Additions and corrections made by Rev W. M. Hind to his Flora of Suffolk

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The following additions and corrections to W. M. Hind's 1889 Flora of Suffolk are f r o m his personal copy, once owned by Miss Rhoisia Copinger Hill. It continues a list published in the previous volume of the Transactions (Simpson, 1987) which gives biographical details of the contributors and other annotated copies of the Flora. There has been some necessary revision of the authorities of the scientific names used by Hind, and English names have been added. My comments are in square brackets. Key to some contributors C B D r . Churchill Babington, A B Arthur Bennett, J D G Rev. J. D . Gray, W M H Rev. W. M. Hind, M L H an unknown authority, H C W Hewett Cottrell Watson, A L W Rev. A . L. Williams, W H T William H e n r y Tuck. Sambucus nigra L. Elderberry, var. laciniata L. Risby. Viburnum lantana L. Wayfaring Tree. Risby. Asperula cynanchica L. Squinancy Wort. Honington, stray. Galium uliginosum L. Fen Bedstraw. Tostock, W H T . Campsey Ash, R. Sheppard. Dipsacuspilosus L. Small Teasel. Tostock, W H T . Wiston H . G . Herway. Erigeron canadensis L. ( C o n y z a canadensis (L.) C r o n q . ) Canadian Fleabane. Honington. [Rare in Hind's time except for the light soils of the n o r t h - w e s t of the County. Since then it has spread rapidly and is a common species, especially on waste ground, waysides and neglected gardens.] Anthemis cotula L. Stinking Mayweed. Campsey Ash, R. Sheppard. Artemisia campestris L. Field W o r m w o o d . 'Two forms of this occur; one on Icklingham Plain and the usual one Thetford; Wangford; B r a n d o n . The Icklingham one is easily distinguishable in Mid Winter as in Summer or A u t u m n . ' A B . [No Icklingham site now known. Hind's Flora records a specimen f r o m that parish in H e r b . Skepper. The whereabouts of E d m u n d Skepper's H e r b a r i u m is unknown.] Artemisia vulgaris L. C o m m o n Mugwort. Form A. coarctata Forcell Cockfield, C B . Senecio vulgaris L. Groundsel. S. crassifolius W . Honington, W M H . Senecio viscosus L. Sticky Groundsel. Easton Bavents, M L H . [Now a very c o m m o n species, especially on waste ground near the coast.] Centaurea calcitrapa L. Red Star Thistle. Newmarket, Rev. W. Kirby. Carduus acaulos L. (Cirsium acaule Scop. ssp. acaule) Dwarf Thistle. Tostock, W H T . Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn. Milk Thistle. Tostock, W H T . B a r h a m , R. Sheppard. Hypochoeris maculata L. Spotted Cat's Ear. G a t h e r e d at Risby Chalk B a n k , 6 J u n e , 1893, W M H .

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Thrincia hirta Roth (Leontodon taraxacoides (Vill.) Merat) Lesser Hawkbit. Tostock, W H T . Taraxacum officinale W e b e r sensu lato Common Dandelion. b. T. laevigatum D C . Minsmere Marsh. c. T. erythrospermum DC. T h e Carr, Ixworth Thorpe; Livermere. Crepis taraxacifolia Thuill. (C. vesicaria L. ssp. haenseleri (Boiss. ex D C . ) P. D. Sell) Beaked Hawksbeard. Honington, W M H . [A rare species in Hind's time with only eight parish records in his Flora. Now common and often abundant.] Hieracium boreale auct. (H. perpropinquum (Zahn) Druce) Wood Hawkweed. Monkswood, Felsham, 1875, Record Club. [This wood was destroyed about 25 years ago during intensive farming operations with other small woods and copses in the area.] Campanula glomerata L. Clustered Bellflower. Troston H