Sugar Creek Baptist Church Brand Guide 2014 v053014

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BRAND GUIDELINES a guide to ensure consistency and quality of the Sugar Creek brand


Introduction................................................... 1 Our Mission................................................... 2 Our Values..................................................... 3 Our Strategy.................................................. 4 Our Mission Measures.................................. 5 Our Tagline.................................................... 6 Colors............................................................ 7 Logo Specifications....................................... 8 Logo – Correct Usage.............................9 – 12 Sub Identity – Kids and Students..........13 – 14 Logo – Incorrect Usage............................... 15 Fonts.....................................................16 – 18 E-Mail Signature.......................................... 19 Verbal Communication................................. 20 Graphic Style............................................... 21 Photographic Style................................22 – 23 Print Communication............................24 – 28 Signage........................................................ 29 Web Page.................................................... 30


The Sugar Creek Baptist Church brand is a visual expression and reflection of the church. It creates the identity, perception, and expectation of the church in the minds of people in the community and the congregation. To be effective, it must be distinctive, memorable, and consistent. The brand is more than just the logo. It includes colors, fonts, graphics, and photographs. The Sugar Creek brand is expressed through every form of communication from business cards and internal publications, to direct mail, signage, the web, social media, video and personal communication. These brand guidelines are intended to be a framework for the development and implementation of the Sugar Creek brand. The brand guidelines allow for some creativity and flexibility but care should always be taken to maintain consistency and continuity across all forms of communication.


Our mission statement is not a slogan or tagline. It is the reason we exist. The mission is the guiding compass of the church. It expresses a direction and points everyone in that direction. The mission is timeless. The mission is like a golden thread that weaves through every activity of our church. It is primarily an internal communications phrase that rallies our membership around one common goal. Simply put, it is “the great commission communicated in a culturally relevant way.� The mission statement should typically appear only on communications targeted at members.

To love and lead all people to life change in Christ.


Values are a set of unchanging beliefs or principles that guide and govern the decisions within the church. They are springboards for daily action and filters for decision-making. Values represent the conscience of the organization. They distinguish Sugar Creek’s philosophy of ministry from that of other churches and shape our culture within. TOTAL DEPENDENCE Apart from God we can do nothing. HIGH EXPECTATION God’s provision deserves our greatest commitment. MUTUAL RESPECT We treat one another with love and care. ETERNAL IMPACT We seek to make a forever difference in people’s lives. GENERATIONAL RELEVANCE We communicate the unchanging message of Christ to an everchanging world. TRUTH Truth matters.


STRATEGY ICON USAGE: Our four-part strategy is the process Sugar Creek uses to accomplish our mission. It helps guests clearly identify their next steps to connection and involvement. It guides our members to service and sharing. The strategy is the glue that binds all of Sugar Creek’s activities into one meaningful whole. It helps people visualize how their contributions of time, effort, talents and resources help fulfill the mission of the church.


Mission Measures are the attributes or characteristics of an individual’s life that indicate progress in their journey to become a fully dedicated follower of Christ. The Mission Measures are our organization’s roadmap for spiritual growth and maturity. They provide a standard by which the impact of the ministry of the church can be measured in the life of the individual believer. They answer the question: “What does it look like when I “love and lead all people to life change in Christ?””

Connects with God’s family Helps others know God Applies spiritual gifts Nurtures lasting relationships Grows daily in Christ Enjoys giving back


The tagline of “Live for a Change.” is targeted at non-members and guests of Sugar Creek Baptist Church It answers the question,“Why should I attend Sugar Creek Baptist Church? What’s in it for me?” Since our mission is to love and lead all people to life change in Christ, Live for a Change is our promise what people can genuinely expect to experience when they attend here.

live for a Change.

live for a Change.

– start living.

live for a Change

. – make Change the goal of your life.



