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Expansion of The Islamic Empire
Umar introduced an inscriber in every department who noted the government orders for the department. He laid the foundation of the education system and fixed monthly allowances for institutions and teachers. The government was made responsible for the care of the orphans, lost and homeless children and stipends were fixed for this purpose. Daily allowances were fixed for not only the poor and needy
Muslims but also for the poor Jews and Christians. Umar introduced the system of Trusts. Lodges were constructed from Makkah to Madina for the rest of the travellers. Guest houses were made in every city for the travellers. Initiated educational activities in the mosques. Also arrangements were made to light up the mosques at night. Initiated the congregational Taravih20 salat. Punishment of eighty whips was fixed for consuming alcohol. Zakat was made mandatory on horses used for trade purposes. However, there was no zakat on horses used for personal riding. Umar developed consensus on having four Takbirs21 in the funeral salat.
The historians state that the expansion Islamic Empire received in the reign of Umar is incomparable. Over thousand cities and thirty-six hundred towns were conquered which altogether make twenty-five lakh square miles. Most of the independent Muslim
20 The prayer offered at night in Ramadan before keeping the next day fast. Before the era of Umar, the Muslims offered it individually. He initiated congregational Taravih prayer led by an imam. 21 Takbir means to say “Allahu Akbar-Allah is the Greatest” while raising hands to the ears in the beginning of the salat.
countries of the present era were conquered in the reign of Umar, such as: Iraq, Basra, Haifa, Iran, Ctesiphon, Egypt, Syria, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Khuzestan, Kerman, Sistan, Khorasan, Alexandria, Makran (Sindh), Aden, Libya, Jordan, Lebanon, Tripoli, Oman, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, South East Turkey, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kuwait, Bahrain, Sudan. Umar not only conquered two superpowers of that time (Persian and Roman Empires) but his golden rules on morality and equality also inspired numerous people from these countries to embrace Islam.
Of all the victories, the conquest of al-Aqsa Mosque is the golden and unique victory in the history of Islam. When Umar arrived near Jerusalem, the people saw that a slave was riding camel while Umar was holding the reins of the camel and was wearing patched clothes. On seeing this, the priests of Jerusalem gave keys of al-Aqsa Mosque to Umar. There is a similar incident that once the ambassador of Rome came to Madina. He inquired from the locals, “Where is your king and his palace?” They replied, “We neither have a king nor a palace. However, we have the Leader of the Believers. Right now he is carrying mud to do labour which is his source of income. He rests under the shade of the wall of the nearby mosque.” The Roman ambassador went to Umar and said, “Are you the man whose grandeur frightens the greatest kings of the world? O Umar! You did justice that is why you are able to sleep on the hot sand while our emperors tyrannized, therefore even silk beddings are not comfortable enough to help them sleep.”
The victories of Umar are very impressive and praiseworthy. He had the most important role in propagation of Islam after Prophet Mohammad. The speed with which he spread Islam around the world is matchless. In fact, the regions of the world where Islam is practised today is because of Umar. Many countries that were conquered in the reign of Umar are still the Islamic states and are
ruled by Muslims. The spread of Islam in such a vast area of the world is definitely because of Prophet Mohammad but the contribution of Umar in progression of Islam to such a great extent cannot be overlooked. It was due to his incomparable leadership that many strong and centuries old non-Muslim empires came under the rule of Muslims. A famous Christian writer of Lebanon, Jurji Zaydan writes while admiring the victories, grandeur and majesty of Umar:
“In the golden era of Umar, he had victories over several countries. The despotic empires were demolished. Due to these victories, grand treasures of Persian and Roman Empires were laid under the feet of his soldiers. Even then Umar spent a very pious, simple and righteous life as a Caliph. He moulded himself according to the modern and ever-changing needs of the era. Therefore, no ruler could overlook his reforms in different fields. He used to address large public gatherings in his old and patched clothes. His actions always validated his words. The harmony in his words and actions captivated people and made him their favourite. He established the best code of conduct in his administration and army. He closely supervised his governors and generals and held them accountable. Even a great general like Khalid ibn Walid was not spared from the accountability of this pre-eminent ruler. He was honest, generous, impartial and kind towards everyone. Even the non-Muslims got beneficence from him.”
One of the European historians writes: “Umar got prominence not because of extensive victories and his unmatched majesty but due to his great humane character. Not only is he an acclaimed leader but also a representative of the high morals of Islam.”