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Burial in Tomb of The Prophet
because of the ailment. Meanwhile, Umar led all the prayers. When Abu Bakr was at the deathbed, he called Aisha and said;
“It is my will that when I die, wash my two used shawls and make my shroud out of them. My rank will not increase if you bury me in an expensive shroud, while if I am buried in old clothes, my rank will not decrease in Allah‟s court. My wife Asma bint Umais must bathe my dead body and my son Abd al-Rahman should pour water. They must be cautious about the process.” Abu Bakr passed away on 22nd Jumada ath-thani 13 AH in between sunset and night prayer, at the age of sixty-three. His caliphate lasted for two years and four months.
When Abu Bakr got sick, in his will he instructed that when he passes away, after performing the final rituals his coffin should be taken to the tomb of the Prophet and kept in front of the tomb‟s door. He added, “Then ask the Prophet on my behalf, O Prophet of Allah! This is Abu Bakr, can we bury him next to you? If he allows then bury me there, otherwise take me to Jannat al-Baqi.” Thus, per his will, his dead body after the last rituals was taken to the door of Prophet‟s tomb to seek permission. Ali narrates:
“I saw the door of tomb opened and I heard someone saying „Let the lover meet the beloved, verily the beloved is eager to meet
the lover too‟.” (Al-Khasais al-Kubra)
Abu Bakr is resting in peace beside the Prophet.