e a t h ; Tostock, W H T . [Troston Heath no longer exists and is now a housing estate.] Campanula rapunculoides L. Creeping Bellflower. Freston, Rev. C. R. Durrant, 1890. Specularia hybrida (L.) A . D C . (Legousia hybrida (L.) Delart) Venus's Looking-glass. T u d d e n h a m , F. Norgate. Gentiana amarella L. (Gentianella amarella (L.) Borner ssp. amarella) Felwort. Withered plants found in quantity near the chalk-pit on Troston H e a t h , May 1890. W h e t h e r G. amarella or G. campestris (Field Gentian) it is impossible to say. G. amarella, 18th Aug. 1890. Cuscuta trifolii Bab. (C. epithymum (L.) L. ssp. epithymum) Common Dodder. Barrow, O . D . Johnson. Pulmonaria officinalis L. Common Lungwort. Tostock, likely a garden escape, W H T . Polstead, Mr. Simpson through Rev. J. D . Gray. [The Polstead colony was in Millfield Wood and was observed for several years before being destroyed during the erection of electricity pylons.] Lithospermum arvense L. (Buglossoides arvensis (L.) I. M. Johnston) Corn Gromwell. W r e n t h a m , M L H . [Now a scarce species and seldom seen in quantity.] Hyoscyamus nigerL. H e n b a n e . Fakenham, Mrs. Caton. Orobanche rapum-genistae Thuill. Greater Broomrape. Tostock, W H T , Barham, R . Sheppard. Orobanche elatior Sutt. Tall B r o o m r a p e . Little Blakenham, Haward. [Specimens observed in chalk-pit habitat every year.] Orobanche minor Sm. Common Broomrape. Tostock, W H T . Sapiston; specimen 21Vi inches high, grown on Lathryus sylvestris L. (Narrow-leaved Everlasting P e a ) , sent f r o m Troston by R. E. Lofft Esq. Orobanche ramosa L. H e m p Broomrape. Bungay. Woodward in H b . Smith, Linn. Soc. Verbascum blattaria L. Moth Mullein. Tostock, W H T . Verbascum virgatum Stokes Twiggy Mullein. Honington; Coney Weston, W M H . Cockfield, CB. Verbascum phoeniceum L. Purple Mullein. A plant sent from Tostock, in seed, is likely this.

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Digitalis purpurea L. Foxglove. About a dozen plants of Digitalis in the Rectory G a r d e n , G r e a t F a k e n h a m , in June 1889, had each an enlarged terminal flower like a Canterbury Bell. Antirrhinum orontium L. (Misopates orontium (L.) Raf.) Weasel's Snout Tostock, W H T . Nayland and Wiston, J D G . Linaria elatine (L.) Mill. (Kickxia elatine (L) D u m . ) Sharp-leaved Fluellen. Nayland and Wiston, J D G . Scrophularia umbrosa D u m . Green Figwort. Marlpit, T h e t f o r d ; Tostock WHT. Melampyrum sylvaticum L. Wood Cow-wheat. B a r h a m , R. Sheppard, 1798. [Written on an erasure; thus subject to doubt.] Euphrasia nemorosa (Pers.) Wallr. Eyebright. Troston H e a t h , W M H . Odontites rubra Pers. (Odontites verna (Bell.) D u m . ) , Red Bartsia. Ssp. verna. Tostock, W H T . Veronica montana L. Wood Speedwell. Tostock, W H T . Veronica arvensis L. Wall Speedwell. Honington, 'very near, if not the same as the var. polyanthes, Thuillier', A B . Livermere. W M H . Salvia verbenaca L. Wild Clary. Tostock, W H T . Salvia verticillata L. Whorled Clary. North Cove, John Priest in H b . Glasspoole, 1838. Calamintha nepeta (L.) Savi, Lesser Calamint. Nayland, E. F. Linton. Wixoe, H b . French. T h e plant between Bures and Stoke has been pronounced C. nepeta by A . Bennett and others. The Wixoe plant do. Calamintha acinos (L.) Clairv. (Acinos arvensis (Lam.) Dandy) Basil Thyme. Tostock, W H T . Calamintha clinopodium Benth. (Clinopodium vulgare L.) Wild Basil Tostock, W H T . Nepeta cataria