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Hasan‟s Status in Faqr
Then he recited the third part of the verse:
Meaning: And Allah loves those who are benevolent. At this, Hasan ibn Ali said, “Go! I have freed you.” (Ruh al-Bayan)
In Faqr, the status of Hasan ibn Ali is:
Meaning: When Faqr is accomplished, that is Allah. Sultan Bahoo says about Hasan and Husayn:
Hasan and Husayn reached the ultimate station of, “Faqr is my (Holy Prophet‟s) pride.” They were the source of happiness for the Holy Prophet and Fatimah-tuz-Zahra.
(Mehak-ul-Faqr Kalan)
Hasan ibn Ali possesses the perfect spiritual attention and is accomplished in describing the subtle facts of Sufism. In his will, he stated:
رئامضلایلععلطمہللاناف ارسئ ر لا ظفحب مکیلع
Meaning: Protect the esoteric secrets as Allah knows what is concealed in the inwards.
Hasan ibn Ali is stationed at such a high level of gnosis and mysticism that even a high ranked Mystic, Sultan-ul-Faqr II Shaikh Hasan of Basra, used to consult him on delicate matters. Shaikh Hasan of Basra once asked him in a letter:
“O the grandson of Messenger of Allah! What is your view about our difference of opinion regarding destiny and our curiosity and authority in its matters? Please enlighten us so that we become