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FOCUS ON Nature Recovery Network

County Wildlife Sites play a vital role in our nature recovery network in Suffolk. They provide a significant refuge and stepping stones of connectivity throughout the county’s landscape.

County Wildlife Sites are areas of privately or publicly owned land in Suffolk which are of county or regional importance for wildlife. They play a key role in the conservation of Suffolk’s biodiversity. There are over 950 County Wildlife Sites amounting to over 11,000ha (27,000 acres) and covering almost 5% of the county.


The designation is non-statutory but is a recognition of a site’s high value for nature. It is also completely voluntary, made with the full consent of the landowner. Many support characteristic or threatened species, or habitats that are local and national priorities for conservation. They range from small meadows, green lanes, road verges, dykes and hedges to much larger areas of ancient woodlands, heathland, greens, commons and marsh.

We work closely with Suffolk Biodiversity Information Services in maintaining the register of these sites by assessing their condition, updating citations, and submitting new sites for inclusion. County Wildlife Sites are designated according to guidelines and criteria set by Natural England and the standard is high, ensuring that only the best examples of Suffolk’s natural habitats are included.

As well as ourselves, our local selection panel includes experts from Suffolk County Council, Suffolk Biodiversity

England. We meet regularly to assess and designate land submitted for County Wildlife Site status. Boundaries of existing sites are also reviewed and amended in the light of new information. A map of County Wildlife Sites is maintained and updated by

Suffolk Biodiversity Information Service. Importantly, we inform and work with landowners on appropriate management of their County Wildlife Sites and help them understand the requirements of the species and habitats on their land.

We work closely with volunteer groups managing some of these sites and assist with surveys where possible. This year there will be a free Suffolk Wildlife Trust webinar for County Wildlife Site owners that will cover designation, condition assessments and examples of good site management.

Find out more about Suffolk's County Wildlife Sites suffolkwildlife trust.org/countywildlifesites

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