L. Catmint. Thetford. Lamium purpureum L. Red Dead-nettle. Form L. decipiens Sonder. Between Hoxne and E y e , E. S. Marshall. Galeopsis dubia Leers (G. segetum Neck.), Cream-coloured Hemp-nettle. Probably an error. [Hind's Flora record is for St Olaves, 1862. Two specimens of a Hemp-nettle with yellow flowers were observed in a sand-pit at Nacton on the 3rd Aug. 1987, where farm and other rubbish has been deposited which were very similar to this species. Flowers slightly smaller than G. speciosa Mill., Bee Hemp-nettle.] Galeopsis ladanum L. Red Hemp-nettle. Tostock, W H T . Galeopsis bifida B o e n n . Common Hemp-nettle. Tostock, W H T . A m p t o n ALW. Verbena officinalis L. Vervain. Tostock, W H T . Primula elatior (L.) Hill Oxlip. T h e Primula mentioned below occurs in considerable quantity in a second pasture at Tostock. Mr. I. G . Baker ( H e r b a r i u m , Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 1st Aug. 1893) 'The Primula is very interesting. So far I can judge from the dried specimens it exactly agrees with a plant from Switzerland, a hybrid between the Oxlip and the Cowslip.' A Primula occurs at the Old Hall, Tostock, in a pasture which bears a small truss of blossoms distinct from those of vulgaris, veris and elatior-petal small with flat limb with a more wavy texture than the common forms; approaches

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nearer to P. elatior. Tostock, W H T . [For many years I observed P. elatior in one small boggy Tostock pasture. The specimens were always small as seen in such habitats in Switzerland. This site was drained and ploughed-up c. 1960.] Anagallis arvensis L. Scarlet Pimpernel. Form: A. carnea Schrank Tostock, WHT. Anagallis caerulea Schreb., non L. (A. foemina Mill.) Blue Pimpernel. W r e n t h a m , Leo Taylor. Plantago timbali Jord. (Timbals Plantain) = P. lanceolata L. Ribwort Plantain. Troston, W M H . Nayland, E. F. Linton. [P. timbali considered to be one of the many forms of P. lanceolata.] Chenopodium polyspermum L. Many-seeded Goosefoot. Stoke-byNayland, with small oval leaves, J D G . Rumex crispas L. Curled Dock. Form R. trigranulatus Syme, Walberswick, MLH. Polygonum minus Huds. Small Water Pepper. Earliest record 1860 D. Stock. Daphne laureola L. Spurge Laurel. Tostock, W H T . Ceratophyllum demersum L. Spined Hornwort. Tostock, W H T . Urticapilulifera L. R o m a n Nettle. Clare, an error for U. holosericea Fr. [A variety of C o m m o n Nettle.] Urtica dioica L. C o m m o n Nettle. Var. U. angustifolia A. Blytt. Polstead. Mr A. Bennett says of the Polstead plant 'rather var. holosericea, approaches var. microphylla.' Salix amygdalina L. (S. triandra L.) Almond Willow. Nayland, E. F. Linton. Anacharis alsinastrum Bab. (Elodea canadensis Michx). Canadian Pondweed. Tostock, W H T . Orchis morio L. Green-winged Orchid. Tostock, W H T . Orchis latifolia L. (Dactylorhizapraetermissa (Druce) Soo) Common Marsh Orchid. Tostock, W H T ; B a r h a m , R. Sheppard. Orchis incarnata L. (Dactylorhiza incarnata (L.) Soo) Early Marsh Orchid. Hinderclay. Orchis pyramidalis L. (Anacamptis pyramidalis (L.) L.C.M. Rich.) Pyramidal Orchid. Honington; Ixworth, W M H . Tostock, W H T . B a r h a m , R. Sheppard. [Still occurs in this parish.] Aceras anthropophorum (L.) Ait. f. Man Orchid. Barham, R. Sheppard. Habenaria bifolia (L.) R. Br. (Platanthera bifolia (L.) L.C.M. Rich.) Lesser Butterfly Orchid. Tostock, W H T . Campsey Ash, R. Sheppard. [No