Healthy Teens Magazine 2020

Page 34


4 . marijuana / CANNABIS

MARIJUANA & LEGALIZATION: Before legalization on October 17, 2018, Marijuana was the most common and mainstream of all the street drugs. It was, and still is, smoked by a wide range of people of different ages, backgrounds, and professions. It has also been used to aid in the management of many medical conditions and mental health disorders. However, It is still very important to speak with your doctor before choosing to manage any medical concerns with cannabis. It is also still important to be aware of what legalization means for you and your friends substance use patterns, now that marijuana is widely available and marketed in different forms. You may be seeing it more around school, at parties, and even at the mall or sports games. Marijuana can be marketed most commonly through smoking, but also through gravity bongs, vapes, dabbing, baked goods & candies, sprays, tinctures, or even topically. Although legalization of marijuana prohibits the use of those under age, changes in youth’s attitude toward the drug, age of initiation, and frequency of use can occur. Research from the Oregon Research Institute indicated no significant change in the numbers of youth who tried marijuana for the first time yet found an increase in the frequency of use by youth who were already regularly using marijuana. It’s important to know that you probably see more marijuana use but that educating yourself and asking questions will help with the curiosity you may have in trying the drug. The legalization of the drug doesn’t make marijuana consumption less risky to teenagers. Educating yourselves on the risks of using marijuana while your adolescent brains are still developing will help to discuss the drug honestly and openly. You might have some of the following questions: What are the laws against cannabis now that it is legal? What are the risks? What does marijuana do to the brain? Have you ever tried it? Can people become addicted to it? Will I be missing out on something if I don’t try it? It’s important to be careful not to minimize the dangers of marijuana or other drugs. Educate yourselves on the risks and long-term consequences. Get the conversation started with people you trust like your parents, your counselor, or even your friends. Or go ahead and jump online to do some of your own research. You won’t be the only one to have questions!

Aside from THC (the active chemical in marijuana that gets you ‘high’) there are over 400 other chemicals, many of which are also found in tobacco smoke. Prolonged use of marijuana has the same effect on the lungs as smoking cigarettes


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