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Roman and Persian Empires
Abu Bakr replied, “O Umar! You are very strict in Islam, how come you are so infirm now! Allah has fulfilled His promise and His will has been implemented. Now you cannot change it. I Swear to God! I will not hesitate to fight if I need to get zakat equivalent to even a small piece of rope.” It is a fact that Abu Bakr stayed true to his words for the rest of his life.
In the said circumstances, Abu Bakr gave secondary attention to his state‟s internal problems and focused his efforts on resolving the extraneous issues that could jeopardize Islam. It was the era when the super powers of the world, Roman and Persian Empires had made plans to harm Islam. The Persians who had ruled over the Arabs for centuries, could not bear that they become strong with robust military and be a continuous jeopardy to their rule. Hormizd was ruling over various provinces of Iraq and he had started battles against the Arab Muslims. But Allah‟s will was something else, therefore, despite such extreme actions from the enemies, the Muslims were soon able to strike Iran. In addition to that, the Muslim soldiers with the strength of their faith had captured Iraq. Muthanna ibn Haritha started raids on Iran with his troops and gained several major successes. After some time, Khalid ibn Walid also joined him for the battle. In that battle, Hormizd was killed and Persians had to bear a lot of detriment. This battle between Muslims and army of Hormizd was so devastating that in the end Muslims acquired considerable amount of booty and collected seven and a half maunds of broken chains. History recalls this battle as the Battle of Chains.
After the conquest of Iraq, Khalid ibn Walid appointed Muslim heads on military and administrative positions to run the system of Iraq. Sa‟id ibn Numan was appointed the military head while Suwayd ibn Muqrin was made the administrative head. This