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The Man of Divine Inspiration
“Halt O earth! Has Umar not maintained justice on you that you are shaking?” Immediately, the earthquake stopped. It is said that afterwards Madina was never hit with earthquake during the reign of Umar. Suyuti mentions in his book Tareekh al-Khulafa: In the year 17 AH, Umar expanded the Prophet‟s Mosque.
That year there was a drought in Hijaz. It was named the
Year of Cinders (Am al-Ramada). Umar prayed for rain by means of the Prophet‟s uncle Abbas. Ibn Sa‟d narrates from
Niyar al-Aslami that when Umar came out to pray for rain, he was wearing the cloak of the Holy Prophet. Ibn Awn narrates, “Umar took Abbas‟s hand and raised it up saying, „O Allah! We ask You by means of Your Prophet‟s uncle that drive away from us the drought and water us with rain‟.”
(Tareekh al-Khulafa p.140)
As soon as Umar finished the prayer, it started raining. These are some of the famous miracles of Umar. The world got the beneficence of Islam through Umar for ten years. His reign is famous for justice and fairness with people around the world.
The ultimate honour of Umar is to be an inspired person. It refers to the person with enlightened conscience upon whose inward Divine secrets that are not known to others are revealed by Allah. He then conveys them to others. In Majma al-Bihar, a lexicon of Hadith, it is written, “Inspired man is the one upon whom Allah discloses a secret, then he through the light of sagacity, conveys it to others. Only those are blessed with this rank whom Allah bestows.”
Abu Salama heard from Aisha bint Abi Bakr, who heard from Prophet Mohammad, “There had been inspired persons