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Wish of Prophet Mohammad
his title given to him by the Holy Prophet. History remembers him by the name Umar al-Farooq. He was born in 583 AD in Makkah. About his birth, he himself says that he was born four years prior to the second Harb al-Fijar19 . Umar ibn Khattab had fair skin tone, tall height, big eyes and fine hair. He had straight nose, fuller cheeks and swift walk. According to Salamah ibn al-Akwa, he was left-handed. Ubaid ibn Umair said that Umar al-Farooq always stood out among everyone because of his tall height.
Umar ibn Khattab was the answer to the prayer of Prophet Mohammad in the court of Allah. Since Muslims were a minority in the beginning, they had to bear torture and cruelty of the infidels. Thus, one day the Holy Prophet prayed Allah to strengthen Islam either through Umar ibn Khattab or Amr ibn Hisham (Abu Jahl). Abdullah ibn Umar narrates that the Holy Prophet prayed,
“O Allah! Strengthen Islam either through Amr ibn Hisham or Umar ibn Khattab, whoever is your favourite.” (Tirmidhi
3683, Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal 5696)
Umar ibn Khattab was the beloved of Allah among the two. Thus, Allah accepted the prayer of Prophet Mohammad in his favour and he adopted Islam. The incident of Umar‟s conversion goes as: One day Umar left his home in sheer exasperation with a sword in his hand. On his way an individual from the Zuhrah tribe inquired, “Where are you headed to?” He replied, “I intend to kill Mohammad.” The man replied, “Then Hashim and Zuhrah
19 Harb al-Fijar means the sacrilegious wars. These were the series of wars fought during the four sacred months (Dhul al-Qadah, Dhul al-Hijjah, Muharram and Rajab) in which war was forbidden. These wars were fought in late 6th century.
tribes will not spare you.” Umar said, “Seems like you have also renounced the religion of our ancestors.” The man provoked him and said, “To your surprise, your sister Fatimah bint Khattab and brother-in-law Sa‟id ibn Zayd have accepted Islam.” On hearing this Umar became furious and went to his sister‟s house. The minute he walked in the house he furiously shouted, “What are these whispers I am hearing?” At that time Khabbab ibn al-Aratt was reciting the verses of sura Taha. Umar‟s sister and brotherin-law immediately hid him and the pages of the sura and said that they were just having a conversation. Umar in a very intimidating tone hollered, “Probably you have been misled.” His brother-in-law, Sa‟id ibn Zayd replied, “What if your religion is misleading (instead of ours)?” Umar got furious and attacked him. Fatimah bint Khattab tried to save her husband but Umar slapped her so hard that her face started bleeding. After all she was the sister of Umar ibn Khattab, injured yet fearless, she shouted, “O Umar! I believe in Allah and Prophethood of Mohammad.”
On hearing this, Umar was disappointed and appeared to relent. So he asked his sister to show him the verses they were reciting. His sister refused and added that there are certain etiquettes to recite them, that is, the reader must be pure and clean. Out of curiosity, Umar agreed to her terms. After shower and ablution he started going through the pages of Holy Quran, the Book of gnosis. He had hardly read the following verse when an immense desire to see Prophet Mohammad aroused in his inward;
)20:74 ﴾﴿یرکذل ۃولصلامقاو ۙ یندبعافانا الا ہلاالہللاانایننا
Meaning: Verily, I am Allah. There is no God other than Me. So always worship Me and establish prayer for the sake of My remembrance. (20:14)
Instantly, Umar yearned to see the Holy Prophet and requested, “Take me to Prophet Mohammad.” Khabbab ibn al-Aratt, who
was still hiding, came out and said, “Umar I had faith that the Holy Prophet‟s prayer in your favour will certainly be granted.” Umar then went to the house of al-Arqam where Prophet Mohammad was staying at that time. He met the Prophet, recited shahada and embraced Islam.
Abdullah ibn Abbas narrates that when Umar accepted Islam, Angel Gabriel came and said, “O Prophet Mohammad! Indeed, the dwellers of the heavens have celebrated and sent felicitations on Umar‟s acceptance of Islam.” (Mustadrak 4491,
Ibn Hibban)
Abdullah ibn Abbas narrates a tradition that when Umar accepted Islam the disbelievers said, “Now our nation is divided into two parts (meaning it is left half).” (Musnad
Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Tabarani, Mustadrak 4494)
Imam Hakim says this Hadith is authentic with an unbroken chain of narrators.
Abdullah ibn Umar relates that when Umar accepted Islam, Prophet Mohammad struck his hand on the chest of Umar thrice. And (every time) he said, “O Allah eliminate the past obliviousness (effects of past enmity to Islam) from the inward of Umar and instead fill it with the (light of) faith.”
(Tabarani, Mustadrak 4492)
Imam Hakim says this Hadith is authentic with an unbroken chain of narrators.
Abdullah bin Masud narrates,
“Umar‟s acceptance of Islam was indeed a victory for us while his caliphate was a blessing. I Swear to God! We were not able to offer prayer in the house of Allah (Kaaba) until Umar accepted Islam. When he adopted Islam, he faced the disbelievers of Makkah courageously. Hence, we started preaching Islam openly and offered prayer in Kaaba.” (Tabarani)