Skype: i-dare FB: idareorg1 T: idare0 M: +962 (0) 796300098 Amman, Jordan, Shmesani 93 Queen Noor St. | Iskan (Housing) Bank|Ground Floor Landline: +962 (06) 5805370 P. O. Box 211327 Zip Code 11121 Amman (Jordan)
Conflict Management: Tools for Team Leaders
|16 Training Hours |2-3 Nov. 2014 | 9 AM – 5 PM Amman, Le Meridian Hotel
There’s widespread agreement on the fact that a good team leader is someone who is capable of motivating its work team
General Description Motivation and team spirit need:
Encouraging and facilitating communication, participation and consensus in decision-making. Stimulating a cooperation environment Promoting team-building and involving all team members in the projects. Disagreements in work teams usually happen, and they are a threat for team spirit and motivation.
This training course will equip team managers with conflict resolution tools that will reinforce its management skills in detecting, preventing and solving disagreements that could affect the working team. This training has three parts. In the first one, participants will receive information on the main features of conflict, helping them to prevent disagreements and decide the best management tools. In the second part, we will teach participants different management techniques and a strategy to manage disagreements, coming from mediation. Finally, in the third block participants will practice the tools and methodology using real-life examples
Skype: i-dare FB: idareorg1 T: idare0 M: +962 (0) 796300098 Amman, Jordan, Shmesani 93 Queen Noor St. | Iskan (Housing) Bank|Ground Floor Landline: +962 (06) 5805370 P. O. Box 211327 Zip Code 11121 Amman (Jordan)
Objectives Participants in this training course will:
Develop competences for conflict prevention and resolution; Identify key elements for an efficient communication; Strengthen their management skills by including tools and strategies for conflict resolution; Practice conflict resolution strategies using role plays based on real life examples.
Who should attend This training course will prove especially useful for HR professionals, business partners, union representatives and policy advisers. Also for any individual with responsibility for resolving disputes (particularly in the workplace), and wishing to develop their ability to manage internal organizational conflicts.
Benefits for the orgnisation
Strengthening communication in the organization; Improvement of the work environment; Increase in the team productivity; Better participation of the work team in the decision-making process; Reduction of the time and money spent in conflict management.
Skype: i-dare FB: idareorg1 T: idare0 M: +962 (0) 796300098 Amman, Jordan, Shmesani 93 Queen Noor St. | Iskan (Housing) Bank|Ground Floor Landline: +962 (06) 5805370 P. O. Box 211327 Zip Code 11121 Amman (Jordan)
Content 1. Learning to “read” conflict;
Conflict dynamics; Neutrality; About conflict in organizations; The iceberg of conflict; The importance of perceptions; Different methodologies to manage disagreements: power, regulations and interests.
2. How communication works in conflict situations. 3. Mediation tools for an effective communication: open-ended questions, active listening and reframing. 4. A 4 steps strategy to reach consensus solutions.
Learning methodology
Creation of a space for mutual reflection, which will allow participants to share their experiences. Analysis of real-life examples. Development of competences through a “learning by doing”.
More Details: Venue: Amman, Le Meridian Hotel Date and Time: 2-3 Nov. 2014 | 9 AM – 5 PM Fees: 500 JOD Deadline for Registration: 16 Oct. 2014 Payment method: Cash at the office: 500 JD to be paid by 16 Oct. 2014 or before. Location: Shmesani, Iskan Commercial Bank, Ground Floor, IDare Office. Seats: are for 25 participants Contact: 0796300098
Skype: i-dare FB: idareorg1 T: idare0 M: +962 (0) 796300098 Amman, Jordan, Shmesani 93 Queen Noor St. | Iskan (Housing) Bank|Ground Floor Landline: +962 (06) 5805370 P. O. Box 211327 Zip Code 11121 Amman (Jordan)
Ramon Tena Pera B.A. in Political Sciences (Barcelona, 2002) M.A. in Conflict Management (Barcelona, 2010) M.A. in Diplomatic Studies (London, 2005) Worked as a mediator for the National Conflict Resolution Centre in San Diego, CA, United States.
More trainings
Conflict resolution tools for the healthcare system; Strategies to analyze conflicts within companies and designing prevention tools. Managing “toxic” employees. How to communicate difficult decisions to the team. Advanced mediation skills for managers.
Skype: i-dare FB: idareorg1 T: idare0 M: +962 (0) 796300098 Amman, Jordan, Shmesani 93 Queen Noor St. | Iskan (Housing) Bank|Ground Floor Landline: +962 (06) 5805370 P. O. Box 211327 Zip Code 11121 Amman (Jordan)