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Indigence of Umar
understands the religious matters better than me.” Afterwards, Umar allowed to give mehr over four hundred dirhams if someone wished to or gift other valuables to women. One of the narrations also quote the following saying of Umar:
“O Allah! I am thankful to You that in the Muslim umma there exist such women who can hold Umar accountable for an erroneous order.”
Sa‟ib ibn Jubayr narrates that once Umar was patrolling at night and he heard a woman was reciting couplets about the distress in separation. After some time, the woman said,
“Umar will not know no matter how much misery I may go through. He does not know what agony I go through being far from my husband.” Hearing this melted Umar‟s heart.
Then he said, “May Allah have mercy on you.” He aided her financially and passed the order of sending soldiers home for vacation every six months.
Once Umar was addressing while on the pulpit and said, “O people listen to what I am telling you and obey me. ” He had just finished his first sentence, meanwhile a bedouin stood up and said in a very daring tone, “We will neither listen to you nor obey you.” Umar quickly stepped down from his pulpit and reached him to inquire, “What happened? Why do you neither want to listen to me nor obey me?” The bedouin once again replied boldly, “You espoused worldliness. You distributed one Yemeni shawl per head to everyone else, but you kept two for yourself.” Some narrations say it was a shirt stitched out of two shawls because Umar was very tall. On hearing this Umar asked, “Where is my son Abdullah?” “I am here!” Said Abdullah present in the crowd. Umar said, “Tell the people especially the complaining person about these shawls.” Abdullah replied, “One shawl belongs to the