*Denotes recorded from Suffolk. MS denotes Monks Soham. Genus : U R O P H O R A . Sp • U. spoliata, Hai—Two bred June, 1943, ex Isle of Wight, 1942. U. cardui, Linn.—June, 1947, at Hampstead (Btn.), 3rd June, 1947, at Kenwood, Hampstead (Btn.) ; May, 1947, Yentnor (Btn.); 5th to 15th June, 1947, from galls, Kenwood, Hampstead (Btn.) ; bred from thistle, Hailsham, Sussex, 1908; swept, 30th June, 1938, Ladycross by bridge, N. Forest. *U stylata, Fab.—(vide paper on subject forms a, b, c, d). 2nd July, 1944, Monks Soham ; 18th July, 1936, Crayf o r d ; 18th July, 1909, Hastings; 15th July, 1910, Louisburgh; 14th June, 1938, Bodenham, Wilts.; 15th July, 1939, Allhallows; bred, 25th June to 2nd July 1938, from flowerheads of C. lanceolata, Oct., 1937 ; bred 19th-25th June, 1938, Salisbury, including specimen with median band reduced to X-vein only. *U. jaceana, Her.—30th July, 1915, Monks Soham; lOth June 1907, Monks Soham; 14th June, 1900, Stanstead ; 15th August, 1918, Letheringham ; 5th August, 1929 Letheringham Park, SufTolk; 24th August, 1902 Essex; 15th July, 1942, Thelnetham F e n ; 29th June, 1946, Monk Park Wood ; 19th June, 1915, Mildenhall; 30th June, 1918, Fleam Dyke ; Ist July, 1933, Polden Hill, Somerset. *U \-fasciata, Mg.—12th August, 1941 et Ist August, 1913 M . S . ; 24th June, 1942, Linstead ; 9th July, 1900' et 14th July, 1907, Southwold ; 28th June, 1907, Isle of Wight; 28th June, 1897, Brighton; 28th June 1933, Polden Hill, Somerset; 7th August, 1901 et 27th July, 1940 et 16th June, 1936, New Forest. *U. macrura, Low.—30th July, 1897, Ipswich ; 19th June 1915, Mildenhall; 8th July, 1904, no locality; 5th June, 1906, B.B. (where is this ?); 4th July, 1934, N. Forest; 24th July, 1902, Essex.
Genus : MYOPITES. S p . : M. bloti, Breb.—lOth - 15th July, 1938, Isle of Wight; 5th - 7th Sept., 1941, Shalfleet, Isle of Wight. M.frauenfeldi,
Sch.—17th - 23rd July, 1938, Isle of Wight.
Genus : RHACOHILAENA. Sp. : *R. toxoneura, Low—18th May, 1913, Timworth, W. Suffolk (Nurse); l l t h June, 1943, M.S. Genus : VIDALIA. Sp. : *V. abrotani, Mg.—?, Ist June, 1905, Dunwich. Genus : RHAGOLETIS. Sp. : *R. alternata, Fall.—17th et 21st June, 1942, S. Rodborough ; l l t h June, 1930, Brandon. Genus: EURIBIA. Sp. : *E. zoe, Mg.—June, 1916, Sproughton ; lOth June, 1945, M.S. ; 14th June, 1904, Staverton ; 8th June, 1903, Brandon ; bred Reigate. *E. artemisiae, F.—12th May, 1921 et 17th August, 1942, M . S . ; 30th August, 1902, Tuddenham Fen. Genus : ORELLIA. Sp. : *0. wiedmanni, Mg.—18th July, 1947, Southwold ; l l t h June, 1897, Ipswich. Genus : ANOMOIA. Sp. : A. permunda, Warr.—9th July, 1909, N. Forest; 24th July, 1936, N. Forest, Wilverley ; bred 25th June - 15th July, 1939, Norwood, S.E. Genus : PRIONIMERA. Sp. : *P. cognata, Wied.—31st July, 1911 et 18th, 23rd July, 1928, M.S. Genus : PHILOPHYLIA. Sp. : *P. heraclei, Linn.—6th May, 1895, no locality ; l l t h Aug., 1902, Ryde ; 6th June, 1925 et 28th Sept., 1917, M . S . ; '6th May, 1895, Gipping ; 12th July, 1945, Brandeston ; 23rd June, 1946; Barking Wood, Suffolk ; 1894, Ipswich; 23rd May, 1904, 22nd May, 1902, 17th May, 1899, Ipswich ; 14th June, 1908, Peterborough. Genus : Sp.:
C. rotundiventrü, F.—8th July, 1909, M.B., N. Forest.
Genus : CERIOCERA. Sp.: *C. ceratocera, Hen.—21st July, 1937 et 14th July, 1939, Brandon; 30th August, 1921, Breck; 26th June, 1896, Ipswich; 30th June, 1918, Fleam Dyke.
