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Generosity of Usman
me.” This is the matter between the lover and the beloved and a Divine sign for the seeker of Allah.
The title of Usman is Ghani, which means rich and generous. He was a wealthy man but he spent all his wealth in the way of Allah and His Prophet. Whenever Muslims or Islam faced tough time and needed financial help, Usman stepped forward and donated generously in the name of Allah. At the occasion of the Expedition of Tabuk, the Prophet urged his Companions to spend their wealth for this cause.
Abu Bakr Siddiq brought everything that was present in his house while Umar ibn Khattab brought half of what he owned. At that time Usman said, “I present a hundred laden camels.” When the Prophet persuaded more, Usman again got up and said, “I present another two hundred camels.”
The Prophet again persuaded upon which Usman said, “I give an additional three hundred camels.” The Prophet urged yet again for spending wealth for jihad in the way of Allah and for the fourth time Usman said, “I present another two hundred camels and a thousand gold coins.” On hearing this, the Prophet came down from his pedestal and was so pleased with Usman‟s unparalleled generosity that while rolling the coins in his hand, he said:
3747) یمذتر( مویلااذہدعبلمعامنامثعكضام
Meaning: “From today onwards, no action of Usman can
harm him.” (Tirmidhi 3701)
He then added, “O Usman! Allah has forgiven all your sins. The ones which you have already committed and the ones that you will commit.”
Once severe drought hit Madina that worried everyone.
Meanwhile, Usman received a thousand grain laden camels.
All the traders of Madina offered him much higher rates than the produce‟s value and tried to buy it but Usman refused to sell and said, “I am receiving even greater profit than this. I ask you all to be my witness that I donate all this produce to the „Fakirs of Madina‟ in the name of Allah.”
Abdullah ibn Abbas says that the same night he saw the
Prophet in dream. The Prophet was riding a white Turkish horse. He had donned a dress of light and was in a hurry to go somewhere. Abdullah asked, “O Prophet! May my parents be sacrificed upon you, I had an intense desire to behold you.” The Prophet said, “I am in a hurry right now because Usman has given a charity of thousand camels which Allah has accepted and as a reward he is being married to a houri of paradise and I have to attend the marriage.” Usman was the family member of the Holy Prophet as he was his son-in-law. Being an extremely modest man, after the death of Prophet Mohammad he carried out the responsibility of taking the honourable wives of the Prophet to hajj. He not only took them to hajj but also bore all their travel expenses.
This is yet another special honour that only he was blessed with.
When Prophet Mohammad migrated to Madina, he and his
Companions faced an extreme challenge of obtaining sweet water. At that time, there was only one well of sweet water in Madina named Bi‟r Roomah that was owned by a Jew who sold water at a high price of his own choice. Prophet
Mohammad said, “Whoever would buy that well and donate it in the way of Allah, will be awarded paradise.” Usman bought the well and donated it.