Herbarium specimens known to confirm this species.] Habenaria chlorantha (Cust.) Bab. non Spreng.) (Platanthera chlorantha (Cust.) R c h b . ) Greater Butterfly Orchid. Honington, W M H . Ophrys aranifera Huds. ( O . sphegodes Mill.) Early Spider Orchid. Bury, Herb. Borrer. Ophrys muscifera Huds. ( O . insectifera L.) Fly Orchid. Tostock, W H T . Spiranthes autumnalis L . C . M . Rich. (S. spiralis (L.) Chevall.) A u t u m n Lady's Tresses. Nayland, J D G . Epipactis latifolia (L.) All. ( E . helleborine (L.) Crantz) Broad-leaved Helleborine. Little Blakenham, Haward. Iris foetidissima L. Stinking Iris. Little Blakenham, Haward. Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 24


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Crocus vernus Willd. (C. purpureus Weston) Purple Crocus. Tostock, W H T . M e n d h a m , Bab. M a n . W o r t h a m , W H T . [Formerly abundant in pasture at W o r t h a m M a n o r until destroyed by spraying.] Triglochin maritima L. Sea Arrow-grass. Nayland, J D G . [Likely an error for T. palustris L. Marsh Arrow-grass.] Polygonatum multiflorum (L.) All. C o m m o n Solomon's Seal. Tostock, WHT. Ruscus aculeatus L. Butcher's Broom. Tostock, W H T . Tulipa sylvestris L. Wild Tulip. Near Bury, Sir J. Cullum in H b . Smith, Linn. Soc. Ornithogalum nutans L. Drooping Star-of-Bethlehem. Tostock, W H T . U f f o r d , Rev. W. H . Crewe. Gagea lutea (L.) Ker-Gawl. Yellow Star-of-Bethlehem. Nayland, J G D . Allium ampeloprasum L. Wild Leek. Livermere Rectory. Introduced. Allium ambiguum Sm., non D C . ( A . roseum ssp. bulbiferum ( D C . ) E. F. W a r b u r g ) Rosy Garlic. Eye Castle Hill. Hb. Borrer. Colchicum autumnale L., Meadow Saffron. Tostock; Gedding, W H T . ]uncus x diffusus H o p p e (Juncus effusus x inflexus), Diffuse Rush. Nayland. J G D . Juncus supinus Moench (J. bulbosus L.), Bulbous Rush. Nayland, J D G . Juncus uliginosus Roth [Now also included under J. bulbosus L.], Livermere. Sparganium neglectum (Beeby) Schinz & Thell. (S. erectum L. ssp. neglectum), Branched Bur-reed. Tostock, W H T . Acorus calamus L., Sweet Flag. Livermere, W M H . Potamogeton polygonifolius Pourr. Bog Pondweed. Belton Bog, Paget in H b . Watson; Fritton. Potamogeton plantagineus D u Croz ex R o e m . & Schult. (P. coloratus Hornem.) Fen Pondweed. Market Weston Fen; Fritton. Potamogeton rufescens Schrad. (P. alpinus Balb.) Reddish Pondweed. Tostock, in a pond. W H T . Potamogeton mucronatus Schrad. ex Sond. (P. friesii R u p r . ) Flat-stalked P o n d w e e d . Herringfleet. First notice 1801 Borrer. Potamogeton rigidus A . Benn. Stiff Pondweed. Bawdsey. Potamogeton flabellatus Bab. (P. pectinatus L. sub.-sp. flabellatus Bab.) Flabellatus Pondweed. In ponds and ditches, usually near the sea. Benacre. Earliest notice 1886. Hind. Eleocharis uniglumis (Link) Schult. One-glumed Club-rush. (Bog-rush) Dunwich. H b . G r a y ( J D G ) , fide E. F. Linton. [No date given for first confirmed record.] Eriophorum minus Koch (E. angustifolium H o n c k , sub.-sp. minus Koch) C o m m o n Cotton-grass. Market Weston Fen; Fritton. Carex muricata L. Prickly Sedge. Barningham, E . F. Linton. Record Club 1883. [Probably C. muricata L. ssp. lamprocarpa Celak.] Carex teretiuscula G o o d e n . (C. diandra Schrank). Lesser Tussock Sedge. L a k e n h e a t h , between the Station and the Village, AB. Carex canescens auct. (C. curta G o o d e n . ) White Sedge. Brundish. D . Turner in H b . Smith. Linn. Soc. 1802.

