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Once a bedouin came to Hasan‟s door and began to abuse him. Hasan ibn Ali, the embodiment of forbearance, said to him, “O bedouin! Are you hungry or thirsty or are you suffering from some other misery? Tell me so I can help you!” He commanded his slave to give some money to the bedouin and said to him, “Forgive me as this was the only amount at house. If I had any more, I would not have hesitated to give it to you.” On hearing this, the bedouin instantly said, “I testify that you are the son of Prophet of
Allah. I just came to test your patience and forbearance.”
Such are the attributes of Saints who are the knowers of reality that the appreciation and criticism of people is equal
in their sight. (Kashf-ul-Mahjub)
Al-Ghazali writes:
Once a person came to Hasan ibn Ali and complained about his poverty. Hasan gave him fifty thousand gold coins. He could not pick up the coins, so he called a labourer. Hasan ibn Ali even paid the fee to the labourer. (Ihya al-Uloom) Someone asked Hasan why he never returned a beggar emptyhanded even when he was starving himself. He said, “I myself am a beggar in Allah‟s court. I feel ashamed to return a needy empty-handed while being a beggar myself.” (Ibn Asakir)
Hasan ibn Ali performed many heroic deeds in Ali ibn Abi Talib‟s era of caliphate. The victory in Battle of the Camel owes to his swordsmanship. He also showed war skills in the Battle of Siffin. Hasan was one among the people who guarded the house of Usman ibn Affan for many days to protect him from the rioters. He supplied food and water to Usman‟s house carrying them on his back.
Ramadan 40 AH till Rabi al-Awwal 41 AH
(January 661 AD – August 661 AD) When Ali ibn Abi Talib was wounded by Ibn Muljam‟s poisoncoated sword, people asked him if they should pledge allegiance to Hasan ibn Ali after his death. Ali ibn Abi Talib replied, “I do not order you neither do I stop you from this. You people understand it better.”
Following the Sunna of the Messenger of Allah, Ali ibn Abi Talib did not nominate anyone for caliphate after him, not even his most distinguished son. He left the decision of choosing the Caliph on common Muslims following the tradition of the Holy Prophet. Who could be better and dearer to common Muslims than the grandson of the Holy Prophet? Besides being the progeny of the Holy Prophet, Hasan‟s other qualities and attributes also made him suitable for the rank of Caliph. Therefore, everyone took oath of allegiance on the sacred hand of Hasan ibn Ali. Immediately after becoming a Caliph, Hasan ibn Ali delivered a sermon:
“O people! Yesterday a man passed away who was better than those who preceded him and those who will follow him. The Holy Prophet sent him in battles as the standard-bearer. He never returned unsuccessful from any venture. Angel Michael and Angel Gabriel accompanied him from left and right.”
Meanwhile, Syrians pledged allegiance to Ameer Muawiya considering him their Caliph. When clashes started to arise between the two groups, Muawiya sent a message to Hasan ibn Ali in which he said:
“Peace is better than war therefore it is better that you accept me as Caliph and swear allegiance on my hand.”
Hasan ibn Ali was not desirous of caliphate. The position of Caliph was not a source of honour for him, rather his being the Caliph was an honour for the caliphate. Therefore, five months and ten days after ascending the throne of caliphate he withdrew himself from it in Rabi al-Awwal 41 AH. This way two predictions of the Holy Prophet came true. First that the era of caliphate will continue after him for thirty years, that is from Rabi al-Awwal 11 AH (death of the Prophet) to Rabi al-Awwal 41 AH (Hasan ibn Ali‟s withdrawal from caliphate). If we do not count the period of caliphate of Hasan ibn Ali, then the total period of caliphate from Abu Bakr Siddiq to Ali ibn Abi Talib reduces to twentynine and a half years. Thus, according to the prediction of the Holy Prophet, Hasan ibn Ali was the rightful Caliph of Muslims. The second prediction of the Holy Prophet which came true is narrated by Abu Bakr as: “Once while showing affection to Hasan ibn Ali, the Holy Prophet said, „My son is a noble, because of him the conflict between two Muslim groups will come to an end‟ .
” (Bukhari) When Hasan withdrew himself from the seat of Caliph, he set the following conditions: 1. No citizen of Iraq shall be arrested based on previous enmity.
Safety shall be provided to everyone without exception. 2. Ali ibn Abi Talib must not be slandered.