Genus : TERELLIA. Sp. : *T. cerratulae, Linn.—2nd July, 1926 et 31st July, 1929, Brandon ; 24th July, 1899, Farnham ; 30th July, 1936, Hants ; 7th July, 1939, Welshpool. *T. lonsicauda, Mg.—29th June, 1933, Somerset; 8th Sept., 1928, Walberswick ; Oxford (EMM. 1918, p. 39). Genus : TRYPETA. Sp • *T. jaceae, R.B.—llth June, 1897 et 19th August, 1897, Ipswich; 26th July, 1902, Yoxford, Suffolk; lOth August, 1943, Barking, Suffolk; 15th August, 1918, Letheringham, Suffolk. *T cylindrica, R.B.—13th July, 1928, Burgh Castle; 23rd June, 1926, Horning ; 7th June, 1931, Catfield ; 24th July, 1902, Essex; 18th May, 1905, Oulton Broad; llth July, 1902, Bentley Woods, Suffolk; July, 1910, Cläre Island ; 15th August, 1918, Letheringham ; 7th, 16th August, 1901, N. Forest. T lappae, Cedi.—Abbey Woods, Thames Marshes: 21st June, 1901, 4th, 18th June, 1938, lOth June, 1939. *T. tussilaginis, Fab.-12th July, 1908, 13th 24th-26th July, 1943, 6th, llth August, 1941, 15th August, 1942, M.S.; 6th July, 1922, Nowton ; 15th July, 1918, Letheringham; 12th August, 1918, Parham Wood; Ist August, 1921, Badingham; 13th July, 1944, Devon; 24th July, 1922, Covehithe ; 7th Sept., 1922, Brandeston ; 17th July, 1941, MS ; 30th July, 1943, Thelnetham Fen ; 15th August, 1936, Barnby Marshes, Suffolk. T. colon, Mg.—13th - 19th June, 1943, Eynsford, Kent; 8th June, 1897, Brighton; 27th June, 1918, Fleam Dyke. *T. ruficauda, Fab. =7\florescentiae,Linn.—29th June, 1911, Groveley, Wilts ; 14th June, 1922, Horning; 23rd June, 1933, Turf Moor, Somerset; 12th July, 1900, B.B. (=? Barnby Broad); 12th July, 1900, H.M. (=? Horning Marshes); 28th June, 1947, Dunwich Heath; 14th July, 1926, Frostenden; 14th Sept., 1932, Southwold; 3rd July, 1903 et 21st June, 1909, Tuddenham; 16th June, 1919, in cop. Bentley Woods. T. winthemi, Mg—Bred June, 1939, Farningham; 13th July, 1935, Wrotham. T. vestensis, Collin—June, 1937, Cranmore, Isle of Wight.
Genus : XYPHOSIA. Sp. : X. corniculata, Ztt.—7th August, 1901, N. Forest. *X. westermanni, Mg.—25th August, 1944, 19th July, 1945, 12th 13th, 19th August, 1945 ; 15th, 17th, 19th, 21st August, 1948, 27th August, 1948, MS. *X. miliaria, Sehr.—8th June, 1903, no locality; 2nd July, 1917, Braiseworth ; 5th July, 1943 et 28th July, 1941, M.S. ; 13th June, 1948, Frostenden ; 24th July, 1902, Essex; 16th July, 1901, Brighton ; 30th June, 1918, Fleam Dyke ; 30th June, 1935, E. Hill, Derbyshire ; Thirsk, no date ; 20th August, 1925, Denny Bog, N. Forest; 13th June, 1938, 18th June, 1934 et 16th August, 1901, N. Forest; 16th June et lOth July, 1939, Wales. Genus: PAROXYNA. Sp. : *P. plantaginis, Hai.—13th August, 1898, Lowestoft. ; 18th August, 1906, Gedney; 20th August, 1906, Heacham Marshes; Ist August, 1900, Ist August, 1904, 27th July, 1926, lOth Sept., 1927; 23rd et 2nd Sept., 1929, all at Southwold. *P. tessellata, Low.—15th August, 1932, Hemley; 16th Sept., 1928, Buss Creek, Southwold ; 12th July, 1897, lOth Sept., 1927, both at Southwold. *P. absinthii, Fab.—Sept., 1914, Southwold. P.paroxnamisella, Lw.—22nd May, 1940, Thames Marshes ; 29th June, 1941, Eltham ; 20th July, 1940, Bexley. *P. parvula, Low.—19th August, 1906, Pakefield. Genus : OXYNA. Sp. : O. flavipennis, Low.—24th July, 1902, Essex. O. nebulosa, Webb. (? Wied.).—8th August, 1927, Lyndhurst Garden; 16th August, 1901, N. Forest; 23rd June, 1934, Fidley, N. Forest. O. parietina, Linn.—Bred May, 1943, Eltham. Genus: SPHENELLA. S p . : *S. marginata, Fall.—3rd July, 1897, Felixstowe; 15th July, 1912, 19th Sept., 1913, 21st Sept., 1920, 23rd Sept., 1929, Southwold ; 13th Sept., 1922, Lowestoft; 4th Sept., 1923, Frostenden; lOth Sept., 1938, Covehithe ; 25th August, 1897, Eastbourne; 18th June, 1911, Denny Wood, N. Forest; 16th August, 1901, N. Forest; also from Burnham-on-Sea and Peat Moor.