CMYK: 71 23 16 0 RGB: 66 1158 191 HEX: #419EBF


CMYK: 2 66 100 0 RGB: 239 117 33 HEX: #EF7521


CMYK: 32 0 98 0 RGB: 185 214 53 HEX: #B9D635


CMYK: 0 23 94 0 RGB: 255 201 8 HEX: #FFC908


CMYK: 62 54 58 30 RGB: 89 88 84 HEX: #595854

8 Below are specifications for reproducing the Sugar Creek logo in 5 colors. The Sugar Creek Baptist Church logo is a unique mark and care should be taken to make sure it is reproduced consistently. It should never be recreated or redrawn.


Always use original art files. A variety of files and formats have been created for different applications. When in doubt, please contact the Director of Marketing and Communications for clarification.

Pantone 158 Pantone 7703

Pantone 381 Pantone 7548

Clan OT Medium 100% Pantone 419 Univers 45 Light 100% Pantone 419



Shown to the right are acceptable versions and usage of the Sugar Creek Baptist Church full-color logo. • Type and cross should always be displayed together. • Arrangement and proportions should not change. • Position, proportion and color arrangement should not change. • Front, top and center is the preferred position in external communications The cross can be used separately as design element but should be done so sparingly.

4-Color on Black Background


It is important to allow adequate space around the logo to make sure that it is displayed clearly and distinctly in any application. The illustration to the right shows the minimum recommended space that should surround the logo. Note that the space around the logo should always be equivalent to the size of the “k” in “creek.” In order to maximize readability of the Sugar Creek name, the logo should not be reproduced smaller than the examples shown. The logo should always be displayed prominently whenever possible. Generally speaking, legibility in print is better than onscreen.

Minimum Size for Print

Minimum Size for Internet


100 pixels


PMS 419 (Solid)


Shown to the left are acceptable versions and usage of the Sugar Creek Baptist Church solid color logo. Solid Black

White Reverse

• Type and cross should always be displayed together. • Arrangement and proportions should not change. • Position, proportion and color arrangement should not change. • Front, top and center is the preferred position in external communications The monochromatic and solid color logos are are great for internal publications targeted at members. They are also great for applications like t-shirts, banners and promotional items that are printed on solid color backgrounds. If you are unsure which logo is best for your project, please contact the Director of Marketing and Communications. The cross can be used separately as design element but should be done so sparingly.


Campus Logos

Ministry Logos







These are the main versions of all Children’s Ministry logos and icons. The ball icon may used by itself in special situations and as a design element.


These are the main versions of all Student Ministry logos and icons.


Logo appears in the wrong colors

Incomplete usage of logo

Proportions have been changed,

Insufficient contrast between logo and background

These are examples of incorrect uses of the logo. Not all incorrect uses are shown. Avoid: • Substitute colors • Incomplete type • Changes in proportions • Insufficient contrast • Separating logo type and symbol • Substitute fonts

cross too large

Type and symbol have been separated, missing cross

Substitute font


primary typeface: clan medium Clan Book abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRUSTUVWXYZ 0123456789?&%$* Clan Book Italic abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRUSTUVWXYZ 0123456789?&%$* Clan News abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRUSTUVWXYZ 0123456789?&%$* Clan News Italic abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRUSTUVWXYZ 0123456789?&%$* Clan Medium abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRUSTUVWXYZ 0123456789?&%$* Clan Medium Italic abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRUSTUVWXYZ 0123456789?&%$*


secondary typeface: univers light Univers Light abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRUSTUVWXYZ 0123456789?&%$* typefaces for body copy Font usage for body copy should be limited to fonts that are easily read and visually simple. For print, size should be 8-10 pt. Never use decorative fonts. sans serif fonts Myriad Pro abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwzyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789?&%$* Helvetica Neue (or Arial) abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789?&%$* serif fonts Georgia abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789?&%$* Times New Roman abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789?&%$*


The Sugar Creek brand was developed considering every aspect of our church and how we want to portray ourselves to the community. In order to maintain the integrity of the brand, please avoid usage of the following fonts. Avoid:

Comic Sans Papyrus Brush Script Curlz MT Bradley Hand ITC Lucida Handwriting


Email signatures should be consistent throughout the organization. The signature should include: name, title, main phone, direct phone, email, and logo in that order. Signatures should be 10 pt. Helvetica Regular in black only. All should be left justified. Use a 2� version of the color logo below the contact information. Do not add slogans, quotes, background images, personal photos, other fonts, colors or additional images to the email signature. Personal cell phone numbers are optional and should follow the main phone number if used. An example of the correct form is shown below.

