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Hasan ibn Ali is the last and the fifth Rashidun Caliph. He was the eldest son of Ali ibn Abi Talib and Fatimah bint Mohammad and the grandson of Prophet Mohammad sall’Allahu alayhi wa’alihi wasallam. The virtues of Hasan ibn Ali are so many that it is hard to confine them in a description. Hasan ibn Ali and Husayn ibn Ali, whom Prophet Mohammad called the two flowers of his garden, were by no means less than one another in their proximity to the Holy Prophet. The Hadiths of the Holy Prophet express his equal love for both of them. He named them and fed both with his sacred saliva at the time of their birth, performed their aqiqah43 and expressed equal joy on their births. They were fortunate to be the riders of Prophet Mohammad‟s shoulders and played in his lap. He concentrated equally on their brought up and training. He expressed about them, “Hasan and Husayn are from me.” The Holy Prophet also said, “O Allah I love them, so You also love them.”
The Holy Prophet called them both the leaders of youth of the paradise. In physical appearance both Hasan and Husayn bore resemblance to the Holy Prophet. According to the traditions of the Companions of the Holy Prophet, Hasan ibn Ali‟s face resembled the sacred countenance of the Holy Prophet while Husayn ibn Ali resembled the Prophet from chest to feet. After Prophet Mohammad passed away, when Companions used to become restless for his vision, they beheld Hasan and Husayn making them stand side by side. In their vision, they gained the
43 An Islamic tradition of sacrificing animal (sheep or goat) on the occasion of a child‟s birth.
vision of Prophet Mohammad. The Companions were the witness of their physical resemblance, whereas the Hadith “Hasan and Husayn are from me” testifies their inward and spiritual resemblance to the Holy Prophet. This means they both are the physical and spiritual heirs of the Holy Prophet. Husayn was bestowed equally from the heritage of Faqr as Hasan was, because the Holy Prophet called them both from himself, just as he called Ali ibn Abi Talib and Fatima bint Mohammad from himself. There is not a single Hadith or incident found in the sacred life of the Holy Prophet where he gave preference to one prince over the other. Therefore, if umma does an act which our Prophet did not, then it will be against the Sunna and will of the Holy Prophet. According to a tradition, once Hasan and Husayn wrote on a wooden board and came to Ali ibn Abi Talib and asked him to decide who wrote better. Ali, who is the gateway to knowledge and settled big issues, was perplexed that admiring the writing of one would discourage the other. Therefore, he said that he would not be able to decide and it would be better if they took it to their mother. They then went to Fatima bint Mohammad so she could decide whose writing was better. She also became answerless and said that their grandfather could make a better decision. Now both princes went to the Holy Prophet and requested to make the decision. The Holy Prophet who is the master of the universe, despite keeping the knowledge of the universe, was bewildered at the question. How could he call the writing of one prince better and discourage the other? He said, “Let me consult Angel Gabriel.” Angel Gabriel came and while sending salutations said, “O master! Making this decision is beyond my ability. However, Allah can make a better decision. He has sent this apple from heaven. I will drop it from the top. Whoever‟s wooden board it drops at, shall be proved to have nicer writing.” Angel Gabriel dropped the apple and by Allah‟s will it split in two equal pieces.
One piece dropped on Hasan‟s wooden board and the other on
Husayn‟s. (Nuzhat-ul-Majalis)
This is to say, the status of both princes is equal in Allah‟s court and even He does not prefer one over the other. Anas ibn Malik says that he often visited the Holy Prophet and watched Hasan and Husayn playing on his belly. The
Holy Prophet would say, “They both are the flowers of my
umma.” (Nisai)
Abdullah ibn Masud reports that the Holy Prophet was offering salat. When he prostrated, Hasan and Husayn climbed his back. People tried to stop them but the Holy
Prophet gestured to let it be. Afterwards he said, “May I sacrifice everything for them. The one who loves me must love them too.” (Tabarani 2578)
Fatimah relates that she presented her sons to the Holy
Prophet while he was on his deathbed and requested him, “O
Messenger of Allah! Please bless them with something from your inheritance.” The Holy Prophet said, “Hasan is the heir of my dignity and leadership and Husayn is the heir of my courage and generosity.” (Tabarani, Shaybani)
Ali ibn Abi Talib narrates that the Holy Prophet held the hands of Hasan and Husayn and said, “Whoever loves me and both of them and their parents, will be with me on my station on the day of judgement.” (Tirmidhi 3733, Musnad Ahmad
ibn Hanbal)
Abu Hurairah relates that the Holy Prophet said, “Whoever loves Hasan and Husayn, in fact loves me and whoever keeps malice towards Hasan and Husayn in fact keeps malice towards me.” (Tabarani 2579)
Abu Hurairah narrates that once Hasan and Husayn were sitting on each side of Prophet‟s shoulders. Prophet Mohammad was kissing them in turns. Someone asked him, “O Holy