Genus : ENSINA. Sp. : *E. sonchi, Linn.—Southwold : Sept., 1936, 16th Sept., 1928, 28th Sept., 1939 et 20th Sept., 1935 ; 9th Sept., 1916, M S . ; 2nd Sept., 1920, Tangham Forest; 16th July, 1901, N. Forest; 23rd June, 1934, Fidley, N. Forest; Sept., 1924, Lowestoft. Genus : T E P H R I T I S . Sp • *T bardanae, Sehr.—lOth October, 1902, lpswich ; 26th June, 1921, Bentley Woods ; 13th July, 1914, Hollesley; 7th July, 1919, Orford ; 4th July, 1922, Brandeston ; 4th July, 1944,19th June, 1942,12th July, 1943, M S . ; 7th Feb., 1935, M S . ; lOth June, 1905, R.A.C.; 2nd Sept., 1911, W. L. Pits; 5th Sept., 1927, 24th Nov., 1938, M S . ; 2nd Dec., 1939, Fritton ; July, 1905, no locality ; Ist July, 1941, Knettishall; 16th Oct., 1938, Blythburgh Wood; 27th Sept., 1909, Dunwich ; August, 1899, Aylsham ; 29th June, 1929, N. Forest; 21st July, 1922, Frostenden ; 13th June, 1908, Helpston Heath ; Reigate, Surrey, no date. T. conjuncta, Low.—1920, Westenham ; 17th July, 1940, N. Forest, Stradbally. *T. formosa, Low.—4th May, 1895 ; 6th June, 1903 (no localities); 16th Jan., 1949, Lowestoft. *T. vespertina, Low.—17th March, 1930, Bawdsey ; 2nd Dec, 1939, Frostenden; 3rd August, 1901, N. Forest; 8th June, 1913, Killarney ; 24th March, 1900, Bexhill; 22nd March, 1900, Bexhill; Brocklehurst, N. Forest, no date; 25th March, 1900, no date (? Bexhill). T. ruralis, Lw.—15th August, 1929, Parkhill, N. Forest; 8th July, 1909, Lymington. *T conura, Low.—14th Sept., 1907, Southwold; 19th Oct., 1905 et 5th Dec., 1943, M.S. G e n u s : TRYPAENA. ^ . gp : *T. amoena, Frauenf.—13th Sept., 1912 et lOth bept., 1927, Southwold. *T. stellata, Fuess.—(cf. Entom. Mag., 1886, p. 10). 13th Sept., 1912, Ist July, 1900 et 21st Sept., 1920, Southwold ; 14th August, 1897, Foxhall, lpswich ; Ist Sept., 1911, Covehithe; 23rd June, 1934, Fidley, N. Forest. Genus : NOEETA. Sp • N. pupillata, Fall.—Winterton Mill, Co. Durham, May, 1942.
Genus: DITRICHA. Sp. : *D. luttularis, Mg—Breck, lOth August, 1928 ; 18th Sept., 1915, Tuddenham; 9th, lOthAugust, 1928, Mildenhall; 26th August, 1906, 9th August, 1928, Eriswell, Breck ; 26th June, 1918, Brandon ; 26th July, 1934, Andover, Hants ; 5th July, 1933, Polden Hill, Somerset; 23rd June, 1934, N. Forest. (23 genera, 51 species, 34 in Suffolk). ALASDAIR ASTON,
2nd June, 1953.
A N D H A B I T S O F T H E F I E L D D I G G E R WASP. Mellinus arvensis, Linn. I did not observe so many variously colour-marked males and females this year, 1952. Mostly they were true to form, but they were much more varied in size. Here are some measurements : Males, 8-mm., 10-mm., 11-mm., 12-mm. Females, 15-mm., 11-mm., 9-mm. The normal or average male and female measure 9-mm. and 12-mm. respectively. The lives of males were of shorter duration this year, lasting from the 5th August until the 27th August. None were observed after this date. On three occasions this year, 1952, I found females feeding upon the heads of their paralysed prey, and so engrossed were they in this orgy, I was able to pick them up and hold them in the palm of my hand, separating them only by force. This probably accounts for other flies found abandoned outside nest holes minus their heads, but this does not account for those found minus their proboscides. See Transactions S.N.S., 1951, vol. VIII part III, page 102. The common wasp, Vespa vulgaris, L., on occasions during August visited the nest site with the sole purpose of collecting these abandoned flies, which they did, biting off their wings and bearing them away.