Hasan ibn Ali withdrew himself from caliphate firstly because he did not want a conflict between Muslims. Secondly, had he not left caliphate, the practice of inheriting the caliphate would have initiated through the family of Prophet Mohammad. After reconciliation with Muawiya, Hasan ibn Ali addressed the people before Muawiya arrived Kufa. He said: “O people we are your nobles and guests. We are People of the Cloak from whom Allah has removed impurity and has made
them pure.” Hasan ibn Ali repeated these words to the point that everyone began to cry. When Muawiya came to Kufa, he requested Hasan ibn Ali to inform people of what settled between them. At this, Hasan ibn Ali delivered an extempore sermon. After the praise of Allah, he said:
“O people! Allah guided you to the right path through our predecessors and will forgive you through our successors. Wise is the one who fears Allah while the evildoer is helpless. The issue of caliphate regarding which I and Muawiya had differences, either he is more deserving or I am. I withdraw from my right for Allah‟s will as well as to reform the umma of Prophet Mohammad and to protect your blood.” Then Hasan turned towards Muawiya and said:
“I am not aware but maybe it is a trial for you and an advantage for a certain time.”
When Hasan ibn Ali separated himself from physical caliphate for Allah‟s will, Allah blessed him and his family with the spiritual caliphate (Faqr). This way physical caliphate (governance) and spiritual caliphate separated from each other and never became one till date.
After withdrawing from the caliphate, Hasan ibn Ali came to Madina and involved himself in religious activities. According to a tradition, Muawiya fixed Hasan‟s annual allowance as one lakh dirham. He spent major part of it in the way of Allah and himself led a simple life with contentment.
Hasan ibn Ali had so much regard for the words of the Holy Prophet (my son will end the conflict between two Muslim groups) that when he was poisoned, which led to his death, he
did not reveal the name of the assassin to avoid starting a conflict again between Muslims on the issue of retribution of his murder. When Husayn ibn Ali asked him the name of the assassin, Hasan said, “What would you do after knowing the name?” Husayn replied, “I shall punish the criminal.” Hasan ibn Ali said, “If my suspicion is correct, Allah will punish the criminal Himself and if it is incorrect then I do not find it suitable to arrest anyone for a sin he has not committed. ” Hence, he did not reveal the name of his murderer. People made different speculations. At times they blamed Hasan‟s wife Ja‟da bint al-Ash‟at and other times suspected that it happened on the consent of Muawiya. Allah knows the truth! If Hasan ibn Ali himself avoided to mention the name of the murderer, there must be a reason behind it. Hence umma must also avoid speculations. Hasan ibn Ali died in 49 AH. There are different opinions regarding the month of his death, some books mention Rabi alAwwal while others state Safar . However, most historians agree on Safar. Even, there are contradictions regarding the date of death, either it is 7th Safar or 28th Safar. According to Tehzeebul-Tehzeeb, entire Madina mourned the sorrowful death of Hasan ibn Ali. The streets were silent. Abu Hurairah was grieving in the Prophet‟s Mosque and saying: “O people! Cry your eyes out today as the beloved of Prophet Mohammad left the world.”
He is buried in Jannat al-Baqi.
Hasan ibn Ali had five daughters and twelve sons. Four of his sons; Abu Bakr ibn Hasan44 , Umar ibn Hasan45, Abdullah ibn
44,45 Hasan ibn Ali named his two sons after the first two Rashidun Caliphs which shows his love and respect for them.
Hasan and Qasim ibn Hasan were martyred in the Battle of Karbala.
Hasan ibn Ali is erroneously associated to have numerous wives. The evil enemies of People of the Cloak have associated seventy or hundred wives with him. Although this is completely impossible. Firstly, in the presence of that many wives it is impossible to have only seventeen children. Secondly, to have that many wives it is necessary to repeat the abominable act of divorce multiple times since having more than four wives at a time is not lawful in Islam. Even the thought of associating such acts with the progeny of Prophet Mohammad is appalling. Hasan is the sacred personality whom Prophet Mohammad called the flower of his garden and the leader of youth of paradise. If we are unable to perform deeds like them then at least we should not involve our inwards in nourishing evil presumptions about them. The love and veneration of the beloveds of Prophet Mohammad provide strength to the inwards and is a source of success in the world and the hereafter.
مجھے راحید مناد ظل ہے تاپھر تانڈھوڈ
Explanation: Though I have no good deed but my inward is blessed with ardent love for People of the Cloak. That is why, Ali ibn Abi Talib himself protects me.