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Carex ovalis G o o d e n . Oval Sedge. Bungay, H b . Smith, Linn. Soc. 1780. [Earliest record.] Carex acuta L. Slender T u f t e d Sedge. Nayland, J D B . Mr Gray collected three forms at Nayland, one of them having its lower spikelets curiously fasciated ( f o r m a preponderata). Carex pallescens L. Pale Sedge. Bungay. H b . Smith, Linn. Soc. 1780. [Earliest record.] Carex ericetorum Poll. Silvery Heath Sedge. Near Saxham, E. S. Marshall. Carex vesicaria L. Bladder Sedge. Tostock, W H T . Carex paludosa G o o d e n . (C. acutiformis Ehrhart) Lesser Pond Sedge. Fakenham, W M H . Phalaris canadensis L. C o m m o n Canary-grass. Southwold, M L H . Anthoxanthum odoratum L. Sweet Vernal-grass. Large form in marshes at Oulton and Fritton. Anthoxanthum puelii Lecoq & Lamotte Annual Vernal-grass. Risby Heath. Phleum boehmeri Wibel (P. phleoides (L.) Karst.) Purple-stem Cat's-tail. Troston H e a t h , W M H . Phleum nodosum auct., non L. (P. bertolonii D C . ) Smaller Cat's-tail. Troston Chalk Pit, W M H . Psamma nigricans G r e n . & Godr. (Ammophila ? arenaria (L.) Link subsp. nigricana G r e n . & G o d r . ) Cockfield, CB. [With no H b . specimen it is impossible to confirm this record.] Apera interrupta (L.) Beauv. Dense Silky Bent. Troston, W M H . Agrostis canina L. Velvet Bent. Felixstowe. subsp. pumila Troston H e a t h , W M H . Avena intermedia Lindgr. Wild Oat. Honington, W M H . Avena pratensis L. (Helictotrichon pratense (L.) Pilger) Meadow Oat-grass. Troston H e a t h , W M H . Koeleria gracilis Pers. ( K . cristata (L.) Pers.) Crested Hair-grass. Troston, WMH. Poa trivialis L. Rough Meadow-grass. Extract from a report for 1890 of The Botanical Exchange Club of the British Isles. Poa trivialis L. var. parviflora Parn. This agrees well with the plant from Suffolk, I named var. Koehleri ( D C . ) and on which Prof. Hacket commented: 'P. trivialis L. var. Koehleri Syme - P. trivialis L. var glabra Doell. Rhin. Fl. 92' (Report pg. 239 E. F. Linton.) Barningham, E F L 24 June 1888. Poastrigosa G a u d . C o m m o n Meadow Grass (Var.) Fakenham, W M H . Poa compressa L. Flattened Meadow-grass. Honington, W M H . Festuca ambigua Le Gall ( V u l p i a ambigua (Le Gall) A . G. More) Bearded Fescue. T u d d e n h a m , F. Norgate. Festuca loliacea Huds. ( x Festulolium loliaceum (Huds.) P. Fourn.) Hybrid Fescue. Stoke-by-Nayland. Bromus velutinus (Schrad.) Honington, W M H . Serrafalcus commutatus (Schrad.) Bab. (Bromus commutatus Schrad.) Meadow B r o m e . Troston, W M H . Triticum pungens Pers. ( A g r o p y r o n pungens (Pers.) R o e m . & Schult.) Sea Couch. Southwold, M L H .

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Hordeumpratense Huds. (H. secalinum Schreb.) Meadow Barley. Stoke-byNayland. Lepturusfiliformis (auct., non (Roth) Trin.) (Parapholis strigosa (Dum.) C. E . Hubbard). Sea Hard Grass. Walberswick, M L H . Lastrea glandulosa Newm. Broad Buckler Fern (var. Dryopteris dilatata ( H o f f m . ) A. Gray) Earliest record 1860. Hb. Lathbury. Ceterach officinarum D C . Rusty-back Fern. Honington, W M H . Tolypella intricata (Trent, ex Roth) Leonh. Intricate Tolypella. Livermere, Rev. G. R. Leathes. References Hind, W. M. (1889) Flora of Suffolk. London. Simpson, F. W. (1982) Simpson's Flora of Suffolk: Suffolk Naturalists' Society. Simpson, F. W. (1987). Additions and corrections made by Rev. W. M. Hind to his Flora of Suffolk. Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc., 23, 50. F. W. Simpson, 40 Ruskin Road, Ipswich, Suffolk 1P41PT

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