Simpson's Flora of Suffolk. Ipswich: Suffolk Naturalists' Society. Tutin, T. G. etal., eds. (1964-1980). Flora Europaea. 1-5, Cambridge. Wake, A. (1984). Report on the Flora of N. E. Essex 1983/4. Naturein N.E Essex 1984. E. M. Hyde, Parkside, Woolverstone, Ipswich IP9 1AR
F. W. Simpson, 40, Ruskin Road, Ipswich IP4 1PT
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