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Stay in Quba
Prophet Mohammad and Abu Bakr reached the outskirts of Madina travelling through a shortcut along the shoreline. The inhabitants of Madina and the emigrants from Makkah had been eagerly waiting the arrival of Prophet Mohammad. Every morning the Muslims of Madina gathered at Harrah to welcome the Prophet. Then one day a Jew brought the news of his arrival saying, “O Muslims! Your beloved Prophet has arrived for whom you have been waiting desperately.” Overjoyed by the news, the Muslims instantly made arrangements, carried some simple weapons and gathered to welcome the Prophet and his caravan. Meanwhile, the Prophet stopped at Quba and honoured the family of Imran ibn Awf to host him. Here also, Abu Bakr was standing next to the Prophet all the time so off and on he used his shawl to provide him shade from the scorching heat. Many Muslim emigrants had settled at Quba. One after another, they were coming to see the Prophet. Ali ibn Abi Talib who walked all the way from Makkah to Madina after returning people‟s trusts also joined the Prophet at Quba.
A large group from the tribe of Najjar, of whom many were armed, also came to welcome the Prophet. Now Prophet Mohammad was leading the caravan riding his camel, followed by Abu Bakr who was followed by the people of Najjar. It is said that the people of Najjar celebrated the arrival of Prophet the most. On this delightful occasion the girls of Najjar played tambourine and recited poetry in the praise of the Prophet, its famous lines are:
عادولا تاینث نم انیلع ردبلا علط
عاد ہللا اعد ام انیلع رکشلا بجو
Explanation: The full moon (Prophet Mohammad) has risen upon us from the hills of Widaa. It is incumbent upon us to