End of Module Student Evaluation BA(hons) Illustration Module Code: extended Practice OUIL603 Name: Katie Wade Student ID:KW257287 Please identify where the evidence for each of the learning outcomes is within your submission and how well you feel you have met the learning outcomes. Please also grade yourself in relation to the learning outcomes using terms: > poor, satisfactory, good, very good, excellent (Note- This is so that the team have an understanding of how well you feel you have done. It is not an indication of the actual grade you may receive) Learning Outcome
6A3 Understand and demonstrate coherent and detailed subject knowledge and professional competences, some of which will be informed by recent research in the discipline. Knowledge and Understanding RESEARCH
Evidenced where? Blog, Sketchbook, Roughs Final Illustrations, development sheets etc. (No more than 75 words)
Your grade Using words: > poor, satisfactory, good, very good, excellent
Very good Evidenced on blog multiple times, I talk about ways of working and how I have progressed over the year and how research has informed my practice. Can be seen through my sketchbooks to the finals (also documented on blog) how the research has informed the finals.
6B3 Articulate and synthesise their knowledge and understanding attributes and skills in effective ways in the contexts of creative practice, employment, further study, research and self fulfilment. (Cognitive Skills - EVALUATION & REFLECTION
Evidenced on the blog a lot, I talk about different briefs and how their outcomes affect my decisions as an illustrator. Especially within the FMP section of my blog, It is evidenced multiple times about where the product could be placed and where it could progress to in the future.
6C3 Develop appropriate methods of professional presentation combining visual, verbal and written techniques.. Practical & Professional Skills VISUAL QUALITY)
Evidenced on blog, I talk about composition a lot this year as it’s been one of the main things I have wanted to improve.
6C4 Demonstrate their ability to synthesise analytical and intuitive approaches with a high level of process and professional skill. Practical & Professional Skills - VISUAL QUALITY)
Evidenced on blog and through sketchbook. You can see through the blog how the sketchbook images have progressed from an idea to a final resolution or pitched mock up. My audience is always considered.
Very good
Analyse information and experiences , formulate independent judgements and articulate reasoned arguments through review and evaluation. (Key Transferable Skills: EVALUATION)
Evidenced on blog, I am constantly addressing what needs to be done, why a certain route has been chosen, where the projected products would go and how I would improve the next time
Evaluation (See guidance below for more information) You are required to write a 500 word evaluation of this module. At the start of this module I was worried about not being able to find brief’s I liked or enough brief’s to do however once I started creating I realized more and more with each brief what area I wanted to move towards and the brief’s naturally become more adapted to what I needed my portfolio I looked like. At the end of this module, I feel proud of what I have achieved as an illustrator. I now have a project and a way of working that will progress after the university experience, as well as having the skills and know how to compete in more competitions and to a higher standard. I progressed many of my skills throughout this module, my most important discovery was using gouache. I’d only previously used it for line drawing but using it to create solid images was a new approach for me that really works. I have also been trying to progress my digital work which I feel I have done to a good level but it is something I want to work on in the future. I have now started to research properly before projects and to mock them up at the end, which is something I haven’t ever done previously due to time constraints or not having the skill to do so. At the end of this module I can finally say that my organizational skills have really improved, there is still room for improvement but I am very rarely scrambling at the end of a deadline now. I enjoyed using gouache the most in my projects because it gave me a good sense of colour palette, I enjoyed the storyboarding aspect of my Final Major Project. Storyboarding is not something I’ve done much of before but it has really helped me in how I see compositions and flow of a story. This year I enjoyed going to tutorials with tutors, I went with questions and really tried to learn as much as I could. In previous years Tutors have always been more of a check in than a place to ask questions but this year I found the range of tutors I could speak to really helpful and it has molded the way I have worked, from using layout paper to how I paint my pieces, their advice came in hand on a number of occasions this year and really pushed my practice forwards through hard patches of creative blocks. My biggest problem this year was my confidence and having the confidence to stick with one way of working long enough to enjoy it, I have dabbled in many areas this year from animation, to projection to editorial and used a big range of methods to do it (ink, photoshop, water colour, pencil etc). I was feeling lost until a few weeks ago when Ben Cox encouraged me to find something I enjoyed doing and to keep at it until I produce something I’m happy with. Instilling that sense of determination in me was crucial to my final outcomes of Extended Practice, I think that’s the most important thing I will be taking away from this module. Working in gouache is something that really works for me, both compositionally and colour wise, adding digital elements to my work will naturally progress as I have more practice with my Wacom at home. The next step for me is to continue working in this way and build up more pieces for my portfolio in this way so then I have something I can show to a client that is 100% the way I work, at the moment the only thing I was being commissioned for is my line work which isn’t very descriptive of me or the practice I want to achieve. I want to create more editorial pieces and continue my FMP into my future practice.
Evaluation Guidance This should be a reflective summary of your experience across the module -
How did it go? Where did your journey start, where did it end? I knew very little at the start of this module. At the end of the module I feel that‌
What learning took place? What was useful to you? Be specific. New skills? New methods? New processes or approaches? Did you use the blog to reflect on your project development?
What went well and why? What did you enjoy? What were you happy with as an outcome? Be critical and analytical. Why did you enjoy it? Perhaps identify particular sessions? This could be ideas, solutions to problems, studentship or research. How well did you use the studio? Did you invest enough time in the development and testing of your outcomes?
What could you have done better? What were the problems you faced? What did you do to try to overcome them? This could be in reference to studentship, organization, blogging as much as studio practice.
How can you apply what you have learnt here for future modules and projects? Application and future thinking. Things you would do differently next time? What useful methods, processes and ideas will you take forward into the next module?
You may also want to consider: Self-questioning: How did your thoughts and opinions change as you progressed through the module? Feedback: What other people (tutors and peers) thought of work and how you responded to that feedback? Research: Did you use contextual research to inform your ideas, ways of thinking or understanding of the challenges set. This may include further research of your subject matter, slides from the presentations or use of the library.