Firstname Lastname title main: 281.242.2858 direct: 281.555.5555 email:


The Six Basic Principles of Communication at Sugar Creek are: 1. Use everyday language. It’s always better to use

Tell it Like it is.

• Be direct and get to the point.


• Always look for the simplest way to say what you want. We believe that a simple message is better. Clear is better than cute. Be direct and talk the language of our community and congregation. They will appreciate our honesty and simplicity. Do not be afraid to use plain and simple phrase. Make Every Word Count When people talk about brands, they often give the impression that communicating what they stand for is mostly done with visual things like as logos, corporate colors and fonts. But we believe the strongest brands are those that also use words in a way that communicates their distinctive value and culture.





the simple everyday term – the word or phrase that an intelligent, articulate person would use in conversation, than a longer word with the same meaning. Keep it personal. Good writing sets out to create a relationship and a rapport with the reader. One of the most important ways it does this is by addressing the reader directly and personally, using the first person (I or we) whenever possible, and even more important addressing the reader as “you”. Be engaging. Here, we’re talking about going further than keeping it personal; we’re talking about the critical importance of making your readers feel that you understand their point of view, and are addressing their interests and priorities. Assume intelligence. There’s no easier way to alienate readers than by patronizing them, or by writing in a way that insults their intelligence. However little knowledge your audience may have of the subject in question, always assume that you are addressing intelligent individuals. Make it easy. These days, everyone has too much to do and too little time. So, whatever you’re writing, you should always assume that your readers are busy, and have other things they could or should be doing. It follows that you should do everything you can to make it easy for them to get what they need out of what they are reading. Less is more. Never tell your audience more than they need (or may be interested) to know. Is everything relevant from the reader’s point of view? And, if so, do they need to know it now (or could it wait until a later stage in our business relationship)?


Graphic style represents the general feeling or impression a person has when they view communications from Sugar Creek Baptist Church. It is the answer to the question, “What do we want a person to feel, when they view our communications?” The answer: • Accessible • Approachable • Friendly, welcoming • Intelligent but not complicated

We want to be the person anyone would feel comfortable approaching for directions to their destination. • Designs should be uncomplicated, simple, easy to read. Fonts should be no less than 8 point, preferably 10-11 pt. • Negative space (space without type or photos) is a good thing. It focuses attention on what is important. • People in photography should look joyful, confident and trustworthy. • Colors should be bright and happy. • Use reverse type (light type on a dark background) sparingly to break up content and for emphasis. Footer with color bar When using the footer with color bar the color bars should be square. The colors should always appear right to left: Blue, yellow, orange, green, regardless of placement. A reversed out white logo can be used in the footer bar on internal communications.


Sugar Creek’s imagery is: • Multi-cultural • Multi-generational • Authentic • Real, direct, confident and engaging • Not manipulated or contrived • Color is preferred to black and white • Consistently reflects the Sugar Creek mission: To love and lead all people to life change in Christ. • Never looks mediocre through subject or crop

Before selecting a picture ask yourself these questions: • • • • • •

Does the image deliver the message? Is it the best image I can find for the subject? How can I use this image to the best effect? Should it be in color or black and white? Should it be large or small? Have I used the most powerful crop?

