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Companion in the Thawr Cave
After receiving this good news and order, Abu Bakr quickly gathered a few required provisions and managed two camels for the journey. Following special instructions, he arranged to send them near the Thawr Cave.
Thawr Cave is located six miles to the south of Makkah. The passage to the cave was very rocky and difficult to travel. This cave was the first point of stay of the Prophet and Abu Bakr during migration. On the hint of Prophet Mohammad, Abu Bakr got the clue of what difficulties they might face while their stay in the cave, therefore he made arrangements to provide food and milk worth a couple of days stay. For this purpose, he sought the help of his daughter Asma, his son Abdullah and his trustworthy freedman Amir bin Fuhayra. He also instructed them to report actions of enemies.
Prophet Mohammad was famous for his honesty and titled trustworthy (al-Amin) by the people of Quraish. Despite the hatred and enmity towards the Prophet, they had kept their valuables with him in trust. Therefore, Prophet Mohammad handed over everything in his trust to Ali ibn Abi Talib and directed him to return them to their owners before coming to Madina.
On the night of migration, on Allah‟s orders, Prophet Mohammad had Ali sleep on his bed as a strategy and also assured him saying, “You can sleep on my bed without any fear, no one will harm you.”
According to the narrators and historians, Prophet Mohammad‟s house was surrounded by twelve besiegers, so they could murder him when he leaves his house in the morning for prayer. However, per Divine order, Prophet Mohammad left his house in the night rendering besiegers unable to see him and they remained unaware of the Prophet‟s departure.
The Holy Prophet accompanied Abu Bakr and headed towards the cave as planned. While travelling on the rocky path to cave, Abu Bakr lifted Prophet Mohammad on his shoulders at many points. Not only this, Abu Bakr also stayed alert to the surroundings and guarded the Prophet. When they reached at the threshold of the cave, Abu Bakr once again proved his loyalty to the Prophet by entering the cave first to clean it from stones or pebbles and blocked every hole of the cave with pieces of cloth by tearing his own garment to save the Prophet from stinging and biting insects. Prophet Mohammad and Abu Bakr took shelter in the cave for three days and three nights. Abu Bakr stayed restless during this time in the fear that the Holy Prophet might be located by the enemy but Allah guarded both of them in every way. When the infidels and besiegers found that the Prophet had already left and Ali was on his bed, they were startled. In this agony and rage they sent people to the outskirts of Makkah to find the Prophet and fulfil their wicked plan. They announced a reward of one hundred camels for whoever beheads the Prophet, this incited many greedy people to go look for him. Abu Bakr was still protecting him despite being surrounded by enemies. Many times, the stalkers reached the threshold of Thawr Cave following their footprints. But on Allah‟s command, a spider made its web on the cave‟s opening, therefore the enemies were fooled and did not think that the Prophet could be inside. The enemies reached so close to the cave once that the Prophet and his Companion could hear their voices outside. Abu Bakr got very anxious because had the enemies leaped over a little bit, they could have gotten glimpse of both of them. In that apprehensive moment, Prophet Mohammad empathized Abu Bakr and recited the verse, “Do not grieve. Allah is surely with
us.” (9:40)
Abu Bakr often said while reflecting about the frightful night in the cave, “After that night, I was not worried about the matters of religion or any other issue ever again. ” During the three days and nights that Prophet Mohammad and Abu Bakr spent in the cave, an army of angels guarded them on Allah‟s command. Every night Abdullah ibn Abu Bakr brought food to the cave. On the third night, the Prophet and his beloved Companion departed for Madina riding their camels. During this journey these two loyal friends briefly stayed at the house of Umm Ma‟bad in Ghadir where the Holy Prophet showed a miracle regarding her goat14. During this journey the Holy Prophet also met his two acquaintances, Urwah ibn Zubayr and Barida Aslami. Barida Aslami along with seventy people of his tribe accepted Islam on the invitation of Prophet Mohammad. Prophet Mohammad and Abu Bakr then proceeded towards Madina in the form of a large group which also included Barida Aslami and seventy people of his tribe who had recently accepted Islam. Barida Aslami was now in the front rows holding the flag of this caravan. On the other hand, in Makkah, infidels were in rage on failure of their plans, so they were torturing Abu Bakr‟s family. Abu Quhafa, father of Abu Bakr, was helpless in Makkah. He was also financially empty handed as Abu Bakr had taken all the cash with him. Asma, the beloved daughter of Abu Bakr was injured by the brutal and cold-hearted Abu Jahl who slapped on her face so hard that tore her earlobe. The family of Abu Bakr endured all those hardships and pains in the love of the Prophet and for Allah‟s will.
14 The goat was meek and could not give milk. When the Holy Prophet touched the udder of goat, by his miracle it gave so much milk that everyone drank it till satiated.