This approach applies to all applications including print, PowerPoint® and online. The list of criteria below will help as a reminder of what to look for when choosing an image: • • • • • •

Real people Capturing a moment in time Natural and spontaneous Has depth and perspective Consider the crop Avoid clichés and stereotypes





Photo Caption

Headline text that introduces the message. Headline text that introduces the message and engages people with a call to action. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sit amet porttitor est. Phasellus vitae diam at tellus lobortis elementum non nec magna. Donec quis ipsum tortor. Praesent tincidunt risus feugiat congue vulputate. Fusce a scelerisque ipsum. Integer quis lectus ac nibh iaculis consectetur. Vivamus cursus tristique justo quis adipiscing. Fusce ultricies est a sapien pulvinar, eget rhoncus eros tempus.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sit amet porttitor est. Phasellus vitae diam at tellus lobortis elementum non nec magna. Donec quis ipsum tortor. Praesent tincidunt risus feugiat congue vulputate. Fusce a scelerisque ipsum. Integer quis lectus ac nibh iaculis consectetur.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sit amet porttitor est. Phasellus vitae diam at tellus lobortis elementum non nec magna. Donec quis ipsum tortor. Praesent tincidunt risus feugiat congue vulputate. Fusce a scelerisque ipsum. Integer quis lectus ac nibh iaculis consectetur.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sit amet porttitor est. Phasellus vitae diam at tellus lobortis elementum non nec magna. Donec quis ipsum tortor. Praesent tincidunt risus feugiat congue vulputate. Fusce a scelerisque ipsum. Integer quis lectus ac nibh iaculis consectetur.

Additional information, if any.

Event Name

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sit amet porttitor est. Phasellus vitae diam at tellus lobortis elementum non nec magna. Donec quis ipsum tortor. Praesent tincidunt risus adipiscing. Fusce ultricies est a sapien pulvinar, eget rhoncus eros tempus.”

Photo Caption

♥ Heading One Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sit amet porttitor est. Phasellus vitae diam at tellus lobortis elementum non nec magna. Donec quis ipsum tortor. cursus tristique justo.

! Heading Two Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sit amet porttitor est. Phasellus vitae diam at tellus lobortis elementum non nec magna. Donec quis ipsum tortor. cursus tristique justo quis adipiscing.

# Heading Three Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sit amet porttitor est. Phasellus vitae diam at tellus lobortis elementum non nec magna. Donec quis ipsum tortor. cursus tristique justo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sit amet porttitor est. Phasellus vitae diam at tellus lobortis elementum non nec magna. Donec quis ipsum tortor. Praesent tincidunt risus feugiat congue vulputate. Fusce a scelerisque ipsum. Integer quis lectus ac nibh iaculis consectetur. Vivamus cursus tristique justo quis adipiscing. Fusce ultricies est a sapien pulvinar, eget rhoncus eros tempus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sit amet porttitor est. Phasellus vitae diam at tellus lobortis elementum non nec magna. Donec quis ipsum tortor. Praesent tincidunt risus feugiat congue vulputate. Fusce a scelerisque ipsum. Integer quis lectus ac nibh iaculis consectetur. Vivamus cursus tristique justo quis adipiscing. Fusce ultricies est a sapien pulvinar, eget rhoncus eros tempus.

Header for bulleted column 1

Header for bulleted column 2

Fusce a scelerisque ipsum. Integer quis lectus ac nibh iaculis consectetur. Vivjusto quis adipiscing.

Fusce a scelerisque ipsum. Integer quis lectus ac nibh iaculis consectetur. Vivjusto quis adipiscing.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sit amet port.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sit amet port.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sit amet port.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sit amet port.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sit amet port.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sit amet port.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sit amet port.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sit amet port.

Column Header

Column Header

Column Header

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sit amet porttitor est. Phasellus vitae diam at tellus lobortis elementum non nec magna.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sit amet porttitor est. Phasellus vitae diam at tellus lobortis elementum non nec magna.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sit amet porttitor est. Phasellus vitae diam at tellus lobortis elementum non nec magna.

Photo Caption

Headline text that introduces the message and helps people respond. Out of all the things that the disciples observed from Jesus, they were most inspired to learn how to pray like Jesus. Jesus joyfully taught them how to pray because this would be the most crucial element to their continual intimacy with him and the fulfillment of his mission on earth. If Jesus and his disciples both discerned prayer to be most vital element of their spiritual formation, we too must see its true value and learn How to Pray Like Jesus!

! Date, Time " Location # Cost


Contact Name, email or phone number

% Website address

Additional Information.

Event Name





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